
  • 网络Natural gas supply;liquified natural gas
  1. 对国际天然气供应安全做出的唯一最大贡献,应该是由欧盟(eu)创建一个竞争性的一体化天然气市场。

    The single biggest contribution to international gas supply security would be for the European Union to create a competitive , integrated gas market .

  2. 中国为扩大国内及进口天然气供应所采取的举措,时常会招致美国和欧盟(EU)的怀疑。

    China 's moves to expand its gas supplies , both domestic and imported , have often met with suspicion in the US and the EU .

  3. 欧洲天然气供应约有四分之一来自Gazprom。

    Gazprom meets about a quarter of Europe 's gas needs .

  4. 目前,LNG的生产、贸易已经成为影响世界天然气供应格局的一个重要因素。

    Now , production and trade of LNG has become an important factor that influence accommodate pattern of natural gas ( in the world ) .

  5. 在德国,商界领导人恳请总理安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)不要影响他们有利可图的出口,或者促使俄罗斯切断天然气供应。

    In Germany , business leaders implore Angela Merkel , the chancellor , not to threaten lucrative exports or invite interruption of Russian gas supplies .

  6. Gazprom可以增加对欧洲的管道天然气供应量,这样原定运往欧洲的液化天然气船就可改道日本。

    Gazprom could increase its pipeline gas supplies to Europe , so LNG cargoes destined for Europe could be redirected to Japan .

  7. 首先,特别是在欧洲,天然气供应合同比如从俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)到德国是与油价挂钩的。

    First , in Europe in particular , gas supply contracts for instance from Gazprom into Germany are tied to the oil price .

  8. 国际能源机构(iea)表示,全球面临天然气供应过剩,这将迫使美国放弃新建液化气接收站的计划,并封存相当大部分现有接收能力。

    The world faces a glut of natural gas that will force the us to scrap plans for new import terminals and mothball much of its existing capacity , the International Energy Agency says .

  9. 在目前上海地区天然气供应气源仅为单一的东海天然气的情况下,确实需要有一个SNG生产厂作为备用气源来保证天然气的供应。

    So far the only NG resource in Shanghai is from the East Sea , aSNG factory is really in need as a standby NG resource .

  10. 乌克兰官方并未立刻对这一消息予以公开回应。不过乌克兰总理周五曾要求政府做好天然气供应被切断的准备,并要求一旦与Gazprom的价格谈判失败,就向斯德哥尔摩仲裁法庭发起诉讼。

    There was no immediate public response from officials in Ukraine , where the prime minister on Friday ordered government to prepare for a natural gas cut-off and to initiate a Stockholm arbitration tribunal if price negotiations with Gazprom failed .

  11. “水力压裂法”(hydrofracking)这类新技术使得人们可以生产更多的汽油,与此同时,天然气供应量也在不断增长,使压缩天然气对车队用户来说更富吸引力。

    New technologies like hydrofracking are expanding the availability of oil , while supplies of natural gas keep growing , making compressed natural gas more attractive to fleet users .

  12. 同样的生产技术还给美国带来了充足的天然气供应,使美国天然气价格降低至每百万英制热量单位(mbtu)3.40美元,远低于2008年逾13美元的峰值。

    The same production techniques have also unlocked abundant supplies of gas , driving us prices down to just $ 3.40 per million British thermal units , compared to a peak in 2008 of over $ 13 .

  13. 小城镇天然气供应模式分析

    Analysis on Supply Patterns of Natural Gas in Small Towns

  14. 压缩天然气供应若干问题的分析

    Analysis of Several Problems About Supply of Compressed Natural Gas

  15. 新疆天然气供应短缺。

    In Xinjiang , natural gas is in short supply .

  16. 轻油制气在天然气供应中的运行方式

    Operation of Existing Light Oil Gas-making in Natural Gas Supply

  17. 强调市场自由化对天然气供应安全的重要性;

    Emphasis market liberalization on the importance of natural gas supply security ;

  18. 北京市天然气供应安全保障系统的建设

    Construction of Beijing Safety Guarantee System for Natural Gas Supply

  19. 这一过程为正在减少中的天然气供应提供了另外的来源。

    It offers an alternative to the dwindling supplies of natural gas .

  20. 目前,煤层气距离成为天然气供应的主要来源还有很远一段距离。

    CBM is still far from providing another major source of gas supply .

  21. 我们是否会由于我们的天然气供应而在经济上得救?

    Are we going to be saved economically by our natural gas supplies ?

  22. 俄罗斯切断对乌克兰的天然气供应。

    January : Russia blocks gas supplies to Ukraine .

  23. 城市天然气供应系统的可靠性分析模型研究

    The reliability model on city natural gas supplying system

  24. 英国天然气供应方式对我们的启示

    Gas Supply Solution in Britain and Its Enlightenment

  25. 俄罗斯还是欧洲大部分地区的主要天然气供应国。

    It is also the primary source of natural gas to much of Europe .

  26. 亚洲买家寻找替代天然气供应来源的动力比以往任何时候都强。

    The incentive for Asian buyers to seek alternative gas supplies is stronger than ever .

  27. 新的钻探技术从页岩中释放出以前无法获取的大规模天然气供应。

    New drilling techniques have unlocked vast , previously inaccessible gas supplies in shale rocks .

  28. 其他国家应该支持中国为增加天然气供应所付出的努力。

    Other countries should be supportive of China 's attempts to increase its gas supplies .

  29. 天然气供应安全和使用安全是天然气战略的核心问题。

    Security in natural gas supply and utilization is the key point of natural gas strategy .

  30. 天然气供应国数量的不断减少,可能会鼓励“天然气欧佩克”的问世。

    The dwindling number of supplier nations could encourage the formation of an OPEC of gas .