
  • 网络urban greening;urban landscaping;Afforestation of City;urban forestry
  1. VISUALBASIC环境下城市绿化图像效果应用

    The Application of Urban Greening Image with Visual Basic

  2. 黄连木(Pistaciachinensis)是近年来我国北方广泛栽培的重要木本油料树种和城市绿化树种。

    Pistacia chinensis is one of the important woody oil plants and urban greening trees which widely cultivated in northern China in recent years .

  3. 达德万德博士的研究表明了这种结构上的变化如何使绿色空间对认知发展产生有益影响。这也进一步证明了早期接触绿色环境对我们健康的持久影响,以及增加城市绿化的益处。

    Dr. Dadvand 's study suggests how such structural changes could bring about the beneficial effects of green spaces on cognitive development , it also adds to the proof that suggests the lasting effects of early life exposure to greenness on our health and the benefits of increasing greenness in cities .

  4. 借助于通用计算机软件PhotoShop统计出某城市绿化的占地面积,分析城市的绿化状况。

    We can investigate the urban virescence area and analyze the condition of virescence by this method with Photoshop software .

  5. 对上海城市绿化建设中地带性植被恢复问题的思考

    Think over Recovery of Regional Vegetation in Shanghai Urban Plantation Construction

  6. 丹东城市绿化中鸟类招引的生态设计

    Ecological Designing for Bird Attracted Through Tree Planting in Dandong City

  7. 江苏北部城市绿化树种规划

    The Greening Tree Species for the Cities in Northern Jiangsu Province

  8. 改善城市绿化生态效益的途径探讨

    Discussion on Way of Improvement of Ecological Efficiency in Urban Greening

  9. 沈阳城市绿化树种公众选择倾向性调查

    Investigation of public tendency on green tree seeds in Shenyang city

  10. 垂直绿化在城市绿化中的现状及应用策略

    Present conditions and applying measures of vertical greening used in cities

  11. 重庆直辖以来,各区县城市绿化建设发展迅速。

    Chongqing , districts and counties city greening construction has developed rapidly .

  12. 上海乡土树种及其在城市绿化建设中的应用

    Native tree species and their application in the urban landscaping in Shanghai

  13. 沈阳城市绿化生态工程树种综合评价分级选择

    Comprehensive evaluation and selection of urban eco-engineering virescent trees in Shenyang City

  14. 昆明城市绿化中草本花卉多样性的现状与分析

    Application Study of Herbaceous Flower Diversity in Kunming Urban Afforestation

  15. 浅谈花境在上海城市绿化中的应用

    Elementarily Talking about Application of Flower Mirrors in Urban Plantation in Shanghai

  16. 城市绿化的价值取向分析与质量提升路径

    Value Orientation Analysis of Urban Afforestation and Approaches to its Quality Update

  17. 乌桕属植物资源在城市绿化中的应用研究

    The Application of Sapium P. Br . in Urban Afforestation

  18. 处于转型期的中国城市绿化特点分析

    The Characteristics of China Urban Greening in the Transformation Period

  19. 城市绿化林带病虫害专家系统知识库设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Expert System Knowledge Base for Urban Forest Greenbelt

  20. 昆明市城市绿化树种选择

    Tree Species Selection for Urban Greening of Kunming City

  21. 南京城市绿化的地域特色及其发展方向

    The Regional Features and its Development of Tree-planting in the City of Nanjing

  22. 城市绿化潜力分析初探&以吉林市为例

    Discussion on Urban Greenland Potentiality Analysis & Taking Jilin City as an Example

  23. 除了应用于畜牧业,多花黑麦草还是城市绿化的常用草种。

    In addition , ryegrass is a common grass planted for city landscaping .

  24. 城市绿化隔离近自然景观规划与建设模式研究

    Studies on the Close-to-nature Landscape Layout and Construction Model of Urban Green Belt

  25. 城市绿化树种生态功能研究

    Study on the Ecological Function of Urban Greenery Tree

  26. 城市绿化中选择净化空气的植物配植

    Selection of Vegetation for Atmosphere Purification in City Greenbelt

  27. 城市绿化工程管理模式的探索与实践

    The exploration and practice of the management mode of the urban greening project

  28. 绿量在深圳城市绿化的应用

    Application of Green Capacity in Urban Garden of Shenzhen

  29. 利用废弃秸秆制作城市绿化砖工艺的研究

    Study on the Fabrication Process of Afforesting Brick by City with Waste Straw

  30. 城市绿化树木管护栽植方面存在的问题

    The problems on growing and administration of afforest trees that in the town