
  • 网络city landmarks;Urban Landmark
  1. 城市地标的类型众多、影响范围广泛,对城市具有多方面的作用,对其进行深入研究具有极为广阔的前景。

    Although the type of city landmarks , the impact of a wide range , but its role in many cities there are very broad prospects .

  2. 其次,要更明确人文景观规划建设的目的,是树立城市地标,维护景观多样化,还是增加城市景观功能。

    Second , we must more clearly the purpose of planning and construction of cultural landscape is set up city landmarks , maintaining landscape diversity , or increase the function of the urban landscape .

  3. 第二章:旅游城市地标的形成及发展演变。

    Chapter ⅱ: the formation and evolution of tourism city landmark .

  4. 此外,还挑选了具有代表意义的城市地标系统作一定分析。

    Besides , it selects some representative landmark system to analyze .

  5. 第三章:旅游城市地标的三度审美解读。

    Chapter ⅲ: three levels aesthetic interpretation of tourism city landmark .

  6. 城市地标系统的历史演进及其优化探索

    The History Development of City - Landmark - System and Its Optimizing

  7. 历史建筑是城市地标。

    The historic building is the landmark of a city .

  8. 第四章:旅游城市地标的设计和布局。

    Chapter ⅳ: design and layout of tourism city landmark .

  9. 关于上海城市地标性植物群落建设的思考

    Consideration on the construction of urban " land-mark " plant community in Shanghai

  10. 概括了旅游城市地标的几个特征及其作用。

    Firstly , summarizes several characteristics of tourism city landmark and its roles .

  11. 重点界定了旅游城市地标的概念。

    The concept of tourism city landmark is given .

  12. 城市地标设计与城市旅游发展

    E City Urban landmark designing and urban tourism development

  13. 本文从旅游者审美的角度对旅游城市地标进行研究。

    The paper researches on tourism city landmark from the aesthetic point of tourists .

  14. 城市地标系统规划的空间层次研究&以武汉城市为例

    Space Hierarchical Structures of Urban Landmark System Planning : Taking Wuhan City as the Example

  15. 城市地标建筑审美特征级区系统建立在一个相对稳定的审美系统基础上。

    Aesthetic characteristics of city landmark class-area system based on a relatively stable system based on the aesthetic .

  16. 该章节首先阐述了城市地标建筑审美特征区的概念以及三种常见的划区方式。

    The first chapter describes the aesthetic features of city landmark Category concept and the zoning of three common ways .

  17. 首先,界定提炼了旅游城市地标的概念,在此基础上,分析了旅游城市地标的形成机制和发展演变过程。

    First , this paper defines the concept of tourism city landmark and analyzes its formation mechanism and evolution process .

  18. 约翰‧利奇菲尔德就这起花了3.5亿英镑翻新以恢复这个城市地标的事件作出了报告。作者:约翰·利奇菲尔德2014年7月25日于巴黎

    John Lichfield reports on a £ 350m facelift to restore the city landmark JOHN LICHFIELD PARIS Friday 25 July 2014

  19. 西部城市地标建设的基本方法与途径&基于东西部的比较研究

    The Basic Means and Avenue About Establishing Regional Sign of Western Urban & Based on Comparison of East and West

  20. 即便如此,游客想要达到这座城市地标的顶级也要排队四个小时。

    Even so , visitors wanting to get to the top of the city landmark had to queue for four hours .

  21. 城市地标与城市旅游具有密切的关系,城市地标设计是城市旅游业发展的重要环节。

    City landmark and city tourism are closely related with each other , the former is regarded as an important link of the later .

  22. 圣迭哥主要的城市地标包括世界闻名的圣迭哥动物园&全球少数几个能够独立饲养中国大熊猫的动物园之一。

    Prominent landmarks include the world famous San Diego Zoo , one of the few zoos that has been able to breed China 's own Giant Pandas .

  23. 再次,有关大城市地标性的建筑对城市文化艺术的推进和加强,乃至当地文化艺术氛围的形成,所能起到的作用非常有限的。

    Secondly , the big city landmark buildings in the development of urban culture and the arts , and even for the arts and culture atmosphere , have very limited role .

  24. 城市地标建筑审美特征区所指的即是审美时空的范围,是城市地标建筑审美特征所属的特定范畴。

    City landmark aesthetic features Category within the meaning of time and space that is the scope of the aesthetic is the aesthetic features of city-owned landmark buildings of specific areas .

  25. 这种桥型除了满足正常桥梁的使用功能外,与普通斜拉桥相比更加的美观,更适合成为所在城市地标性建筑,所以引起了越来越多的关注和使用。

    This type of bridge to meet the function of normal bridge , which is more beautiful compared with ordinary cable-stayed bridge and suitable as a city landmark , thus , drawing increasingly attention and use .

  26. 作为上海的一处重要城市地标,外白渡桥集历史文化、人文景观和交通功能于一体,是外滩27处历史保护建筑中唯一的桥梁建筑。

    As an important city landmark in Shanghai , the Garden Bridge combines history , culture , human landscape and transport functions in one . It is the only bridge building of the Bund 27 historic preservation architecture .

  27. 首先,分别阐述西方和我国城市地标系统的历史演进过程,并对其发展过程中所呈现的不同特征进行一定时间段上的划分,以便下一章能针对这些差异特征进行相关研究。

    First , the author expatiate development process of city-landmark-system in Chinese cites and western cities , and divide the development process according to the characteristic of the city-landmark-system , in order to make some relevant study in next chapter .

  28. 从城市地标和旅游者结合的角度分析了旅游城市地标的形成,并结合巴黎和上海城市地标的发展演变,总结了影响旅游城市地标发展演变的因素。

    From a combination view of city landmarks and tourism , the paper analyze the formation of the tourist city landmarks based on the subjects Paris and Shanghai , and sum up the impact factors of development and evolution of tourism city landmarks .

  29. 为了实现这个目的,在城市地标系统化的过程中必须对地标整体功能组织进行优化,使城市地标进入与其目的相适应的状态,使系统适应外界环境变化。

    In order to achieve this objective , the city landmark systematic process must Landmark organizations to optimize the overall function , so that the city landmark with its aim of entering the state to adapt the system to adapt to changes in the external environment .

  30. 在融合了相关理论和原理的基础上,提出了旅游城市地标的三度审美理论:一度审美,环境感受;二度审美,形式知觉;三度审美,象征理解。

    Based on the integration of relevant theories and principles , the theory of three levels aesthetic interpretation is proposed , which are as follows : the first level , environment feeling ; the second level , style perception ; the third level , symbol understanding .