
  • 网络BBA;bachelor of business administration;BSBA;B.B.A.;Business Administration
  1. 工商管理学学士(信息科技)课程由经济及工商管理学院与工程学院合办:毕业生可同时获颁发工商管理学士学位及工学学士(计算器科学)学位。

    For BBA ( IS )( offered jointly by the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Engineering ): Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science degree ;

  2. C:我获得了工商管理学士学位。

    C : Yes , I received a Bachelor of Business Administration .

  3. 学历:北京商学院,1990年7月获工商管理学士学位。1984年至199O年在北京一百二十六中学读书。特别技能:计算机语言:BASIC外语:日语中等水平、英语极好。

    Education : Beijing College of Commerce , B.B.A. , July 1990 ; Beijing No.126 Middle School , 1984 - 1990 Special Skills : Computer language : BASIC Foreign languages : Intermediate Japanese and excellent English .

  4. 工商管理学士(中文)〔香港公开大学〕

    Bachelor of Business Administration ( Chinese ) [ Open University of Hong Kong ]

  5. 机械、工业工程、工商管理学士或硕士学历,有生产及物流相关经验;

    Master or Bachelor degree in Mechanical , Industrial Engineering or Business Administration with the experience on production and logistics ;

  6. 张梓琳毕业于北京科技大学,并获得工商管理学学士学位,现在在一家公司做文秘。

    She attended the University of Science & Technology and attained a Degree in Business Administration , and is now working as a company secretary .

  7. 后来舒尔茨被北密歇根大学录取,并且获得了体育奖学金。1975年,他获得了工商管理学学士学位,由此也成为家里第一位大学生。

    He was awarded an athletic scholarship to Northern Michigan University , and earned a degree in business administration in 1975 , which made him the first person in his family to graduate from college .

  8. 我的专业是物理,同时辅修工商管理第二学士学位!

    My major is physics and and my minor is MBA .

  9. 吴先生持有巴斯大学工商管理学,英国学士学位。

    Edmond holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Bath , UK .

  10. 她拥有康奈尔大学市场营销与统计学博士、工商管理硕士和心理学学士学位。

    D.in Marketing and Statistics , a Master of Science in Business Administration , and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Cornell University .

  11. 科大的理学院、工学院和工商管理学院均开办学士、硕士和博士学位课程,而人文社会科学学院则开设研究生课程,并为各学院的本科生提供通识教育。

    Its schools of science , engineering and business and management offer bachelor , master and doctoral degree programmes while its school of Humanities and social science offers postgraduate programmes and provides general education for all undergraduates .

  12. 工商管理学科演进与前沿热点的可视化分析工商管理荣誉学士〔香港科技大学〕

    Visual Analysis of the Evolution and Research Fronts of Business Management Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours [ Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ]