
  • 网络Frankenstein;Dr. Frankenstein;Frankenstein's monster;Victor Frankenstein
  1. 这不是Cumberbatch的舞台处女作了,之前他曾经参演过国家剧院的DannyBoyle导演的舞台剧《科学怪人之永生》。

    This isn 't Cumberbatch 's first trip to the stage . He previously appeared in the National Theatre production of Frankenstein , directed by Danny Boyle .

  2. 《科学怪人》是英国浪漫派女小说家玛丽·雪莱创作的小说。

    Frankenstein , or The Modern Prometheus , generally known simply as Frankenstein , is a novel written by Percy Shelley .

  3. 这部电影是根据弗兰肯斯坦科学怪人的故事改编的。

    The movie is a reworking of the Frankenstein story .

  4. 创造她的科学怪人名叫内森(Nathan),是一个史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)式的粗暴人物,由迷人的奥斯卡·伊萨克(OscarIsaac)饰演。

    Her Dr. Frankenstein is an abrasive Steve Jobs-type named Nathan , played by a hypnotic Oscar Isaac .

  5. 但这种与日俱增的能力引发了近乎“科学怪人”(Frankenstein)式的担忧:开发人员能否控制他们创造出的机器?

    But such soaring capabilities have stirred almost Frankenstein-like fears about whether developers can control their creations .

  6. 根据玛丽雪莱的著名小说《科学怪人》画出来的香蕉造型。

    Cool banana art inspired by Frankenstein novel by Mary Shelley .

  7. 你不是那个《科学怪人》吧?

    Aren 't you that freak Frankensein , are you ?

  8. 科学怪人想让马克重返兄弟会

    The monster wants Mark to return to the brotherhood .

  9. 飞行器已经不再是科学怪人手里的玩意了;

    The use of the flying machine was no longer confined to the eccentric .

  10. 玛丽?雪莱,《科学怪人》。牛津:牛津大学出版社,2001年版。

    Shelley , Mary . Frankenstein . Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2001 .

  11. 他&被誉为在地球上“最聪明”的人,他就是“科学怪人”霍金。

    He is regarded as having one of the brightest minds on the planet .

  12. 就好像弗兰肯斯坦博士抛弃了自己创造的科学怪人

    It 's like Dr. Frankenstein turning his back on the monster he created .

  13. 你是一个科学怪人!

    You 're a wacko of science !

  14. 那科学怪人想要什么

    And what does the monster want ?

  15. 那里的女生比男生多,男生们大多都是科学怪人。

    There were more women up there , and most of the guys were science-math types .

  16. 但也有专家认为,就像玛丽雪莱在她着名的小说《科学怪人》中所写的那样,这也存在潜在的危险。

    But experts recognise that as Mary Shelley demonstrated in her famous novel , there are potential dangers too .

  17. 相反,媒体上关于“科学怪人食物”的头版新闻很常见,所谓的健康威胁和环境风险常常充斥着全世界报纸的版面。

    Rather , headlines about'frankenfoods'are common , with alleged health threats and environmental risks frequently gracing the pages of newspapers around the world .

  18. 他同时也是一位天才发明家,拥有一个地下实验室,每次搞研发都会发挥出他科学怪人的一面。

    He is also a brilliant inventor with his own underground laboratory , and when inventing he sometimes adopts a mad scientist persona .

  19. 《发财妙计》、《神枪小子》、《新科学怪人》。还用我多说吗?

    He gave us " The Producers , " " Blazing Saddles , " and " Young Frankenstein . " Need we say more ?

  20. 你们是一群科学怪人,到处指着别人,说他们是骗子。

    I mean , you guys are a bunch of scientist nerds running around poking your nose in people 's faces -- calling them liars .

  21. 其间,他支持创办了有军队和情报部门支持的圣战组织,布托称之为&科学怪人。

    In the process , they helped create what Miss Bhutto called a " Frankenstein 's monster " & of jihadist groups with sympathisers in the army and intelligence services .

  22. 本片是《科学怪人》的续集。《科学怪人的新娘》并不像大多数续集电影那样缺乏想象力,也丝毫不逊色于第一部(《科学怪人》)。

    This sequel called " Bride of Frankenstein " is as good as its original ( Frankenstein ) which cannot be said of the most sequels , which usually lack imagination .

  23. 分析「教育」主题在下列小说中的意义:《理智与情感》、《威弗利》、《瘾君子的自白》、《科学怪人》、《最后一人》或《远大前程》。

    Write an essay analyzing the theme of education in any of the following novels : Sense and Sensibility , Waverley , Confessions , Frankenstein , The Last Man , Great Expectations .

  24. 在场的一位诗人的妻子创作出了恐怖故事《科学怪人》,还有一位诗人创作出了诗篇《一个片段》——德古拉伯爵的故事正是来源于此。

    The wife of one of the poets present produced a gruesome tale called Frankenstein , while another of the poets wrote ' A Fragment ' that later inspired the story of Dracula ;

  25. 如果一切进展顺利,科学怪人将不会成为合成生物学家的最好比喻;他们或许更像是打开宝盒的潘多拉但释放的是希望而非灾难。

    If all goes well , Frankenstein will not be the best metaphor for synthetic biologists ; they may be more like Pandora opening her box but releasing the hope without the woe .

  26. 大多数年轻人在认可现今领导人之前就已接受科学怪人,德古拉,金刚,哥斯拉或木乃伊的文化地位。

    Most youths would recognize a picture of Frankenstein , Dracula , King Kong , Godzilla , or the Mummy , before acknowledging the political figures in the real world , say , the Now Leaders .

  27. 相反地,那个体力惊人、相貌极端丑陋的科学怪人背后,却有着善良而又可怜的一面,甚至可以说这是他的本性的一面。

    On the contrary , that astonishing physical strength , appearance is extremely ugly Frankenstein behind , but it has a good side but the poor can even say that this is the nature of his side .

  28. 自从公元8年,奥维德叙事诗变形部分首次出版以来,这故事就被广泛引用。皮诺奇、科学怪人、窈窕淑女,以及90年代改头换面的电影里都有这个故事的影子。

    The tale has been reimaginedcountless times since its initial publication as part of Ovid 's epic poemMetamorphoses in 8 A.D. Pinocchio , Frankenstein , My Fair Lady , and 90s makeovermovie She 's All That all have their origins in that myth .

  29. 由于扮演抢镜头的神经过敏的科学怪人库珀谢尔顿的形象赢得两次艾美奖和一次金球奖的帕森斯表示,他成功的最大的影响是在他妈妈朱迪,一位一年级教师的身上。

    Parsons , who has won two Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe for his scene-stealing portrayal of neurotic nerd Sheldon Cooper , says he gets the biggest kick from the impact his success has had on his mum , Judy , a first-grade teacher .

  30. 《生活大爆炸》是围绕着一群高智商科学“怪人”展开的,目前已播到第十季。

    Big Bang Theory , which centres on a group of high-functioning science " geeks , " is currently on its 10th series .