
  • 网络Anfu county
  1. 本文报告了对安福县100名15岁以下人群采用ELISA法检测血清脊髓灰质炎(下称脊灰)IgG抗体,结果各型抗体阳性率均达100%,各型GmT(几何平均滴度)分别为Ⅰ型1:1058.88;

    This paper reports typel - 3 poliovirus IgG antibody assayed by ELISA in Anfu county . The result Shows that the antibody positive rate of various types were 100 % . The titer of the antibody was assayed by the experiment of agarose biphasic diffusion .

  2. 安福县可持续发展区域内部空间划分研究

    A Study on the Regional Division of Sustainable Development of Anfu County

  3. 安福县湿地松资源及其松节油成分分析

    Analysis of Resource of Pinus elliottii and Content of Its Turpentine Oil in Anfu County

  4. 江西省安福县实施结核病控制项目5年效果分析

    Analysis of implementation of tuberculosis control project for 5 years in Anfu county , Jiangxi province

  5. 林业对国民经济发展的贡献&以江西省安福县为例

    Contributions of Forestry to the Development of National Economic & In the Case of Anfu County in Jiangxi Province as an Example