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  1. 17世纪后期,越南名义上处于后黎朝统治之下,而实际上处于南方阮氏和北方郑氏两个封建割据政权统治之下。

    In the late 17th century , Vietnam was nominally ruled by the Hou Le Dynasty , but , in fact , the country was controlled by Nguyen family in south and Trinh family in north .

  2. 后黎朝(1428&1787年)是越南封建社会从繁荣走向衰落的时期。

    This dissertation may remedy a defect from historians at home and abroad in its field . In the Post Li Dynasty ( 1428-1787 ), the feudal society in Vietnam was getting declined from its prosperous age .

  3. 统一后的后黎朝时期,经济逐步恢复,文化日益发展,社会稳定,与中国保持密切的宗藩关系。

    At that time , in the context of the gradual economic recovery , cultural development and social stability , Vietnam maintained close ties with China .