
  • 网络liyang;Liyang City
  1. 溧阳市胃癌前病变危险因素病例-对照研究

    A Case-Control Study on Risk Factors of Gastric Precancerous Lesions in Liyang City

  2. 2008年溧阳市部分铅作业人员健康状况调查

    Investigation on Health Condition among Workers Exposed to Lead in Liyang City in 2008

  3. 溧阳市城市空间形态设计引导

    A Guide to the Design of Liyang 's City Spatial Formation

  4. 溧阳市1999~2005年乙型病毒性肝炎流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Virus Hepatitis B from 1999 to 2005 in Liyang County

  5. 江苏省溧阳市小学生棘球蚴病血清流行病学调查

    Seroepidemiological Survey on Echinococcosis in Primary School Pupils of Liyang City of Jiangsu Province

  6. 溧阳市国家级生态示范区建设工作初探

    Preliminary Inquiry of Construction work of National Grade Ecological Demonstration District of Li Yang City

  7. 溧阳市1991~2004年血防灭螺工程质量与现状评估

    Evaluation on effectiveness of the 25 snail control projects from 1991 to 2004 in Liyang City

  8. 公司座落在山青水秀、投资环境优越的溧阳市天目湖工业园。

    The company is located in Tianmu Lake Industrial Park , which is with beautiful scenic and good for investment .

  9. 综述了溧阳市创建国家级生态示范区的背景、依据、基础条件、创建的目标和技术路线,介绍了示范区建设的内容和具有特点的生态经济发展模式。

    Basis ? basic term , establishing target and technical route of national grade ecological demonstration district established in Li Yang City are summarized . The construction contents of demonstration district and ecological economical development model with specialities are introduced .

  10. 本课题结合溧阳市行政效能监察电子化的过程中的实际情况,对县级政府如何在有限的条件下整合资源,推进行政效能监察电子化作简单的分析和思考。

    This topic unifies the Liyang administration potency supervision computerization in the process actual situation , how to the county level government under the limited condition the conformity resources , the advancement administration potency supervision computerization to make the simple analysis and the ponder .

  11. 金陵溧阳宾馆集团市本地区规模最大、实力最强、经营管理最成熟的酒店集团。

    Tianmu Lake Liyang Hotel Group is the first-class hotel group of its kind in local areas in terms of size , strength and management .