
  • 网络Industrial structure
  1. 我国工业结构变动在加入WTO后面临的综合性影响

    An Analysis of Comprehensive Influence on China 's Industrial Structure Change After WTO Accession

  2. 加入WTO后我国工业结构的变动趋势及政策研究

    On the Changing Trend of China 's Industrial Structure and It 's Policy after WTO Accession

  3. 这种差异均在人均GDP、工业结构、产业结构、就业结构等方面得到了验证。

    Suchfacts could all be learnt from Per Capita GDP , the structure of industry and employment .

  4. 通过回归线分析,我们发现在人口密度、气候、地理、人均GDP以及工业结构(中国的情况)之间并不存在显著相关。

    Running regression analyses , we find no significant relationship between population density , climate , geography , per capita GDP , or ( in the case of China ) industrial composition .

  5. 平顶山市工业结构优化发展的战略思考

    Strategic Ideas of the Optimized Industrial Structure Development of Pingdingshan City

  6. 新世纪浙江工业结构的调整

    The adjustment of industrial structrue in Zhejiang Province in New Century

  7. 湛江工业结构的调整方向

    The Direction of Adjustment in the Industrial Structures of Zhanjiang City

  8. 吉林省轻工业结构调整对策的研究

    The Research of Resource on Light Industrial Structure Regulation of Jilin Province

  9. 制定合理的产业政策,推动城乡工业结构调整。

    We also should make rational policy , and regulate industrial structure .

  10. 我国区域工业结构演变的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis of Evolution of Our Regional Industrial Structures

  11. 城市工业结构与工业生产率比较研究

    A comparative study of municipal industrial structure and industrial productivity

  12. 西部大开发中甘肃工业结构的调整思路和对策

    Thought And Countermeasure For The Adjustment Of Gansu ′ s Industrial Constructure

  13. 对江西省钢铁工业结构调整的几点思考

    Thinking About Structure Adjustment of Jiangxi Iron and Steel Industry

  14. 芜湖市工业结构演化与工业化进程研究

    Evolvement of Industry Structure and Analysis of Industrialization Course in Wuhu City

  15. 广东省工业结构分析

    Analysis on the benefit and competitive ability of industry in Guangdong Province

  16. 继续抓紧搞好我国炼油工业结构调整

    Working further on Structural Adjustment of China 's Refining Industry

  17. 中国食品工业结构调整和农业产业化

    Structure adjustment of food Industry and agricultural industrialization in China

  18. 发展先进制造业,推进工业结构的优化升级;

    Developing advanced manufactur industry , optimizing and upgrading the industrial structure ;

  19. 合理的工业结构是区域工业经济健康发展的前提。

    Rational industrial structure promises the regional economy developing healthily .

  20. 西部工业结构调整问题研究

    Research into the Adjusting of Industrial Structure in Western China

  21. 航空工业结构调整包括企业结构调整和产业结构调整。

    Aviation industry structure adjustment includes enterprise structure adjustment and industry structure adjustment .

  22. 依靠地方力量进行水泥工业结构调整

    Structure adjustment in cement industry by local economic capability

  23. 工业结构的演变在城市边缘区发展过程中极为显著。

    The industry structure evolvement is prominent in the development of urban fringe .

  24. 湖南工业结构及其工业化水平研究

    A study on the industrial structure and standard of industrialization of Hunan Province

  25. 台湾汽车工业结构及其产业政策分析

    The Industrial Structure of Taiwan Auto Industry and Analysis on its Industrial Policy

  26. 福建工业结构竞争力及战略研究

    Research on the Competitive Power of Industrial Structure and Its Strategy in Fujian

  27. 信息战对国防工业结构的特殊要求

    Information warfare sets special requirements on defense industrial structure

  28. 关于加快南京市工业结构调整的建议

    The Reformation Proposition for the Structure of Nanjing Industry

  29. 美国钢铁工业结构调整及世界主要钢材产品最新价格行情分析

    Structure adjustment of US steel industry with an analysis of world steel market

  30. 本文探讨了航空工业结构调整的目标和步骤。

    The paper presents the aims and steps of aviation industry structure adjustment .