
  • 网络industrial dust;industry dust
  1. 本文还将化学质量受体平衡(CMB)模型纳入AP值模型,形成APCMB模型,用以测算烟尘和工业粉尘的区域允排量并将其分配到源。

    In the paper , an A-P-CMB model is formed with chemical mass receptor balance model bringing into A-P value model to estimate the total quantity of fume and industrial dust in the zone and distribute it to the source .

  2. 由于制酸冶炼烟气含有大量的工业粉尘及各种重金属离子,在制酸过程中排放的废水具有酸度高而使中和处理困难、SS及重金属离子含量高难以循环利用。

    Since there are so many industrial dust and all kinds of heavy metal irons in smelting gas of acid making , the wastewater is always of high acidity and multi-hazardous substances which is emitted by the production process of the sulfate .

  3. 工业粉尘排放量990.6万吨。

    The amount of the industrial dust is 9.9006 million tons .

  4. 木材工业粉尘污染控制存在的问题与发展趋势

    Lumber Industry Dust Contamination Control Existence Question And Development Tendency

  5. 工业粉尘颗粒密度的标准测量方法初探

    A Preliminary Study of Standard Measuring Methol of Industrial Dust Particle Density

  6. 可碰并工业粉尘粒子的空间浓度分布研究

    Research on the spatial concentration distribution of coagulable industrial particles

  7. 工业粉尘中游离二氧化硅及总硅量之测定

    Methods of Determining Total Silica and Quartz in Industrial Dusts

  8. 工业粉尘爆炸抑制技术研究现状及存在的问题

    Present Study Status of Industrial Dust Explosion Suppression Techniques and Existent Problems

  9. 气体用于工业粉尘的过滤回收。

    GAS : industrial dust filtration and product recovery .

  10. 铁合金行业工业粉尘无组织排放问题探讨

    Discussions on Non-stack Discharge of Industrial Dust in the Process of Ferroalloy Production

  11. 硼工业粉尘污染特征的研究

    Study on Pollution Characteristics of Boron Industrial Dust

  12. 我国木材工业粉尘污染的控制现状与进展(续)

    Situation and Progress of Wood Dust Control in China 's Wood Industry ( Continued )

  13. 经多年的研究开发,水泥工业粉尘治理技术得到了快速发展。

    Dust treatment technology of cement industry has been greatly developed through many years of study .

  14. 新的工业粉尘可以动物实验结果作为制订粉尘容许浓度的根据。

    MAC of new industrial dust might be laid down according to the results of animal experiment .

  15. 导管泄放技术的研究对工业粉尘爆炸防护有着重要的意义。

    Studies on ducted venting of dust explosion have a significance for the industrial dust explosion protection .

  16. 工业粉尘污染是安全生产和环境保护的瓶颈问题。

    Industry dust pollution has become one of the main obstacles for the safety production and environmental protection .

  17. 为了减少工业粉尘的污染,发展和改进电除尘器具有积极的意义。

    In order to reduce pollution of industry dust , develop and improve electrostatic precipitation have positive significance .

  18. 其主要污染源为工业粉尘、烟尘,机动车排放的尾气,建筑施工及道路交通产生的尘污染。

    Its main pollution sources were industrial dust , smoke dust , exhaust emission and construction and traffic dust .

  19. 山西省又在此基础上结合实际,增加了烟尘和工业粉尘两种作为地方性总量控制的指标,要完成这一系列指标,对山西而言,也将面临着巨大的考验和压力。

    To be more practical , Shanxi Province also adds fume and industrial dust as indicators for local control total .

  20. 开展采用导管泄放铝粉爆炸的研究对于工业粉尘爆炸的安全防护有重要意义。

    There is an important practical significance to research the venting of aluminum explosion with pipe for the venting and safety protection .

  21. 第四,目前技术水平的提高对二氧化硫的排放起到抑制的作用,而与烟尘和工业粉尘的排放呈正相关。

    Forth , Raising the level of current technology can curb SO2 emissions , and show positively correlated with the smoke and industrial dust emissions .

  22. 袋式除尘器是治理由工业粉尘引起的大气污染的高效除尘设备,节点是除尘器传递内力的重要部件。

    Bag filter is a high-performance equipment to control the air pollution caused by industrial dust , and the connection joint is very important to transfer the force .

  23. 根据个旧地区的地理环境、气象条件及工业粉尘情况,确定个旧地区土壤中铅、砷污染模式为大气污染型。

    According to geographic environment , meteorological condition and industrial dust , lead and arsenic pollution model of the Gejiu area 's soil is defined as atmospheric pollution type .

  24. 伴随着我国工业化进程的加快,工业粉尘的排放也日趋增多,由粉尘污染导致的环境问题也越来越严重。

    With the acceleration of Chinese industrialization , industrial dust emissions also increase day by day , the environmental problems caused by the dust pollution are more and more serious .

  25. 随着经济的飞速发展,工业粉尘的排放量日益增加,对环境的危害越来越严重,对人体健康的威胁也越来越大。

    With the development of economic , the emission of industrial exhaust gas has been increased , which has destroyed the environment and threaten people 's heath more and more seriously .

  26. 静电除尘器因其除尘效率高、能耗低、处理烟气量大等优点,在工业粉尘治理方面起着十分重要的作用。

    Electrostatic Precipitator plays an extremely important role in industrial dust control because of its advantages such as higher efficiency , lower energy consumption , greater amount of processing gas and so on .

  27. 从中国木材工业粉尘污染控制现状存在的问题入手,分析了木材工业企业粉尘污染的原因,提出了控制粉尘污染的措施及发展趋势。

    From our country lumber industry dust contamination control present situation existence question , has analyzed the lumber industrial enterprise dust pollution reason , proposed the control dust pollution measure and the development tendency .

  28. 针对粉尘的爆炸机理及影响粉尘爆炸的因素,采取了限制工业粉尘环境及煤矿井下的粉尘浓度以及采用粉尘防爆电气设备等防爆措施。

    To counter explosion mechanism and influence factor of dust , the measures such as limiting the concentration of dust in industry environment and coal mine and using the dust-ignition-proof electrical apparatus should be applied .

  29. 当今社会由于生产规模的不断扩大而导致环境污染日益加剧,其中尤以工业粉尘的排放污染对环境造成的恶劣影响更为突出;如何减小其影响是值得探讨的一个重要课题。

    With the larger production scale , the environmental pollution is increasingly growing , in which the emission from industrial dust is more severe . How to decrease its influence is a very important topic .

  30. 静电除尘器在减少工业粉尘的排放量、降低大气环境污染、保护生态环境和人体健康等方面发挥着重要作用。

    The electrostatic precipitator ( ESP ) plays an important role in many areas , such as reduction of industrial dust emissions , reduction in air pollution , protection of ecological environment , and the protection of human health .