
  • 网络The Art of Building Cities
  1. 它的主要组成因素有:自然景观、城市建筑艺术、人文景观、环境气氛美和社会服务好。

    Its basic factors are nature landscape , city architecture art , artificial landscape , environmentalatmosphere and social service , ect .

  2. 对城区中的重要节点地段精心打造,以利于城市整体建筑艺术风貌的形成和历史名城地位的形成与提升。

    Excessive modifying for important parts of city will benefit integral architecture art 's shape and upgrading of history region .

  3. 城市雕塑与建筑艺术的互动与互补

    Interaction and Complementation between Urban sculpture and Architectural Art

  4. 江淮明珠&合肥城市空间布局及建筑艺术特色

    Urban Space Layout and Features of Architectural Art in Hefei

  5. 而位于巴塞罗那最著名大道上的兰布拉斯酒店所具有的精致立面反映了这座加泰罗尼亚城市丰富多彩的建筑艺术。

    The intricate facade of the Hotel LasRamblas on Barcelona 's most iconic boulevard is reflective of the colourfularchitecture on display in the Catalan city .

  6. 它对研究东西方文化交流,丝绸之路历史,中亚文明史,中国古代城市建筑、宗教、艺术等具有重大科学价值;

    It has performed very important and scientific function in Cultural exchange between west and east , history of the Silk Road , history of Middle Asia Civilization , urban architecture , religion and arts ;

  7. 当时巴黎不单是一座美丽的城市而已,而且还是清一色建筑风格的城市,是中世纪建筑艺术和中世纪历史的产物,是一部岩石的编年史。

    It was not then merely a handsome city ; it was a homogeneous city , an architectural and historical product of the middle ages , a chronicle in stone .