
yāo qǐnɡ hán
  • invitation letter
  1. 工程承包范围:详见招标邀请函。

    Project scope : Please refer to the Tendering Invitation Letter .

  2. 发邀请函同时附带贵公司宣传页;

    Send invitation letter as well as company poster foldout .

  3. 没有邀请函的客人要接受严格的安全检查。

    Guests without invitations have to undergo rigorous safety checks .

  4. Web站点同时也是名片、宣传册、公文包、目录、邀请函、年度报告和广告。

    A Web site is simultaneously a business card , a brochure , a portfolio , a catalog , an invitation , an annual report , an advertisement , and an outpost .

  5. 苹果公司发出了9月7日(发布会)的邀请函,揭开iPhone7的面纱。

    Apple has sent out invites for a September 7th event where it is expected to unveil the iPhone 7 .

  6. 如果想让人回复邀请函,就要在邀请函底下注明尽快回复字样(RSVP)。

    If you want people to reply to an invitation , put ( RSVP ) at the bottom .

  7. 美国银行(BankofAmericaCorp.)接受了450亿美元的联邦资金。该行已经收回了发给一些学生的工作邀请函,因为这些学生需要申请H-1B签证。

    Bank of America Corp. , which received $ 45 billion of federal funds , has withdrawn offers to some students because they would have required an H-1B .

  8. 我听人说ZACHYOUNG将在周六开一个泳池派对,他送出了一大堆正式的邀请函,上面都是漂亮的字体。

    So , get this . Zach Young is throwing a pool party Saturday night and he sent out a bunch of formal invitations complete with fancy lettering .

  9. 等到我们cnet收到邀请函,我们会告诉大家。

    Once the CNET invites come in , we will let you know .

  10. 因为马克尔女士之前结过婚,所以邀请函对她的称呼为“马克尔女士(Ms.)”而不是常用的“小姐(Miss.)”。

    As Ms Markle was previously married , the invitations acknowledged this - referring to her as " Ms Meghan Markle " instead of the commonly-used " Miss . "

  11. 如果您设置了E-mail支持(在您建立服务器时),该操作将向您的项目队员,发送一封电子邮件的邀请函,随之发送的,还有联系该项目的链接及相关信息。

    If you have configured e-mail support ( when you set up your server ), this will send the project members a welcome e-mail message , along with links and information for connecting to the project .

  12. 邀请函可能会被要求从JRS遍布社会。

    Letters of invitation may be requested from the JRS Society .

  13. 邀请函的设计是白色苹果公司图标和彩色圆圈背景,证明此前传言下一代iPhone手机,即广为人知的iPhone5S将推出多种色彩的消息正确无误。

    The invitation features a white Apple logo against a background of colorful circles , lending credibility to the rumors that the next iPhone , widely referred to as the iPhone 5S , will come in several new colors .

  14. 尽管这样的构想在技术上可行,但它不大可能成为下一代iPad的功能,而且在苹果向媒体发出的产品发布邀请函上可以肯定新版iPad仍然带有个框框。

    Although this notion is already possible with today 's tech advancements , it doesn 't seem likely for the next-generation iPad , especially since the event invitation features an image of a touchscreen device with a frame .

  15. 事实上,我们已经知道了,当中国媒体在他们的邀请函里收到了爱疯5c的样品机时,这家厚颜无耻的公司就忙于策划着什么,现在我们知道原因了。

    In fact , we already knew the cheeky company was up to something when the Chinese media received an iPhone 5c chassis in their invitations , and now we know why .

  16. 苹果公司已在周二发出彩色邀请函,确认将于9月10日在苹果公司总部加利福尼亚州库比蒂诺举行发布会。市场广泛预计该公司将在此次发布会上推出下一代iPhone智能手机,突破传统黑白两色设计。

    Apple on Tuesday sent colorful invites for a Sept. 10 event at the company 's headquarters in Cupertino , Calif. , a big hint that the iPhone maker plans to unveil a new line of smartphones that breaks away from its traditional black-and-white color scheme .

  17. 以下信息涉及到政府的最新决定,该决定与新的技术移民选择体系有关,该体系将立足于移民意向申请书(EOI)和移民申请邀请函。

    The following information relates to the government 's decision to implement a new skilled migrant selection model based on an Expression of Interest ( EOI ) and invitation to apply .

  18. 罗伯茨十分怀念她刚出道时好莱坞的时光,那时候跻身好莱坞意味着一份去经纪人苏&12539;曼杰斯(SueMengers)家晚宴的邀请函,似乎总有种办法可以做到,她说。

    Roberts is nostalgic for the Hollywood of her early career , where having arrived meant a dinner invitation to agent Sue Mengers 's house and ' there seemed to be a method to it , ' she says .

  19. 一个真实的故事:去年VideoJug的圣诞节派对邀请函就是完全用红色和绿色的Curlz字体书写的,办公室所有人都感到恶心。

    TRUE STORY : the email invite to last year 's VideoJug Christmas Party was written entirely in red and green ' Curlz ' and the entire office was SICK BLOOD .

  20. 真实故事:去年,VideoJug圣诞聚会的邀请函就选用的Curlz字体,字体颜色全部选择的是红色和绿色。这让整个办公室的人都大倒胃口。

    TRUE STORY : the email invite to last year 's VideoJug Christmas Party was written entirely in red and green " Curlz " and the entire office was sick blood .

  21. 罗伯茨十分怀念她刚出道时好莱坞的时光,那时候跻身好莱坞意味着一份去经纪人苏・曼杰斯(SueMengers)家晚宴的邀请函,“似乎总有种办法可以做到”,她说。

    Roberts is nostalgic for the Hollywood of her early career , where having arrived meant a dinner invitation to agent Sue Mengers 's house and ' there seemed to be a method to it , ' she says . '

  22. 我的邀请函被用来当杯垫?

    And is that my invitation being used as a coaster ?

  23. 邀请函上写道:这一天,注定是光彩夺目的一天。

    This should brighten everyone 's day , the invitation reads .

  24. 这份诱人的邀请函在我们的办公室贴得到处都是。

    That is the enticing invitation pinned up around our office .

  25. 邀请函上讲,我们应该穿着正式服装,而不是休闲服装。

    The invitation said we should dress formally , not casually .

  26. 主办单位将在适当时候发出邀请函。

    The organizers will send out the invitations in due course .

  27. 它是一种加入俱乐部的邀请函。

    It 's a kind of invitation to join a club .

  28. 那公司给了我一个非常有吸引力的工作邀请函。

    I 've gotten a very attractive offer from that company .

  29. 这是用在邀请函给捕捉读者的注意。

    It is used in invitations to catch the reader 's attention .

  30. 感谢您的帮助,给我们邀请函。

    Thanks for you help to give us invitation letters .