
chénɡ shì ɡǎi zào
  • urban renewal
  1. 论城市改造中传统建筑与现代建筑的结合

    Combination of the Traditional Architecture and the Modern Architecture in the Urban Renewal

  2. 城市改造和规划工作队

    Working Party on Urban Renewal and Planning

  3. 分析了GIS在城市改造建设中的应用并列举实例。

    The application of GIS in city reconstruction is analysed and examples are presented .

  4. GIS在城市改造建设中的应用

    Application of GIS in City Reconstruction

  5. 建筑物整体平移技术在城市改造中的应用

    The application of monolithic removal technique of building in urban adaptation

  6. 绍兴城市改造综合分析与设计方法

    Comprehensive Analysis and Design Method of Urban Reconstruction in Shaoxing

  7. 此标准也是广州城市改造计划的一部分。

    The standard is part of Guangzhou 's new urban redevelopment plan .

  8. 更新度&城市改造的合理性思考

    Regeneration Degree : Study on Rationality in Urban Regeneration

  9. 点评:伯明翰城市改造远远没有画上句号。

    Comment on : Birmingham city far not ends .

  10. 是适合城市改造和建设的新一代高压电器产品。

    It is a new ligh voltage apparatus product for city transformation and construction .

  11. 城市改造与城市交通问题探讨

    Discussion about city reconstruction and city transportation problem

  12. 土地产权问题是城市改造的核心难题之一。

    The land property rights may be one of the most difficult problems in urban renewal .

  13. 城市改造与广场建设

    City reforms and square developments

  14. 甚至随着日新月异的工业布局调整和城市改造建设,正在逐渐被蚕食、拆毁导致迅速消失。

    Even with the rapid transformation of industrial layout adjustment , is being gradually eroded , quickly disappeared .

  15. 府南河整治工程是成都市20世纪最大的一项城市改造建设和环保工程。

    The Project of Renovating Funan River is the largest construction and environmental protection project of the City of Chengdu .

  16. 其丰富的实践内容,为当代世界范围内城市改造和更新运动提供了丰富的样板和经验。

    With wealth of practice , Barcelona provides rich templates and experience for the contemporary worldwide urban rehabilitation and upgrading .

  17. 城市改造及文化中心、图书馆、河畔公园、车站、广场,夸拉塔,意大利

    Urban renewal and cultural centre , library , riverside park , bus station , plaza , quarrata , italy , 2004

  18. 随着中国都市化脚步的加快,西方建筑师纷纷参与中国的城市改造工作。

    Admist China 's fast urbanization , Western architects have been flocking to the country to play a part in reshaping our cities'skylines .

  19. 布林是伯明翰城市改造的一座里程碑,标志着一个工业化城市转变成以服务业为龙头的非工业化城市。

    Sergey was a milestone in Birmingham city , marks an industrialized city into a service for the leading to the industrialized city .

  20. 历史文化保护区在城市改造中应注意保留街区的人文色彩。

    In process of urban reform , it should be paying more attention to preserve the human features of the Historical Cultural Preservation Areas .

  21. 上海的城市改造自上世纪九十年代,开始进入大规模城市布局和产业结构调整的阶段。

    Since the 1990s , the urban redevelopment in Shanghai has begun to enter the stage of large-scale urban layout and industrial structure adjustment .

  22. 作为这个城市改造它的公共供给住房的庞大计划的一部分,芝加哥的十个地点将会重建为多收入阶层混合居住式街区。

    Ten sites in Chicago are being reborn as mixed-income communities , part of the city 's big plan to transform its public housing .

  23. 然而,伴随着城市改造和经济利益的驱动,很多记忆遗产正在悄然地老化、损毁和消失。

    However , with the urban redevelopment and the westernized concept of people , many memory heritages are quietly aging , damaged and disappeared .

  24. 近年来,随着大规模的城市改造,历史街区的保护日益受到社会各界的重视。

    In recent years , with the massive renewal of urbanization , the preservation and development of historical district is increasingly emphasized in the community .

  25. 对公路、铁路、城市改造、既有线大跨径顶进施工有一定指导意义。

    These have certain guiding significance for the construction of big span goring advance in highway , railway , city transform and already have lines .

  26. 对外经济开放地区现有的不合理布局,应当结合城市改造、工业调整逐步加以解决。

    The existing irrational distribution of the economic zones open to the outside world shall be rectified gradually in conjunction with urban reform and industrial readjustment .

  27. 从上个世纪末开始,我国进入了一个城市改造和城市建设的高峰期,城市面貌发生了巨大变化。

    Since the end of last century , our country enters a fastigium of cities ' rebuilding and cities ' establishment , the cities changed more .

  28. 本文介绍了荷兰阿姆斯特丹码头的改造,特别分析了低层高密度住宅的特点及其在城市改造中的发展潜力。

    This article introduced the Dutch Amsterdam wharf transformation . It has specially analyzed the low high-density housing characteristic and its development potential in the urban reconstruction .

  29. 本研究旨在针对传统商业街区的城市改造问题,探索与其发展相协调的设计导则,以控制城市改造过程中的无序的建设行为。

    The thesis aims at the urban reformation of traditional commercial blocks and quest for the design guidelines assorting with it in order to control the out-of-order actions .

  30. 单位型社区随着城市改造和经济的发展,其公共服务较单位制时期发生了很多变化。

    With the transformation of the city and the development of economy , the public service of Unit-based community changed great a lot from that of unity period .