
chénɡ shì zuò zhàn
  • Urban warfare;urban campaign
  1. 建立步兵分队城市作战效能评估指标体系,给出了指标因素的无量纲化方法,并用AHP方法确定了指标的权重,建立了基于灰色关联分析的效能评估模型。

    First , the complex index system is built and the dimensionless method of index factors is provided . By using method of AHP , the weighted coefficients of the factors are achieved . So the effectiveness evaluation model based on grey incidence analysis is established .

  2. 城市作战对军人体能的特殊需求及对策研究

    The Special Needs and Countermeasures of Physical Fitness in Urban Combat

  3. 步兵分队城市作战效能分析与模糊综合评价

    Operational Effectiveness Analysis and Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation of Infantry Unit in MOUT

  4. 陆军分队城市作战行动的概念建模

    Military conceptual model of operations by small ground units in a city

  5. 小分队城市作战想定编辑系统设计研究

    Design Research of Small Army Combat Scenario Edit System on Urban Environment

  6. 现代条件下的城市作战,对士兵体质提出了更高的要求。

    Under modern city conflict condition , the soldiers need a better physique .

  7. 城市作战仿真中智能虚拟士兵感知模型研究

    Perception Modeling of Virtual Soldier for MOUT Simulations

  8. 步兵在城市作战中将占主导地位。

    Infantry will dominate in urban warfare .

  9. 城市作战作为一种特殊的作战方式,在现代及未来战争中有举足轻重的地位。

    The urban combat as a kind of special battle style having the prominent position in modern and future war .

  10. 在城市作战仿真研究中,智能虚拟士兵的自主感知功能是士兵行为建模基础。

    Perception modeling is an important part of behaviors modeling of virtual soldier for Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain ( MOUT ) Simulations .

  11. 如果我们接受孙子的错误建议,我们将继续用基于避免的进攻战术条令不情愿进行城市作战。

    If we take Sun Tzu 's bad advice , we will continue to conduct urban operations reluctantly , using an avoidance-based doctrine of assault tactics .

  12. 步兵分队城市作战效能的诸因素评估指标体系,运用层次分析法确定各效能指标权重系数。

    The complex evaluation index system of operational effectiveness of infantry unit in MOUT is built , and the effectiveness index weights are achieved with AHP method .

  13. 城市作战的研究已经成为现代战争的重要课题,也是我国维护国家主权和领土完整的客观需要。

    The research of the urban operation has already become the important topic of the modern war , is also the objective demand that our country supports the national sovereignty and territorial integrity .

  14. 它被设计成能从窗户投入,并在室内行走,装备有一台视频相机,该系统由一个手持单元控制,在城市作战中用于侦察部队前进方向上的陷阱和埋伏。

    Designed to be tossed into windows and through doorways , and equipped with a video camera , the system is controlled by a handheld unit to scout ahead for booby traps and ambushes in urban operations .

  15. 采用模糊综合评价方法将子效能加权聚合成装备体系效能,其要素包括测评因素集、评判集及因素集与评判集间的模糊关系矩阵,由此实现步兵分队城市作战效能的定量化评估。

    The sub-effectiveness value is combined into the whole equipment system operational effectiveness with Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation method . The core of Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation method consists of three parts : evaluation factor set , evaluation set and fuzzy relationship matrix .

  16. 以城市作战特征为切入点,分析城市作战对军人体能的特殊需求,并针对性地提出了一系列体能训练对策,为提高部队未来城市作战能力提供理论参考。

    This paper analyzed the special need of soldier 's physical fitness in urban combat through the characteristics of the urban combat , and propose some correspond countermeasures in order to provide theory inference to increase the capcity of the urban combat .

  17. 以目标价值作为衡量各种目标重要性的基本尺度,结合实际作战想定,分析了小分队城市作战目标的价值得分,为指挥员决策提供依据,达到优化作战资源的目的。

    It takes target value as basic scale that measures target importance , and target value marks is computed according with actual combat scenarios on urban environment . And the result is viewed as reference for commander decision and the objective of optimizing operation resource is realized .

  18. 城市防空作战目标威胁评估排序模型,利用多属性决策(MADM)理论建立。

    The target threat evaluating and arraying model of city air defense was established based on MADM .

  19. 城市防空作战军需保障研究

    A study of military supplies support in the anti-air battles

  20. 敌空袭威胁分析是研究城市防空作战的主要内容,而准确判断敌空袭威胁度是城市防空作战争取主动的前提。

    The analyse of the enemy air-raid menace degree is a main content to research on city air defence operation .

  21. 任何车辆在城市地形作战中的唯一出路是与友军步兵同步协同。

    The only way for any vehicle to survive in a MOUT environment is via the coordinated support of friendly infantry forces .

  22. 随着新军事变革的蓬勃兴起,城市防空作战理论研究已成为近年来诸多领域研究的热点问题。

    With the rapid rise of revolution in military affairs , urban air defense operations theoretical research has become a hot issue in many fields recent years .

  23. 岛上城市进攻作战是一场对坚固防御之敌实施的联合作战行动,是我军未来军事行动的重要作战任务;

    The island city attack warfare is a joint operation facing the enemies hiding in the solid defense works , thus it will be a vital mission in our future war .

  24. 未来城市防空作战中交通运输保障工作的地位十分显要,但面临的形势也相当严峻。

    Despite the fact that the work of traffic and transportation guarantee has an important part to play in the future municipal anti-aircraft combat , it also faces a very hard and complex situation .

  25. 城市基本作战性能分析是研究城市对部队基本战斗动作和武器装备运用的影响特性,是城市作战理论的重要组成部分。

    The analysis of urban basic operation capability is the research of influence characteristic of basic combat-action and the use of weapon and equip in urban area . It is also important part of urban operation theory .

  26. 战场管理是军队管理的重要组成部分和作战指挥的重要内容,未来岛上城市进攻作战陆战主力部队是摩托化步兵师。

    The battlefield management constitutes the dominant part of the troops management and the major contents for commanding a battle . In the future the main army force to louch the offensive against the city in island is Motorized Infantry Division .

  27. 三维城市基本作战性能分析,这是论文的重点和核心,包括城市对机动与通行,观察与射击,隐蔽、伪装与防护的影响分析,及炸点分析和道路控制区域分析等等;

    Urban basic operation capability analysis , this is the most important part of the thesis , including influence analysis of smart moving , observing , shooting , concealing , camouflaging , defending , and exploding analysis , road control region analysis etc.

  28. 就濒海大城市反空袭作战中GPS干扰无人机的作用、使用原则、方法、指挥与协同等问题进行了研究。

    This paper researches on many problems about effects , principle and methods of employ , commands and coordination of GPS jamming UAV about anti-air attack battle in coastal large cities .

  29. 对城市反空袭作战地方经济动员的思考

    Thinking of the city economic mobilization in the anti-air attack

  30. 今天参加城市近距离作战的士兵和海军陆战队队员们与他们的前辈比起来需要更多的时间来发展到作战效率的顶点。

    Today 's close-combat soldiers or Marines need more time to develop to peak fighting efficiency than their predecessors did .