
  1. 带着她出席正式场合对我来说一直是个挑战。

    Taking her with me on official occasions has been a challenge

  2. 他在正式场合代表国家。

    He represented the nation on ceremonial occasions

  3. “gentleman”是不是正式场合用的词?

    Is " gentleman " a formal sort of word ?

  4. 去年,他在Target卖场推出了一系列女士服装及饰件,第一夫人一直都对这些服饰青睐有加,多次在正式场合挑选其一。

    Wu released a women 's clothing and accessories collection at Target last year and continues to be popular with the First Lady for official engagements .

  5. loosenup:放松随便一些,这不是正式场合。

    Loosen up , this isn 't a formal occasion .

  6. 随着Internet的普及和电子邮件的广泛使用,人们逐渐将电子邮件应用到一些正式场合,其安全问题也得到了越来越多的使用者和安全开发人员的重视。

    With the popularization of Internet and Email , Email is used in some formal situation gradually . As a result , the user and programmer are paying more and more attention to the safety problem .

  7. 像这样的非正式短语informalexpressions有时候也可以用在正式场合,如上例演讲中,令人感觉轻松,随意,也更自信。

    Informal expressions like this can be used occasionally in formal situations , like the presentation example above , to make you sound relaxed , friendly and confident .

  8. 在V不了的结构形式中,否定形式出现的频率远远是高于其肯定形式,且多用于口语,书面语或者是在正式场合,会选择用不能C或者是V不C来代替。

    Deny that the form of frequency is much higher than the positive form , and used for oral , written , or in a formal setting , choose " not C " or " V C " instead .

  9. 在一些正式场合越来越多地运用PK之时,我们一定要规范它的用法,使之适应社会发展的需求和语言文字的发展规律。

    With " PK " being used more and more in some formal occasions , its usage should be normalized in order to suit the needs of social development and the laws of language development .

  10. 该公司的业务总监保尔&12539;戈林(PaulGoring)解释说,对于那些不反对用靴子搭配正装的绅士而言,该公司有一些靴款可以抵御恶劣天气,而且制作精良,足以适合正式场合。

    For the gentleman who 's not averse to boots with a suit , Lobb 's director of operations , Paul Goring , explained that the company makes versions that are weather-resistant yet refined enough for a formal setting .

  11. 或者,根据《韦氏词典》(Merriam-Webster)的注解,礼仪是良好教养所要求或权威机构所规定的,在社会或正式场合所必须遵守的行为或程序。

    Or as Merriam-Webster , the dictionary , notes , etiquette is the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life .

  12. 当时拍摄的电视画面显示,新娘Sakamoto在婚礼上身著的是厚达12层的“junihitoe”,这是日本皇室女性出席正式场合所穿的一种和服。

    Pictures shown on television at the time showed Sakamoto in the " junihitoe " 12-layered kimono worn by women of the imperial household on formal occasions .

  13. 妇女在正式场合戴的一种嵌有珠宝的冠状头饰。

    A crown-like jewelled headdress worn by women on formal occasions .

  14. 这是一个正式场合,你要守规矩。

    This is a formal occasion , you should behave yourself .

  15. 正式场合跟初次见面的人打招呼。

    Greet the person you first meet in a formal occasion .

  16. 正式场合的关键就是要走经典路线。

    The trick with formal wear is to always go classic .

  17. 汉语词多用于公开和正式场合。

    The Chinese words are mainly used on public and formal occasions .

  18. 那不是个正式场合,你可以穿着随意一点。

    It 's an informal event , so you can wear casually .

  19. 克拉伦斯辛克莱布尔被指派负责她所有正式场合的摄影工作。

    Clarence Sinclair Bull was assigned to do all her official photography .

  20. 主教教徒在正式场合戴的一种礼拜式的头饰。

    A liturgical headdress worn by bishops on formal occasions .

  21. 还有这两个词适不适合在正式场合下使用呢?

    Helen : Also , can they be used in formal occasions ?

  22. 正式场合要穿的服装可以在出发前再打包以减低弄皱的机会。

    Formal wear can be packed in the last-minute to reduce wrinkling .

  23. 在正式场合见面的时候,他们要说什么?

    What do they say when they meet on a formal occasion ?

  24. 在正式场合穿便装不合适。

    It 's not appropriate to wear informal clothes on formal occasions .

  25. (英国)正式场合穿的套装。

    ( in England ) a suit or dress for formal occasions .

  26. 在正式场合,男士应穿样的鞋?

    On formal occasions , what kind of shoes should a man wear ?

  27. 男子在正式场合穿西装是一种惯例。

    It is a convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions .

  28. 在正式场合她比较喜欢穿高跟鞋。

    She prefers wearing high heels on formal occasions .

  29. 人们在正式场合认为我们是“来帮忙的人”,

    the people at formal events who assumed we were the " help "

  30. 尤指牧师在正式场合穿的外衣。

    Esp , ceremonial garments worn by the clergy .