
  1. 结果表明:北京市后备土地资源宜耕开垦的生产性指标临界值为海拔≤800米、坡度≤15°、土层厚度≥30cm和砾石含量≤15%。

    The result shows that the productivity index criteria of reserved land in Beijing is that altitude ≤ 800 m , slope ≤ 15 ° , soil depth ≥ 30 cm and gravel content ≤ 15 % .

  2. 上海滩涂后备土地资源及其可持续开发途径

    Coastal land resources in Shanghai with analysis on their sustainable exploitation

  3. 干旱区盐渍化土地是我国重要的后备土地资源。

    The saline land is a kind of important reserved cultivable land resource in China .

  4. 我国的人均土地资源较少,质量不高,后备土地资源不足,决定了应加强耕地保护与土地资源可持续利用,其主要措施有:严格贯彻实施《土地利用总体规划纲要》;拓展耕地保护思路;

    The inadequacy of reserved land resources requires strengthening of land protection and sustainable use .

  5. 潮滩不仅是宝贵的可再生资源,更是重要的后备土地资源。

    Tidal flat is not only a valuable regenerate resource , but also an importantly reserved land resource .

  6. 但是在土地利用过程中,一方面可供开发的后备土地资源稀缺,另一方面农村的建设用地闲置和低效利用的现象却十分严重。

    The resources of available land are scarce while the phenomenon that the rural construction land is used inefficiently .

  7. 中国的滩涂资源是一种动态增长的后备土地资源,具有继续扩张的潜力。

    The tidal flat of China is a reserve land resources which increases at all times and has a potentiality of continuative expanding .

  8. 黑龙江省虎林市有优越的生态条件、丰富的野生资源和后备土地资源,绿色食品开发潜力大。

    Rich in wildlife resources and reserve land , the city of Hulin of Heilongjiang Province has favorable ecological conditions for green food development .

  9. 这些都将导致我省出现耕地面积锐减、土地退化严重,后备土地资源严重不足等情况。

    All of these must lead to increase area of urban land , heavy land degradation and serious absence of backup land resources , ete .

  10. 贵州省土地利用存在问题及其后果主要包括:①耕地减少势头难以遏制,后备土地资源缺乏,人地矛盾日益尖锐。

    Existing problems and consequences in land use include in Guizhou province ? Stop farm land area decreasing in difficulty , shortage of reserve land .

  11. 后备土地资源迅速减少,土地的生态环境日益恶化,人口与土地的矛盾日益突出,形成了全球性土地危机。

    Rapid reduction of reserve land resources , land deterioration of ecological environment , population and land have become increasingly prominent , form a global land crisis .

  12. 滩涂湿地不仅是东台市经济发展的重要后备土地资源,也为江苏地区提供了强大的生态服务功能和资源环境价值。

    The beach wetland is not only an important land reserve resource for the economic development of Dongtai , but also provides powerful ecological service function and resources environmental value .

  13. 长江口滨岸湿地作为上海城市发展的后备土地资源,随着上海经济的高速发展出现了前所未有的开发热潮。

    Yangtze estuary tidal wetland is one of the important land resources in Shanghai city . With the quick development of economy , Yangtze estuary tidal wetland has become an important exploiting area .

  14. 我国人口多,素质低下,人均耕地面积减少,后备土地资源有限,开发中土地毁损严重。

    Due to the huge population , low population quality , inadequate cultivated land , limit resource of reserve land , and severe damage to land in development , China should make efforts on sustainable development .

  15. 该指标体系的建立,为北京市后备土地资源能否开垦为耕地提供定量化判别标准,在理论上丰富了以区域生态安全为约束条件的后备土地资源开发利用指标体系。

    Based on the index system established , criteria for reserved land resources reclamation was confirmed in Beijing area and index system was enriched in the field of reserved land resources reclamation limited by ecological security .

  16. 沿海滩涂不仅是一种重要的后备土地资源,而且蕴藏着丰富的水生物、港口、再生能源、矿产、旅游等资源,具有巨大的开发潜力。

    Tidal flat resource is not only an important reserve land resource , but also imbeds abundant resources , such as water living beings , port , regenerated energy , mineral products and tourism , which have prominent potentiality .

  17. 自然质量等指数和自然质量分既可用于划定耕地与基本农田保护区,也可应用于耕地占补平衡规划,用于后备土地资源开发和现有低产耕地的改造或整理。

    The natural grading index and quality index could be used to delineate the cultivated land and primary farmland zone , and to study the cultivated land occupation and supplement , land exploitation and the reclamation of low quality cropland as well .