
  • Tonkatsu;fried pork chop;Deep Fried Pork;Deep-Fried Spare Ribs
  1. 低调的MaruyamaKippei餐厅在2012年开业,主打简餐,这里有最好吃的日式猪排——包裹面包屑的炸猪排。简朴的外观很容易让人以为这是一家普通的寿司店。

    The unassuming luncheonette Maruyama Kippei , which opened in 2012 , serves superlative tonkatsu - breaded , deep-fried pork cutlet - in a modest space that could easily be mistaken for a spartan sushi bar .

  2. 从住房到炸猪排,所有商品的价格都跌回了1981年的水平。

    Prices for everything from houses to pork cutlets are back at 1981 levels .

  3. 炸猪排夹配火腿芝士馅,配欧芹土豆和酸梅酱,配小份沙拉。

    " Cordon bleu " - with ham and cheese stuffed escalope of pork , served with parsley potatoes , cranberries and a small salad .

  4. 正想说那也不是什么大餐的时候,志贵忽然被想吃炸猪排的强烈欲望征服了!

    Shiki tries to respond that it 's not that great , but then all of a sudden he is overcome by a strong desire to eat pork cutlets in the cafeteria !

  5. 虽然西班牙的海鲜饭和德国的炸猪排等国家传统菜肴依旧流行,但披萨和意面已成为多个国家最中意的美食。在这17个国家中,超过半数的国家(9个)将其中之一或两者都列为榜单的前三名。

    Although national dishes are still popular - such as paellain Spain and schnitzel in Germany - pizza and pasta are now the favourite foods of many , with more than half of the countries ( nine out of 17 ) listing one or both in their top three foods .

  6. 在点餐机上选择食物,然后在白色柜式长桌旁就坐,过一会儿,厨师就会送来米饭和味噌汤,还有一盘爽口的白菜丝,上面摆着你能想象到的最鲜嫩多汁的面包屑炸猪排(约1500日元)。

    Make your selection from the ticket machine , take a seat at the long white counter and wait for the chef to deliver bowls of white rice and miso soup , and a plate of crisp shredded cabbage with the juiciest panko-encrusted cutlet you can imagine ( about 1500 yen ) .

  7. 上面可能还有一块裹着极松软脆皮的炸猪排,也可能是肥瘦分明、切成蛋糕薄厚的五花肉,或是被煎炸了两次的脱骨鸡肉,松脆的鸡皮格外经嚼。

    Over this may lie a pork chop hammered thin and sealed inside an improbably fluffy crust , or pork belly in slices thick as cake , with descending horizons of lean and fat , or chicken freed of its bones and deep-fried twice , so the crispy shell of skin turns chewy where it clings to the flesh .

  8. 将炸好的猪排做为主菜放在饭里,并加上其他的配菜的料理。

    Put a fried pork on the rice and collocate various side dishes .