
  • 网络post-modern art;Postmodern art
  1. 为了清晰地透析后现代艺术,本文首先探讨了后现代艺术的产生背景。

    To analyse post-modern art clear , this thesis discusses its production background at first .

  2. 高跟鞋给我们展出的都是一场丰富的、充满了奇思异想的后现代艺术展。

    High-heeled shoes are on display for us a rich , full of wild notion of post-modern art .

  3. 后现代艺术的多元性特征分析

    An Analysis of the Features of Diversity of the Post-modern Art

  4. 世界本来如是&论后现代艺术的要求

    This Real World & The Requests of the Post-Modernism Arts

  5. 摄影与绘画结合的后现代艺术

    Post-modern Realism Art of the Integration of Photography and Painting

  6. 无样板NO架上&后现代艺术语境中的现代性

    No Model , No Easel & Modernism in the post-modern circumstances of art

  7. 艺术作品概念的开放性与同一性&对后现代艺术作品解答的一种尝试

    The Conceptual Openness and Identity of Artworks & A Tentative Interpretation of Postmodern Artworks

  8. 放浪的美学:酒吧空间与后现代艺术

    Unconventional Aesthetics : Bars and Post-modernist Art

  9. 虚无:后现代艺术的心灵史

    Nihinity : the Soul History of Postmodernism

  10. 后现代艺术及其审美意向初探

    Post-modernism and Its Esthetic Intention

  11. 应该看到后现代艺术在一些看似荒诞的行为背后所诠释的真正意义。

    Should see that modern art is in the real meanings annotated behind some seemingly fantastic behaviors .

  12. 九十年代第六代导演群体的创作的非主流电影中带有大量的后现代艺术特征。

    The incurrent movies created by Chinese sixth-generation directors in the 1990s have many postmodern artistic peculiarities .

  13. 中国后现代艺术问题?

    China issues post-modern art ?

  14. 通过对这些问题的研究企图探究消费社会语境中后现代艺术的特性。

    I want to explore the characteristics of post modern art in consuming society by studying these issues .

  15. 在西方,它已经在学术上被理论家认定为一种后现代艺术思潮,形成女性主义艺术和流派。

    In the West , it has been regarded by theorists as a post-modernism thoughts , forming femalism arts and schools .

  16. 西方后现代艺术走上了一条反对极端、追求折衷、不尚单一、力倡融合的多样化道路。

    The western post-modern art has chosen a way opposing extreme , seeking compromise , advocating diversity and calling for amalgamation .

  17. 相应地,西方艺术也经历了从传统艺术到现代艺术再到后现代艺术的转化。

    Correspondingly , western art also has transformed from the traditional art to the modern art , and the post-modern art .

  18. 坚持先进文化方向能打折扣?&评首届广州当代艺术三年展的后现代艺术展示

    Holding the Advanced Cultural Direction to The Letter & Comment on Post-Modern Arts Display of First Modern Arts Three-Year Display in Guangzhou

  19. 西方的现代、后现代艺术确有其消极的一面,并已经产生了一些有目共睹的恶劣影响。

    Obviously , western modern art and back modern art have their negative sides , and have already produced some abominable influence .

  20. 走出后现代艺术的困境,卡西尔的艺术哲学思想值得重视。

    In order to get rid of the puzzlement of the postmodern art , importance should be attached to Cassirer s artistic philosophy .

  21. 近年来,各种以现代、后现代艺术名义出现的艺术样式,对传统绘画产生了某种意义上的冲击,传统架上绘画存在的价值受到怀疑。

    In recent years , various modern and post-modern art forms have greated affected traditional board painting , whose existence has been challenged .

  22. 这一理论不是来自艺术哲学家,也不是来自后现代艺术理论家或是有名的艺术评论家。

    And we get it not from a philosopher of art , not from a postmodern art theorist or a bigwig art critic .

  23. 社会生活带来的巨大压力,哲学思想异常活跃,后现代艺术不断涌现,怪诞艺术的创作变得屡见不鲜。

    Social life brings tremendous pressure . Philosophy turns particularly active . Post-modern art emerges successively . Artistic creation of grotesque comes out commonly .

  24. 伴随古典艺术到现代、后现代艺术的转换,诗、画的自律性已突破原有的层面,出现了一些新特点。

    With the changing from classical arts to modern and post-modern arts , new features have occurred in the restraining of poetry and painting .

  25. 从某种意义上来说,观念艺术可以与后现代艺术直接画上等号,因为它是后现代艺术的最显著特征之一。

    To some extent , conceptual art is identical with post-modern art because it is one of the most remarkable characteristics in post-modern art .

  26. 意大利当代艺术家卡罗玛利亚马里亚尼(carlomariamariani1931.7.25-)的作品被评论界视为最具代表性的后现代艺术现象。

    The works of Carlo Maria mariani , the contemporary artist of italy , are considered to be the most representative ones in post-modern art .

  27. 在后现代艺术中,出现了一种摄影与绘画相互影响的趋势。

    Postmodern art appeared in such a trend of painting , photography gradually appeared , and at the same time , painting also appeared photography glycosylated .

  28. 他的后现代艺术作品流露出的气息,也正符合当下艺术界提倡的构建中国气派的观点。

    Showing of breath of his postmodern art , also consistent with contemporary art advocated to promote construction of " Chinese style " point of view .

  29. 本论文搜集的资料包括西方现代及后现代艺术、中国近代及当代艺术和中国传统文化、艺术的书籍。

    The material including western modernism art , post modernism art , Chinese modern times art , Chinese contemporary art , Chinese traditional art and culture .

  30. 这样,西方艺术的形态、意义以及地位就发生了三次历史性转折:即浪漫艺术、现代艺术、后现代艺术。

    Thus , the form , significance and status of western art have experienced three historic turns , namely , romantic art , modern art and post-modern art .