
tiān jǐng
  • courtyard;raise;atrium;skylight;small yard;raiserockhole
天井 [tiān jǐng]
  • (1) [raise]∶矿井中为连接某一工作地区和高一层另一工作地区而开凿的垂直或倾斜井或通道

  • (2) [courtyard]∶宅院中房子和房子或房子和围墙所围成的露天空地;院落

  • (3) [skylight]∶某些地区的旧式房屋为了采光而在房顶上开的洞

天井[tiān jǐng]
  1. 这家酒店,同时也是一种客栈,它有两扇门,一扇临街,另一扇通一个粪土混积的小天井。

    The entrance to this public house , which is also a sort of an inn , is by two doors : one opens on the street , the other upon a small yard filled with manure .

  2. 她坐在轮椅上在医院天井里的一棵树下。

    She 's in a wheelchair under a tree in the hospital courtyard .

  3. 这天井是用石板铺砌而成的

    The patio was made of stone slabs .

  4. 龙灯随着锣鼓声进来,停在二门外的大天井里

    The dragon dance troupe , beating drums and cymbals , entered the outer compound .

  5. 沿着狭窄的街道是拥挤的带有天井的房子,环绕着一个有正方形尖塔的清真寺

    Typically , houses with patios crowd along narrow streets around a mosque with a square minaret .

  6. 杂志还透露说,这位女演员与她身为精神病医生的女同伴侣在BlueHeron餐馆的天井举行了20分钟的婚礼仪式,而当天出席的客人仅为21名亲朋好友。

    The actress and Lara , a psychiatrist , wed on the patio of the Blue Heron restaurant , during a 20-minute ceremony attended by 21 guests .

  7. AT1200型斜天井钻机的研制与改进

    Development and improvement of model at 1200 incline raise borer

  8. TYZ系列天井钻机的研究及其应用

    A research and application of series TYZ raise boring machine

  9. TYZ型天井钻机的研究和应用

    Development and application of TYZ raise borer

  10. 朗皮峰啤酒公司(LumpyRidgeBrewingCompany)是一个15桶小型啤酒厂,有室内品尝室和天井,将于今年夏天成为首家开张的酒厂,其后还有两个烈酒厂和三家啤酒厂将于今年年底之前开张。

    Lumpy Ridge Brewing Company , a 15-barrel microbrewery with an indoor tasting room and outdoor patio , is the first scheduled to open this summer , with two distilleries and three more breweries to follow before the end of the year .

  11. KY-120型地下牙轮钻机系主要用于天井钻、扩深孔的设备。

    Model KY-120 underground rotary drill is an equipment mainly used to drill and ream longhole for raising .

  12. 本文详细地介绍了AT2000型天井钻机的基本结构、工作原理和工业试验情况。

    In this paper , the fundamental construction , working principle and in-situ experiment of Raise-Borer AT2000 are described in detail .

  13. 论述了应用microsoftexcel电子表格进行矿山测量资料管理及坐标计算的方法,以某采场天井罗盘点的坐标计算为例,说明了应用的具体过程。

    This paper discusses the method to apply Microsoft Excel electronic spreadsheet to information management of mine survey and the calculation method of coordinate . A specific course applied is explained by means of points of a box and needle of the quarry raise as an example .

  14. TYZ系列天井钻机在压钻导向孔和拉扩通风井、充填井或管道井等的作业中起着至关重要的作用。

    TYZ series raise borers play an important role in the operation of drilling pilot hole and reaming ventilation raise , fill raise or pipe pass etc.

  15. Kotumidula是许多老房子都建有的天井小院,坐在里面看完报纸后,我来到厨房。

    Having read the papers sitting in the kotu midula , the inside courtyard open to the sky found in many old houses , I went to the kitchen .

  16. 让天井废弃的柱础长出养眼的青苔

    Let the abandoned pillars of the patio get the eye-catching moss

  17. 天井钻机卡盘浮动量的计算

    The calculation of flotation value in the chuck of raise borer

  18. 天井吊罐运行中人员坠落事故的分析与预防

    Analysis and prevention on parson dropout in moving raise cage

  19. 特定条件下井帽天井马头门的施工

    Construction of Shaft Cap , Raise Shaft and Horsehead Under Special Conditions

  20. 三门峡地区天井窑院研究

    Research on the Patio and Kiln House in Sanmenxia District

  21. 关于徽州天井建筑空间设计的思考

    Thinking Inspiration of the Dooryard of Huizhou to Modern Architecture Space Design

  22. 地下空间天井环境研究

    A Study on the Environment of Atrium in Underground Space

  23. 木支天井在脉状矿体中的应用

    Application of Veinal Mineral in the Patio Underpropped with Wood

  24. 湘南民居中的天井空间研究

    A study on Patio Space of Local Dwelling in South Hunan Province

  25. 导孔偏斜时天井钻机钻杆的强度计算

    Strength calculation for raise borer drill rods under deviated pilot hole conditions

  26. 天井被雪装饰得那么美丽,那么纯洁。

    How beautiful the snow-covered garden was , how pure !

  27. 天井式建筑自古以来在我国建筑史上占有重要的地位。

    The building with atrium played an important role in China architecture .

  28. 球状药包深孔爆破掘进天井工艺的研究

    Study on deephole blasting raising technique with globular explosive

  29. 盲天井深孔爆破一次成井试验成功

    A Successful Experiment of Once Driving of Blind Raise with Deep Hole Blasting

  30. 软弱围岩中光面爆破掏槽孔方案研究深孔爆破法天井掘进

    Study of Method of Conducting Smooth Blasting in Weak and Soft Surrounding Rocks