
zhènɡ duō biān xínɡ
  • regular polygon
正多边形 [zhèng duō biān xíng]
  • [regular polygon] 各边、各角相等的多边形。也叫正多角形

  1. 基于Matlab的正多边形零件连续加工的误差分析

    The Error Analysis of Continuously Machining Regular Polygon Parts Based on Matlab

  2. N体问题不仅存在做匀速圆周运动的正多边形解,而且存在非匀速运动的正多边形解,这就是圆锥曲线解。

    Besides the regular polygon solutions of uniform circular motions , the regular polygon solutions of non-uniform motions also exist for N-body problems , which is known as conic solutions .

  3. N体问题平面正多边形解

    The conic solutions to the regular polygon of planar n - body problems

  4. 讨论平面kN体问题正多边形解的数值方法。

    The numerical method of solving the coplanar kN-body problem is studied .

  5. 正多边形与平行线网相交的Buffon概率基于图形内角的两个任意多边形的交并差算法

    Buffon Probability of convex bodies in parallel lines ; An Algorithm of Intersection , Union and Difference for Arbitrary Two Polygons Based on Interior Angle

  6. 对Koch曲线进行变形,以变形后的Koch曲线为边组成正多边形,给出了生长线段与源线段处于不同角度下的程序设计方法,并给出了用Turboc编写的源程序。

    In this paper , the Koch curve is transformed into sides , which are then used to form regular polygons . The programming method of the source line segment and the generated line segment at different angles as well as the source program written in Turbo C are provided .

  7. 托勒密定理与正多边形外接圆的性质

    Ptolemy 's Theorem and the Nature of the Regular Polygon Circle

  8. 最佳逼近圆周的正多边形算法(Ⅲ)

    The Algorithm of Best Approximation of Circle by Positive Polygons (ⅲ)

  9. 正多边形内孔的铣削加工及误差估计

    The mill processing of polygonal hole and it 's error estimation

  10. 正多边形幕结构计算理论研究

    Research on the Calculating Theory of Regular Polygon Folded-plated Shell

  11. 滚切正多边形工件的滚刀齿形设计

    Tooth Profile Design of Hobs for Hobbing Regular Polygon Workpieces

  12. 正多边形干式煤气贮柜的自振特性和地震响应分析

    Natural Vibration Characteristics and Earthquake Response of MAN Dry Gasholders

  13. 正多边形贴片圆极化微带天线

    A circular polarization microstrip antenna with the shape of polygonal

  14. 正多边形主形心轴惯矩

    The Principal Centroidal Moments of the Inertia of Regular Polygons Shape Shadow

  15. 正多边形带电框、带电面轴线上的场强分布

    Electric-field intensity distribution on the axes of charged regular polygon frame and plane

  16. 圆的相交正多边形逼近

    The Approximation of Circle with Circle - Intersecting Polygon

  17. 这种机构/床应用前景十分宽广的,如精切椭圆和近似正多边形轮、孔、以及摆线轮等;

    The application foreground of the mechanism / machine is very broad , e.

  18. 正多边形和狭缝的等效菲涅耳数

    Equivalent Fresnel Numbers for Regular Polygon Aperture and Slit

  19. 正多边形顶点集上的斯坦纳最小树

    Steiner minimal trees on vertices of regular polygons

  20. 基于直线度约束条件的正多边形连续成形原理及数学模型研究

    Research on Regular Polygon Continuous Forming Principle and Mathematical Model Based on Straightness Constraint Condition

  21. 正多边形板的塑性动力响应&小挠度分析和大挠度分析

    Dynamic plastic response of regular polygonal plates

  22. 正多边形的相似三角形划分

    Dissections of regular polygons into similar triangles

  23. 正多边形的几何作图法与解析法

    Geometrograph and Analytic Method for Regular Polygon

  24. 任意正多边形静态电场的数值算法研究与仿真

    Research and Simulation on Numerical Algorithm for Two-dimension Electrostatic Field of Arbitrary Regular Equilateral Polygon

  25. 正多边形的吻合数

    The kissing number of the regular polygon

  26. 正多边形弹性薄板的弯曲解

    Bending of thin regular polygon plates

  27. 正多边形一个性质的推广

    The Extension of Positive Polygonal Quality

  28. 证明了任意正多边形光陀螺都具有同一形式的修正因子。

    It has been proved that there exists the same correction factor for any polygonal optical gyro .

  29. 通过对正多边形相似变换性质的分析,提出了新型打捆预成型机构。

    Through analyzing the similarity transformation character of regular polygon , a new fashioned formation mechanism of bundling was designed .

  30. 成等边三角形的三角墙各面都是正多边形且多面体的角都相等的立体。

    Triangular pediment any one of five solids whose faces are congruent regular polygons and whose polyhedral angles are all congruent .