
  • 网络punk;Post-Punk;Post Punk
  1. 在柏林,凯夫初次开始了音乐之外的冒险,最终令他成为“后朋克”一代中的文艺复兴式全才:一本怪异、血腥的,带有福克纳色彩的小说,题为《而蠢人看见天使》(AndtheAssSawtheAngel)。

    It was in Berlin that Cave undertook the first of the extramusical forays that would eventually come to define him as the renaissance man of the " postpunk " generation : a grotesque , blood-spattered , Faulkner-saturated novel titled " And the Ass Saw the Angel . "

  2. 对于90年代早期后朋克慢摇来说,这会不会太过庄重了你不觉得吗

    Dan : Kind of a staid affair for early ' 90s , post punk math rock , don 't you think ?

  3. 哦鉴于时间紧迫我唯一能联系到的就是我自己了staid:严肃古板的affair:事情punk:朋克(一种非主流的流行和观念的代称)对于90年代早期后朋克慢摇来说,这会不会太过庄重了你不觉得吗?

    Rufus : Uh , since it was such short notice , , the only person I could get was myself . - Dan : Kind of a staid affair for early ' 90s , post punk math rock , don 't you think ? -

  4. 浅野在横滨的本牧亭长大,那是个典型的“后嬉皮前朋克”区。

    Asano 's upbringing in the Honmoku area of Yokohama was classically post-hippie , pre-punk .