
  1. 重构硕士生科学社会主义理论与实践教材的宏观思考

    Macroscopic Reflections on Reconstructing Theory and Practice of Scientific Socialism

  2. 马克思的这条思想线索是科学社会主义理论的出发点。

    Max 's thought thread is a starting point of science socialism theory .

  3. 马克思主义的科学社会主义理论为西方现代契约正义理论产生提供了社会哲学基础;

    Marxian scientific socialistic theory provided social philosophy foundation ;

  4. 浅谈科学社会主义理论的发展历程与发展前景

    On The Development of the Theory of Scientific Socialism

  5. 为科学社会主义理论提供了新内容;

    It provides new contents for scientific socialism theory .

  6. 搞社会主义一定要实事求是,一切从实际出发,科学社会主义理论必须随着实践和科学的发展而发展;

    The scientific socialist theory must develop with the development of practice and sciences .

  7. 科学社会主义理论研究22年评析

    Review of the Study on the Scientific Socialism Theory During the Latest 22 Years

  8. 中国经济改革与科学社会主义理论的创新

    On China 's Structural Reform of the Economy and the Innovation of Scientific Socialism

  9. 阶级和阶级斗争理论是科学社会主义理论的灵魂。这些概念和理论为不确定性信息理论奠定了基础.这个理论本身和社会实践均有一个不断发展的过程。

    The theory of class and class struggle is the soul of scientific socialism .

  10. 突出研究特点,推进研究生《科学社会主义理论与实践》教学

    Stressing Researching Characteristic and Advancing Teaching of Scientific Socialism Theory and Practice for Postgraduate Students

  11. 科学社会主义理论的重大发展

    Significant development of the scientific socialism theory

  12. 科学社会主义理论在中国的拓展

    Extension of Scientific Socialism Theory in China

  13. 它属于科学社会主义理论体系中的社会主义建设论。

    It belongs to the socialist construction theory in the theoretical system of scientific socialism .

  14. 论马克思、恩格斯对待科学社会主义理论的态度

    Studying the method how Marx and Engels dealt with the scientific socialist theory found by themselves

  15. 中国不断探索中的经济改革不仅从实践上而且在理论上丰富并发展了科学社会主义理论。

    The economy reform in the exploration of China enriches and develops the theory of scientific socialism .

  16. 马克思、恩格斯在创立科学社会主义理论时曾预言,社会主义是建立在发达资本主义国家基础之上的。

    Marx and Engles once predicted that socialism would be built on the basis of developed capitalist countries .

  17. 基础课:科学社会主义理论、自然辩证法、外语、数学、计算机应用技术等。

    Basic courses : scientific socialism , dialectics of nature , foreign language , computer application techniques , etc.

  18. 并且,人学思想是马克思政治经济学和科学社会主义理论的哲学基础之一。

    Also , Human Science is political economy and scientific socialism of Marx ' sphilosophical basis of the theory .

  19. 创始者所开辟的整个马克思主义理论体系,尤其是科学社会主义理论体系,都未避开阶级斗争,无不直接或间接地建基于对阶级冲突态势的把握。

    The whole Marxist theory system , especially scientific socialism theory system , did not avoid " class conflict " .

  20. 马克思的世界历史理论作为构成其唯物史观和科学社会主义理论体系的不可或缺的组成部分,是马克思在19世纪40年代中期提出的一个重要学说。

    Marxist theory of world history as to constitute an integral part of historical materialism and scientific socialism theory system .

  21. 前者灌输的内容是发展着的科学社会主义理论,而后者则是教条式的东西;

    The contents of the former are the developing theories of scientific socialism , while that of the latter is doctrines .

  22. 在马克思恩格斯最初创立的科学社会主义理论体系中,教育就是一项重要内容。

    In the theory of scientific socialism originally created by Marx and Engles , education is the very important part of it .

  23. 第一次科技革命的产生与发展,是马克思科学社会主义理论产生的重要条件。

    The production and development of the first scientific and technological revolution is the important condition for the production of Marxist scientific socialist theory .

  24. 马克思主义哲学由辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义两部分组成,包括唯物论、辩证法、反映论、历史唯物论和科学社会主义理论。

    Marxist philosophy is composed of dialectical materialism and historical materialism , including materialism , dialectics , theory of reflection , historical materialism and scientific socialism .

  25. 本文从科学社会主义理论和实践发展的多重视角和维度来论证科学发展观的历史地位和实践价值。

    This paper demonstrates historical status and practical value of the concept of scientific development from multiple angle and dimensionality of scientific socialism theory and practice .

  26. 这是对科学社会主义理论的重要创新与发展,对建设中国特色社会主义具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    . This is an important innovation in the theory of scientific socialism and has important theoretical and practical significance in building socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  27. 摘要第二次世界大战后,当代资本主义发生了一系列新的变化,使得传统科学社会主义理论面临严峻的挑战。

    After the second world war , contemporary capitalism has had a series of new changes , and posed stern challenges for the traditional scientific socialism .

  28. 从马克思恩格斯创立的科学社会主义理论到20世纪社会主义的实践,为我们进一步理解社会主义,坚定社会主义信念打下了基础。

    From scientific socialism Marx and Engels founded to the socialist practice in the 20th century , they found our further comprehending socialism and firming socialist faith .

  29. 随着马克思主义传入中国,马克思主义的科学社会主义理论向中国人民展现了通往大同理想的道路。

    With the entry of Marxism , the Marxism scientific socialism theory unfolds an ideal path to the Chinese people which would lead us to the Great Harmony .

  30. 法治国家的提出作为科学社会主义理论与实践的重大突破,为法治建设提出了新的研究课题。

    As a significant breakthrough of the theory and practice of scientific socialism , the guideline raises a new research subject for developing a sound socialist legal system .