
  • 网络Zhengning County
  1. 该区的静宁县、正宁县为旱灾的频发区。

    In the area , Jingning County and Zhengning County are the drought-prone areas for the frequency .

  2. 正宁县地貌类型与水土流失初探兴宁县石马河流域土壤侵蚀类型

    The preliminary studies on the Landform and soil and water loss in Zhengning county Some Soil Erosion Types in Shima Watershed of Xingning County of Guangdong Province

  3. 这辆只有9个座位的厢式汽车被改装成校车,上午9点40分,当车祸发生时,它正在甘肃省庆阳市正宁县榆林子镇行驶。

    The van , which contained nine seats and had been converted into a school bus of sorts , was traveling in Yulinzi township in Qingyang city , Gansu province , at9:40 am , when the crash occurred .