
  • 【辩证法】structure of scientific theory
  1. 自然科学理论的结构分析

    The Structural Analysis of the Theory of Natural Science

  2. 文章从科学理论的一般结构的分析开始,探讨了迪昂-奎因论点对科学理论检验重大转变的影响,概略地分析了科学哲学关于科学理论检验的历史进程。

    In this paper I analyze the general structure of scientific theory , discuss the effect of Duhem-Quine thesis to the two important shifts of scientific theory test , and give a rough analysis of the historical process of scientific theory test in philosophy of science .

  3. 本期论坛主要讨论科学哲学学科建设的立足点、科学理论的进化结构、海德格尔的技术哲学思想以及费耶阿本德的后现代科学哲学。

    These articles discuss the standpoint of philosophy of science , evolutional structure of theory , Heidegger 's philosophy about modern technology and Feyerabend 's postmodern philosophy of science .

  4. 对科学哲学各派关于科学理论的分析主要从科学理论的性质、结构和发展三方面展开的。

    Analyses of different schools of thought in philosophy of science are carried out from the following three aspects : the quality , the structure and the development of the scientific theory .

  5. 科学哲学的一个重要研究课题就是科学理论,比如科学理论的结构、科学理论的确证和科学理论的评价。

    Scientific acceptance is one of the magnitude process of theory evaluation , which is part of the main research field of Philosophy of science , besides the study of theory structure and theory confirmation .