
yāo qǐnɡ sài
  • invitation(al) tournament;invitational
邀请赛 [yāo qǐng sài]
  • [invitational tournament] 由一个单位或几个单位联合发出邀请,有许多单位参加的体育比赛

  1. 就在几天前,测试赛2010年广州体操邀请赛就在这儿举行。

    Just a few days ago , a test event , the2010 Guangdong Gymnastics Invitation Tournament was held at this venue .

  2. 北京国际游泳跳水友好邀请赛今天开幕了。

    Beijing international swimming and diving friendship invitational meet opened today .

  3. 今年,欧洲体育联盟(ESL)在曾经举办过世界杯的德国法兰克福商业银行体育场里举办了一场《Dota2》邀请赛。

    This year , European Sports League ( ESL ) hosted a Dota 2 tournament at former World Cup soccer stadium Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt , Germany .

  4. 如果有人还在质疑电子竞技的魔力,只需要看看今年在美国西雅图KeyArena体育馆举办的《Dota2》国际邀请赛的现场视频就知道了。

    Anyone who still has doubts about the validity of eSports , or electronic sports , needs only to look at videos out of the sold-out KeyArena in Seattle from Valve 's Dota 2 : The International tournament .

  5. 除此之外,还有一个例子能够说明传统体育竞技和电子竞技的界限正在渐渐模糊。今年六月在X-Games极限运动的奥斯汀站上,举办了一场由八支电竞队伍参加的《使命的召唤:幽灵》邀请赛。

    Also blurring the line between sports and eSports is the fact that traditional Red Bull extreme athletes were competing at X-Games Austin in June for the exact same medals that Call of Duty Ghosts teams were playing for .

  6. 这个露天体育场每年举行一次两个足球俱乐部之间的邀请赛。

    The stadium hosts an annual Invitational between two football clubs .

  7. 这里的麦克罗伯邀请赛有很多不同的观众。

    A large and economlcally dlverse crowd here at the mlchelob lnvltatlonal .

  8. 中国杯国际体操邀请赛昨天在北京首都体育馆开赛。

    China Cup International Gymnastics Tournament opened yesterday in Beijing Capital Gymnasium .

  9. 我想你可能会接受我的邀请赛。

    I guess u r likely to accept my invitation .

  10. 首届洲际篮球邀请赛的分析比较

    The Analysis of the First Inter-continental Cup Basketball Invitational Match of the World

  11. 泉州女子足球邀请赛四国角球进攻战术的对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Attack Tactics of Corner-kicks in Quanzhou Women Four-teams Invitational Tournament

  12. 亚非拉乒乓球友好邀请赛。

    Asian-African-Latin American table tennis friendship Invitational tournament .

  13. 我来跟你讲的是有关武术邀请赛的事。

    I 've come to speak to you about a tournament of martial arts .

  14. 2002年世界杯足球邀请赛

    Bidding for the 2002 World Cup Soccer 2002

  15. 高速立体摄影在1990年国际女排邀请赛中的应用研究

    Study on the Applying of 3-D Photography in 1990 International Women Volleyball Invitational Tournament

  16. 该邀请赛由四个普通比赛和一个决赛而组成。

    The series is going to consist of four regular series games and a finals .

  17. 第1届万宝路杯上海国际足球邀请赛各队进攻情况分析

    Analysis on Each Team 's Attack in the First Marlboro Cup Shanghai International Football Championship

  18. 第17届年度邦铎高尔夫球巡回邀请赛。

    17th annual Burndog Invitational Golf tournament .

  19. 皇家马德里邀请赛的门票将如期在周五开售。

    Tickets for the Real Madrid game would go on sale on Friday as scheduled .

  20. 广州国际会展中心建筑设计方案国际邀请赛综述

    Summary of Architectural Design Competition by International Invitation for Guangzhou International Conference and Exhibition Center

  21. 为了纪念这次乒乓球友好邀请赛的成功,人们共同栽下了六棵松树。

    In memory of the Table Tennis Friendship Tournament , people planted six pine trees .

  22. 在热身的时候,他简单满足了其他拉斯维加斯美国亚裔邀请赛球员要求他表演的愿望。

    He appeased other LVI players in the stands urging him to show off during warmups .

  23. 卡里佐将会在荷兰(阿姆斯特丹邀请赛)上初次登场。

    Juan Pablo Carrizo is going to make his debut in Holland ( Amsterdam Tournament ) .

  24. 在世界邀请赛前夕,张宁和他的队员们度过了一整月的强化集训。

    Before the international tournament , Zhang and his teammates underwent a whole month of intensive training .

  25. 宜人蓝山&欧神诺杯首届室内设计邀请赛作品精选

    Charming Lanshan & selected works from the 1 ~ ( st ) OCEANO cup interior design invitational competition

  26. 对张宁而言,获得国际邀请赛的冠军可谓梦想成真,也让他信心满满。

    Winning the tournament is a dream come true for Zhang . It has also boosted his confidence .

  27. 钢铁焊接的诗篇&和平颂中国钢铁焊接艺术邀请赛侧记

    Poems of Steel Welding

  28. 多少国家和地区将参加这次邀请赛?

    How many countries and regions are going to take part ( particpate ) in the invitational tournament ?

  29. 在周末的鹿特丹港邀请赛上,塞巴斯蒂安。勒托已经得到许可,将上演其利物浦处子秀。

    Sebastian Leto has been given permission to make his Liverpool debut during this weekend 's port of Rotterdam tournament .

  30. 加强区域交流促进行业发展&欧神诺杯首届室内设计邀请赛综述

    Strengthen Regional Cooperation , Promote Professional Development & Distinguished the 1 ~ ( st ) OCEANO cup Interior Design Invitational Competition