
  • 网络positive deviation;positive bias;plus deviation;positive tolerance
  1. 结果表明:K/S与染料用量呈线性关系,Rc与Rm呈小幅正偏差。

    The result showed that there was a linear relationship between value K / S and dye 's dosage , Rc had a slightly positive deviation .

  2. 具有正偏差特性的快速圆孤插补算法

    A circular interpolation algorithm with high speed and positive deviation

  3. 铁基催化剂F-T合成产物分布ASF曲线正偏差探讨

    Study of positive deviations from ASF product distributions of F-T synthesis over iron-based catalysts

  4. 利用光电接收器件阵列组合接收光栅产生的莫尔条纹信号,得到x,y方向的对正偏差信号。

    The Moire signal generated by a pair of special slant gratings is detected by a set of photoelectric detectors then the detected signals are used to estimate the magnitudes of misalignment in x , y directions .

  5. 基于杨氏谐振Q模型的校正方法虽然可直接进行测井与地震数据的匹配,但其对测井速度精度要求较高,且仅对闭合差为正偏差的情形适用;

    The correct method based on Yang 's resonant Q model can directly match logging with seismic data , but it requires high accurate logging velocity data and it is suitable for positive interval transit time difference .

  6. 铁进入产物主要是由于锌的机械夹带作用和反应过程中的Fe-Zn系正偏差效应,而铅进入产品中是因为自身的蒸发和反应过程中的Pb-Zn系正偏差效应。

    The joining of Fe into the product was mainly due to mechanical entrainment of zinc and the Fe-Zn systems positive bias effect , however , the Pb joins in the product because of its evaporation pressure and Pb-Zn systems positive bias effect .

  7. 此方法适用于加工不允许有正偏差的工件。

    This method used to machining permitting no positive deviation .

  8. 具有正偏差特性的圆弧插补方法

    A Circle Interpolation Method with the Positive Deviation Property

  9. 与加和公式计算的理想曲线相比,实验曲线出现正偏差。

    The experimental curve appeared positive deviation comparing to ideal curve calculated by the formula .

  10. 介绍一种圆弧插补原理及软件实现方法.此方法在最小偏差法的基础上加以改进,使其具有正偏差特性,且插补速度快、精度高、运行平稳、软件简洁。

    This paper described a new circle interpolation principle and software realizing method that is the improv - ing least deviation method .

  11. 正偏差表明混合单分子膜中不同分子间存在排斥力,而负偏差表明存在相互吸引力。

    The positive deviation indicated that repulsion exists among different molecules in mixed monolayer , and negative deviation indicated that an attraction exists among molecules .

  12. 银量法测氰化液中游离氰化钠时铜锌络离子的部分解离造成显著的正偏差。

    When determine free sodium cyanide in cyanide solution , a positive deviation presents markedly due to dissociation of part complex ions of zinc and copper .

  13. 在稠密植被地表,白天正偏差最高可达16℃以上,夜间的负偏差可达-3℃。

    On the dense vegetation surface , the highest difference in day can be over 16 ℃, and the negative difference at night can be about - 3 ℃ .

  14. 中心距偏差会改变齿轮副的重合度,正偏差对接触应力几乎没有影响,适量的负偏差可以改善齿间载荷分配。

    Center distance deviation will change the coincidence degree of the gear pair . Positive deviation hardly affects the contact stress , and negative deviation can improve the load distribution between teeth .

  15. 另一方面,在摩尔分数0.1~0.9范围内,混合单分子膜的崩溃压与理论值相比是正偏差,说明混合单分子膜中的相互排斥作用较强。

    On the other hand , in the range of 0.1-0.9 molar fraction , the surface pressure at collapse appeared positive deviation , which can explain that the repulsion in the mixed monolayer is very greater .

  16. 结果表明由常用的Weibul公式得出的50年一遇和百年一遇设计值估计有较大的正偏差和均方误差,而近似无偏公式及海森公式的偏差和均方误差均小于Weibul公式。

    The results illustrate that the Weibull fomula gives estimates of 50 and 100 a return values with more positive bias and mean square error , while the approximated unbiased formula and the Hazen formula are better .

  17. 应用传统的率函数模型于一个包含了目标区效应的集合种群,导致斑块大小相关的灭绝率参数估测的正偏差。

    Failure to include a target area effect in the model yielded a positive bias for the parameter that scaled extinction probability to patch size . Then at the 6 point will lead to a higher pregnancy rate .

  18. 亚洲夏季风自东向西逐渐建立的格局与经向温度梯度的转向和最大温度梯度值的西传以及亚洲低纬地区冬夏转换时期温度正偏差自中南半岛地区向西传播有着密切的关系。

    Asian monsoon establishment from east to west is closely related to the turning of meridional temperature gradients , their maxima travelling westward and the west spreading of positive temperature difference from the Indo China when winter goes to summer .

  19. 实验结果表明,丙酮-氯仿体系的汽相热容相对于理想混合为正偏差,苯-乙醇体系为负偏差,而苯-四氯化碳体系的非理想性不明显。

    The results show that the vapor heat capacities of acetone - chloroform are positive and those of benzene - ethanol are negative as compared with the linear additive values while the non-ideality of benzene - carbon tetrachloride system is very small .

  20. 交叉支撑三大件式转向架的正位偏差检测

    Detection of the Normal Position Deviation of the Cross-Braced Three-Pieced Bogies

  21. 那么记得正的偏差来自于,我们把这个重新放到上面。

    So , remember positive deviations came , let 's put this back up there .

  22. 好,因为我们已经有正的偏差,将要发生的是混合是不易进行的。

    Well , because we 've got a positive deviation , what 's going to happen is the mixing is unfavorable .

  23. 论述了对交叉支撑式转向架进行正位偏差检测的意义和方法,介绍了测量系统的设计原理、结构和特点。

    The meaning and methods to detect the normal position deviation of the cross-braced bogie are discussed . The design principles , structure and features of the measurement system are des-cribed .

  24. 并在此基础上估算了熔盐溶液的正、负偏差情况,结合熔盐溶液的MonteCarlo法研究结果进行了讨论。

    This result was discussed based on some conclusion obtained from the Monte Carlo simulation method of molten salt mixture .

  25. 占星家使用贝尔曲线图的星相影响,所以这就是为什么会存在这种正或负偏差如此的日期我每月给你许多相关。

    Astrologers use bell curves to chart astrological aspects , so that is why there is this plus or minus tolerance associated with so many of the dates I give you each month .

  26. 设计的调节器对于正、负偏差量具有不同的增益和不同的时间常数,并对大小不同的误差信号给以不同的限值。

    In DC control system the regulators are designed with different gains , different time constants and different limiting values for positive and negative deviations , thus the regulating characteristics are improved to a great extent .

  27. 正时控制正调节调速偏差

    Timing Control Positive Governing Governor Deviation