
hòu zhuì
  • suffix;postfix
后缀 [hòu zhuì]
  • (1) [suffix]∶在一个词、词根或短语的结尾出现的词缀

  • (2) [postfix]∶加在另一个词后面的字母、音节或词

后缀[hòu zhuì]
  1. Fandom(就是fan加后缀dom,像kingdom和freedom一样)指由粉丝构成的一种亚文化现象,这些粉丝拥有共同的兴趣爱好并且彼此之间存在一种志趣相投的友情。

    Fandom ( consisting of fan plus the suffix with others who share a common interest .

  2. 它描述的含义,后缀数组以及如何建立它。

    It described the meaning of suffix array and also how to built it .

  3. "son(意思为儿子)"这个后缀加在父亲的名字后,就像Johnson(约翰逊),意思是约翰的儿子。

    The " son of " part was added to the father 's first name , like Johnson , meaning John 's son .

  4. 您可能会想知道为什么需要有first后缀。

    You may be wondering why the first suffix is required .

  5. 但是secret池中后缀名为“.txt”的文件会被迁移到system池中。

    Txt'extension in the secret pool will be migrated to the system pool .

  6. 基于后缀树的Web检索结果聚类标签生成方法

    Suffix Tree Based Label Generation Method for Web Search Results Clustering

  7. 基于后缀树词序列核挖掘Web文档

    Suffix-Tree Word Sequence Kernel for Web Document Mining

  8. 此外,还有注意like后缀;这是区分大小写的SQLLIKE子句。

    Also notice the like suffix ; this is a case-insensitive SQL LIKE clause .

  9. SuffIndex&一种基于后缀树的XML索引结构

    Suff Index & An XML Index Structure Based on Suffix Tree

  10. 根据惯例,这些探测通常包含后缀start和done。

    As a convention these probes usually have a suffix of start and done .

  11. 用后缀树构造XML路径字典加快路径查询评价速度

    Constructing Path Dictionary with Suffix Trees to Speed up XML Query Evaluation

  12. 这些轴承以型号后缀n识别。

    These bearings are identified by the designation suffix n.

  13. 输入基准标识名(Basedistinguishedname),即所有用户常见的最特定的后缀。

    Enter the Base distinguished name , the most specific suffix common to all users .

  14. 最好避免在操作名称中使用后缀Event。

    It is a good practice to avoid having the suffix Event in an action name .

  15. 这些头文件是以,h为后缀的,完全不同于,一个,c文件。

    Just the . h file as we 'll see is obviously named different than a.c file .

  16. 每个测试计划都以XML格式存储在一个后缀名为.jmx的文件中。

    Each of the test plans is saved in XML format in a file with a.jmx suffix .

  17. Linux系统是没有文件名后缀的概念的,这一点跟传统的操纵系统是不同的。

    Linux has no concept of a " file extension " like legacy operating systems .

  18. 否定前缀或后缀,如a-,non-,un-或-less。

    A privative prefix or suffix , such as a - , non - , un - , or-less .

  19. 当然,POST参数和URL后缀都不安全,容易被编辑。

    Both POST parameters and URL suffixes are , of course , vulnerable to user editing .

  20. (注意,您在名称后面省略了Tests后缀,能键入更少的内容始终是一件好事)。

    Notice that you drop the Tests suffix from the end of the name & less typing is always a good thing .

  21. 这两个文件的文件名的格式是类型库文件名加上后缀“Bridge”。

    The names of these files are constructed from the name of the source type library filename and a " Bridge " suffix .

  22. 每个按钮都加个数字作后缀来实现惟一的ID。

    Each button is set with a unique ID by adding a number as the suffix .

  23. rmfilt:rm后缀对所有UNIX管理员来说应该很熟悉。

    Rmfilt : The rm suffix should sound familiar with any UNIX administrator .

  24. 添加后缀和导入数据之后,启动TivoliDirectoryServer实例。

    After you add the suffix and import the data , start the Tivoli Directory Server instance .

  25. 谈满语动词后缀ci

    On the Verb Affix ci in Manchu

  26. 一种新的OFDM后缀信号-PP

    A New OFDM Postfix - PP

  27. (在已发布的软件中,ScrumProcess模板名字将不包含“EarlyDraft”后缀)。

    ( In the released software , the Scrum Process template name will not include the "( Early Draft )" suffix . )

  28. 在对话框中找到MVCController,并确保赋予的名称是以Controller后缀结尾的。

    In the dialog find MVC Controller and be sure to give it a name that ends in the Controller suffix .

  29. 为边缘传输服务器名称配置dns后缀。

    Configure the DNS suffix for the Edge Transport server name .

  30. 最后一个端口名由实例名加上前缀“DB2”和后缀“END”得到。

    The last port name is composed of the instance name , prefixed with " DB2_ " and suffixed by " _END " .