
  1. 介绍了采用不间断电源UPS,进一步加强设备供电的安全,确保广播电视节目的安全优质播出。

    UPS can further enhance the security of power supply equipment , ensuring safe and high-quality radio and television broadcasting .

  2. 虚拟演播室系统(VSS,VirtualStudioSystem)作为新近发展起来的一种独特的电视节目制作技术,已受到业内人士的关注,并逐步在广播电视节目制作中得到应用。

    Being a recently special TV program production technology , Virtual Studio System has already been the focus of the people in this profession , and has gradually been used in broadcasting TV program production .

  3. 个性化:广播电视节目的创新之道

    Individualization : The Way of Innovation in Broadcast and TV Program

  4. 该目录将广播电视节目制作、发行和电影制作列为对外开放领域,中国传媒产业与国外一些媒介之间的竞争在所难免。

    The media competition between China and the rest world are unavoidable .

  5. 试谈广播电视节目语言的日常应用

    Everyday Application of the Broadcasting and TV Program Language

  6. 浅谈广播电视节目中的新闻侵权行为

    Discussing the News Tortious Actions in the Broadcast Programs

  7. 卫星传输是广播电视节目主要传输手段之一。

    The satellite transmission is one of the main means for broadcast transmission .

  8. 广播电视节目主持人的语言现状和规范研究

    A Study on the Language of Radio and TV Anchors and its Standardizations

  9. 广播电视节目评估体系构成与运作研究

    The Study of the Compositions and Application of Assessment System of Television or Radio Program

  10. 在广播电视节目制作中,视频切换台一直是广播电视台不可缺少的制作设备。

    Video switcher has been indispensable to the TV stations in radio and television program production .

  11. 访谈节目是广播电视节目中专访节目形态和谈话节目形态的总称。

    Chat show is broadcast television interview program form and talk show patterns of the general .

  12. 一种鉴别一个表演者、一个舞蹈乐队或广播电视节目的曲调。

    A melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio / tv program .

  13. 我做广播电视节目的时候,常常先把最后一句话写好。

    When I do a radio or TV piece , I often write the last sentence first .

  14. 其特点是可以在移动状态下清晰收听收看直播的广播电视节目。

    It features clear viewing and listening of live TV broadcasts for viewers who are on the move .

  15. 本文提出了一种基于台标轮廓检测的广播电视节目视频监控系统的设计方法,应用于卫星地球站监控电视节目的质量和非法信号对电视节目的攻击。

    A broadcast TV program video surveillance system based on contour detection of station caption is put for - ward .

  16. 不同的广电体制对广播电视节目生产和播出内容有着直接的影响。

    They can exert diverse Influence on the production of radio and television programs and the matter of broadcast directly .

  17. 它能够直接从互联网获取网络广播电视节目,并基于其中的音频信息对节目进行分类处理。

    This system accesses those programs on Internet directly , and classifies them based on the audio information extracted from them .

  18. 广播电视节目要想创新离不开拥有具有创新能力的广播电视主持专业人才。

    Radio and television programs in order to be innovative with the ability to innovate has hosted radio and television professionals .

  19. 随着信息化、数字化的发展,传统的广播电视节目已经实现用户点播的功能。

    With the development of information and digital technology , a video-on-demand function has been implemented in the traditional broadcast television programs .

  20. 各少数民族地区按民族分布情况,办有一种或几种少数民族语言的广播电视节目。

    Each minority region runs radio and TV programs in one or several minority languages appropriate to the nationality population living there .

  21. 正是有了许多广告,我们才能花很少的钱欣赏到众多的广播电视节目。

    It is because of heavy advertising that we can enjoy so many TV programs and broadcast programs with so little money .

  22. 作为从事广播电视节目的工作者,都希望自己所办的节目得到受众的欢迎,在他们中产生顺向效应,少点中性效应,避免逆向效应。

    As a worker of radio and TV programs , it is hoped that programs have more consequent effects , less neutral effects and aviod converse effect .

  23. 它集成了成熟的语音识别、说话人识别、固定音频检索等技术,对广播电视节目进行内容检索。

    By integrating matured speech recognition , speaker recognition and audio indexing techniques , this system is specialized for indexing and searching in broadcast and TV programs .

  24. 95%的行政村能够收听收看到广播电视节目,群众的文化生活得到改善。

    Some 95 percent of the administrative villages in key poor cities have had access to radio and TV programs , which helped upgrade the cultural life of farmers .

  25. 在目前广播电视节目套数不断增加、自动化播出程度不断提高的情况下,对节目播出情况的实时监测显得更加重要。

    As the number of radio and TV programs and the degree of broadcasting automation are increasingly rising , the real-time monitoring of transmitted programs is becoming even more important .

  26. 目前,一边是全国记者、编辑、主持人持证上岗资格考试如火如荼的进行,另一边是全国各地方言广播电视节目的火热升温。

    At present , qualification tests are widely held for the journalists , editors and comperes in China , while broadcasting and TV programs using dialects are very popular in the country .

  27. 第二次匹配成功,输出正确检测的广告,将待检广播电视节目流移动广告的长度,并以该位置作为下一次匹配的起始帧。

    If the second match is successful , output the correct detected commercial . The broadcast and TV stream can move the detected commercial length where is the start point frame for the next march .

  28. 《通知》还称,各类广播电视节目和广告应严格按照规范写法和标准含义使用国家通用语言文字的字、词、短语、成语等,不得随意更换文字、变动结构或曲解内涵。

    Programmes and adverts should strictly comply with the standard spelling and use of characters , words , phrases and idioms – and avoid changing the characters , phrasing and meanings , the order said .

  29. 利用卫星传输向公众直播广播电视节目,是提高电视节目传输质量、扩大覆盖率的最有效和经济的一种手段。

    Use of live satellite transmission that digital TV and radio programs to the public , is to improve the transmission quality TV programs to expand coverage of the most effective and economical as a means .

  30. 我国幅员辽阔,为了解决边远农牧地区收听收看广播电视节目难的问题,国家启动村村通工程,通过扩大农村广播电视的覆盖来满足广大劳动人民的视觉需求。

    In order to solve the difficulty of watching broadcast TV in the remote agricultural and pastoral areas , the state starts the " Every Village " project to satisfy the visual demand of the masses of laboring people by expanding the radio and television coverage in rural areas .