
qiān zhèng chù
  • visa office
  1. 爱尔兰签证处不再要求提供其他任何文件或公证文件。

    The visa office does not require any additional documents or notarised certificates .

  2. 大多数情况下你必须去签证处面试。

    Under most circumstances , you 'll have to go to a visa office for an interview .

  3. 签证处荣幸的宣布启动与加拿大社区学院协会(ACCC)合作的学生合作计划(SPP)。

    The Visa Section is pleased to announce the launch of the Student Partners Program ( SPP ) in partnership with The Association of Canadian Community Colleges ( ACCC ) .

  4. 我们在北京、上海、广州和重庆分别设有签证处。

    We have visa offices in beijing , Shanghai Guangzhou or chongqing .

  5. 很抱歉签证处没有足够的地方容纳您的亲友。

    We regret that there is not enough space in our visa sections for friends and family .

  6. 对于签证处以及申请人而言,这将是一套更有针对性,更加高效的体系。

    This will bring about a system which is more targeted and responsive for both staff and applicants .

  7. 日前本报记者采访了美国驻华使馆签证处总领事贺德炜先生与签证处处长白智礼先生。

    Recently our journalist interviewed US Consul General David Hopper and Charles Bennett , director of the visa unit .

  8. 如果出具银行证明的银行不能为签证处核实其所出具的证明,签证处将对此证明不予承认。

    We shall refuse applications where the bank statements are from a bank which we cannot trust to verify the statements .

  9. 上周四,美国驻华使馆签证处两位官员接受了包括本报在内的多家媒体采访,回答了有关签证问题。

    Last Thursday , two officials from the US embassy 's visa section answered questions from the media , including our newspaper .

  10. 作为今天的现有建设内容为旅客等候区,计数器和签证处的办公室。

    The existing building contents as today the waiting area for visitors , the counters and the offices of the Visa section .

  11. 据英国签证处的官员透露,更多的创新性方案即将出台,届时英国的签证申请将会更安全、更高效。

    According to UKvisas staff , more innovations will be introduced soon to improve the security and efficiency of the application process even further .

  12. 请注意,一些加拿大移民签证处可要求该翻译是认证监管机构作为一个翻译。

    Please be aware that some Canadian immigration visa offices may require that the translator is certified by a regulatory body as a translator .

  13. 上海浦东发展银行“学生贷款”的意向性批准信的原件,注明贷款数额和还贷期限,并且还贷期限必须满足签证处有关学生贷款期限的要求。

    In-principle approval from Shanghai Pudong Development Bank for a " student loan " for a specified amount and with a term covering at least the designated period .

  14. 同时,来自英国使馆签证处的官方消息称,现在签证成功率已达到86%,并且有更多的中国学生正在申请赴英学习。

    According to official stats from the UK Visa section , the visa success rate is now at86 % and many more Chinese students are applying to study in the UK .

  15. 国务卿赖斯星期一在飞往欧洲的途中表示,美国方面希望有更多的伊朗民众访美,她同时承认说,希望访美的伊朗人目前必须要到美方在迪拜的签证处去办理相关手续,实际上是很不方便的。

    Secretary Rice , in her airborne comments Monday , said the United States wants more Iranians to visit the United States and acknowledged it is difficult for would-be Iranian visitors to access the visa office in Dubai .

  16. 我在了望城的领事的签证接待处。

    Was on the visa desk at the Consulate in Cape town .

  17. 移民入境签证及处籍人士登记申请表

    Application for immigrant visa alien registration

  18. 各种文件的大量的副本多次入境签证多处受伤

    multiple copies of documents a multiple entry visa to suffer multiple injuries ( = in many different places in the body )

  19. 签证签发前,签证处会通过书面方式与雇主确认上述信息。

    The visa office must confirm this in writing with the employer before a visa can be issued .

  20. 在递交签证申请之前,不要把材料寄到签证处。

    Do not send documents to the visa office prior to lodging your application .

  21. 请注意:北京学生签证申请人再次申请的方案只在北京签证处有效。

    Please note : The new reapplication policy for Beijing student visa applicants applies to the Beijing Nonimmigrant Visa Section only .

  22. 其他地区的签证申请必须证明,在签证递交到签证处之前他们已经缴纳了所有的费用。

    Applications from other areas must provide evidence that all fees have been paid prior to the visa application being submitted to the visa office .

  23. 签证申请人一般不会被要求参加面试,但是鉴于各个案例情况不尽相同,签证处保留要求申请人参加面试的权利。

    Visa applicants are not generally required to attend for an interview , however the visa office reserves the right to request an applicant to attend for interview on a case-by-case basis .

  24. 签证批准的结果将会通知中介公司或学生本人,但是只有在上述交纳学费的证明提交到签证处以后,签证才会被签发。

    Approvals will be notified to the agent or student , but no visa will be issued until proof of fees paid as outlined above is submitted to the visa office .