
zhèng xiàng
  • just as;positive;positive image;erect image
正像 [zhèng xiàng]
  • (1) [positive image]∶通常在电视机屏幕或照片上见到的画面,看起来具有和实物相应的明暗色调

  • (2) [erect image]∶与物的指向相同的像,不同于倒立像

正像[zhèng xiàng]
  1. 在波导中,由于波导的限制只能传输离散的模式,这些离散的不同模式的相干传输结果,在MMI器件中产生正像、反像和多重像的Talbot效应。

    The dispersion modes , which are interference , are only propagated in waveguides , which produce Talbot effects of positive image , inverted image and multi-imaging in MMI devices .

  2. 理想情况是着屏光点在任何工作电流下都具有一定正像散。

    It is ideal that the astigmatism of the landing spot remains positive under any operating current .

  3. 正像在暗场法中一样,相物体这时就可以看见了。

    Just as in the dark-ground method phase objects are then perceptible .

  4. 正像有些人很富一样,另一些人非常贫困。

    As some are very rich , so others are very poor .

  5. 比起北国的秋来,正像是黄酒之于白干,稀饭之于馍馍,鲈鱼之于大蟹,黄犬之于骆驼。

    Southern autumn is to Northern autumn what yellow rice wine is to kaoliang wine , congee , yellow dogs to camels .

  6. 正像我在前一篇文章提到过的,Action类比起这个诀窍中的其他组件来说,做的工作并不多。

    As I mentioned in my previous article , the Action class doesn 't do much compared to the other components of this recipe .

  7. 正像Block讽刺的那样,以“折腰”的姿态来协商合约,客户在此阶段也会知道咨询师确实是处在一个“弯腰”的位置上,从而对咨询师“要挟”。

    This negotiating the Contract phase from a " bent over " position , as Block quips , teaches the client that you work in a bent over position !

  8. 正像翼间支柱是机翼结构中不可缺少的一部分一样,Strut也可能成为您下一个Web项目的不可缺少的一部分。

    Just as struts are essential to the structure of a wing , Struts might become an indispensable part of your next Web project .

  9. 但正像其他数据库技术一样,原生XML数据库将让那些知道如何优化系统以提高效率和响应性的公司获得最大的收益。

    But just like any other database technology , native XML databases will provide the most benefit to those who understand well how to optimize their systems for efficiency and responsiveness .

  10. 正像Grails可以动态地添加list()、get()和findBy()方法一样,Searchable插件可以添加一个search()方法。

    Just as Grails dynamically adds list (), get (), and findBy () methods , the Searchable plug-in adds a search () method .

  11. BonaparleNapoleonFrenchemperor在每一场战争之中,都有那么一刻,运用一点策略就是决定性的并带来优势,正像加一滴水就可以促成溢流一般。

    There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow .

  12. 正像JVM为对象分配内存一样,它还回收不再使用的对象上的内存。

    Just as the JVM allocates memory for your objects , it also reclaims this memory on objects that are no longer being used .

  13. 本文系统地研究了灰化剂用量,pH,pAg对内敏直接正像乳剂灰化过程的影响。

    In this paper , the influence of the amount of fogging agent , pH and pAg on the fogging process in direct positive emulsion was investigated .

  14. 正像上述案例展示的那样,WSILExplorer工具能为用户节省许多时间。

    As shown in the aforementioned case , the WSIL Explorer tool can save the customer a lot of time .

  15. 正像CAD辅助设计系统使得计算机技术在设计领域得以大范围应用一样,此系统的开发成功必将推动虚拟现实技术在采矿领域的应用。

    The successful development of the system will improve the application of virtual reality technology in the coal mine field the same as the CAD aid design systems have made computer technology applied in large scale .

  16. 请注意,样式表是一个XML文档(正像RSS或Atom流一样),它使用一个名称空间(就像Atom元素或RSS扩展)。

    Note that the stylesheet is an XML document ( just like the RSS or Atom stream ) and it uses a namespace ( like Atom elements or RSS extensions ) .

  17. 并且,正像我的合伙人格伦•所罗门最近指出的那样,IPO的短期股价与股票未来的交易情况关系甚微,甚至毫无关系。

    And , as my partner Glenn Solomon recently pointed out , the near-term price of an IPO has little to no correlation with where the stock trades in the future .

  18. 正像for-each循环一样,枚举也要求来自类库的支持。

    Just like the for-each loop , enumerations require support from the class library .

  19. 让我为自己辩护,正像我的日记中显示的,我曾经在托尼布莱尔(tonyblair)面前多年力主我们需要对媒体文化采取行动。

    In my own defence , and as my diaries show , I argued for some years with Tony Blair that we needed to act on the culture of our media .

  20. 必须做到(相对的)与流程无关。我相信好的解决方案在RUP和XP中一样有效(正像版本控制和单元测试一样)。

    Must be ( relatively ) process neutral : I believe a good solution would be as usable in RUP as in XP ( just as version control and unit testing are ) .

  21. 首先,正像我在此以前没有参加过这个专题研讨会一样,对于你们中那些尚不熟悉W3C运作过程的人来说,有必要作一个简单的概述。

    First of all , for those of you who are not familiar with the W3C process as I was not prior to my involvement with this workshop , a quick overview .

  22. 数据会为了这款平板电脑而进行优化处理,因此正像公司所解释的,一幅3MB的图像可能被压缩成50K的文件。

    Data is optimized for the tablet , so as the company explains , a3-megabyte image may be crunched into a50-kilobyte file .

  23. 正像iterators是指针的一般化,函数对象是函数的一般化:一个函数对象是你可以使用普通函数调用语法。

    Just as iterators are a generalization of pointers , function objects are a generalization of functions : a function object is anything that you can call using the ordinary function call syntax .

  24. 渐渐的,黑人们学会了勇敢地拍案而起去反对这一残忍而不公的传统,正像他们对待3K党的态度转变那样。

    Little by little and day by day , they were learning to stand up bravely against a cruel and unjust tradition , which could be observed from their attitude toward the Ku Klux Klan .

  25. 当以字母R为表象刺激研究心理旋转时,旋转0o或3600时,无论正像或镜像,判断所需的反应时最少(正像431士54ms,镜像504士59ms);

    Stimulated by letter R s , which were rotated 0 or 360 and no matter identical or mirror image , the RT needed in judgment was the lest ( identical image 431 + 54ms , mirror image 504 + 59ms );

  26. 中欧文苑正像是这座沟通思想之流的桥梁。

    ASE is a bridge which facilitates the flow of ideas .

  27. 那正像托狼看守绵羊;那就等於引狼入室。

    It 's like trusting a wolf to watch over sheep .

  28. 恩,对我来说这听起来正像星期六早上。

    Well , that just sounds like Saturday morning to me .

  29. 不好意思,正像别人说的,这是中国军队!

    Junjie Gao sorry , chinese Army , like others said .

  30. 知识对力量来说正像指南针对轮船,

    Knowledge is to power as a compass is to a ship