
  • 网络Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone;GETDD;getdz
  1. 广州经济技术开发区生产性企业工人离职问题探讨

    The Study of Workers ' Turnover Problem in Production Enterprises of Guangzhou Economic & Technical Development District

  2. 1999年11月的上海利华公司诉广州经济技术开发区商业进出口贸易公司商标侵权纠纷的力士香皂商标案,把对平行进口理论和实践方面的研究提上了我国的议事日程。

    " The LUX soap trademark case " between the UNILEVER company of Shanghai and business import and export company in the economic technique development area of Guangzhou in 1999 , bring the research of theories and practices of the parallel imports in our country into fulfillment .

  3. 该方案已应用在广州市经济技术开发区管委会经济管理信息系统中并为网上的MIS系统用户管理提供了新的思路。

    It is used at the MIS system and gives us a new thought on the internet application of the MIS system user management .