
  • 网络pisang goreng;Goreng Pisang;Fried Banana;Banana Fritter;Banana Cue
  1. 炸香蕉香脆可口,是地道的当地美食。

    A fried banana is a tasty local delicacy .

  2. 伊士梅尔觉得那篮炸香蕉毁了画面。

    Ishmael thought the basket of banana fritters spoiled the picture .

  3. 在附件中国人开的小餐馆里吃米饭,也吃炸香蕉和麸麸饼。

    In the Chinese-run cafes around the buildings they eat plantains and fufu as well as rice .

  4. 他们特别喜欢极其嫩滑的薄牛肉条和其他肉类,配以米饭、豆子和炸香蕉,连同啤酒或瓜拉纳汽水一起食用。

    They specialize in supertender thin strips of beef and other carnivorous delights , served with rice , beans and fried bananas , washed down with a beer or guaran á soda .