
  1. 当我们说这个行为是善的时,我们便作出一个概念的判断。

    When we say , " this action is good , " we are asserting a judgment of the concept .

  2. 概念的判断以概念、以在简单形式下的全体,作为它的内容,亦即以普遍事物和它的全部规定性作为内容。

    The judgment of the concept has the concept , the totality in simple form , as its content , the universal with its complete determinacy .

  3. 不同性别被试多少概念的判断值受材料数量范围、材料性质和材料呈现条件的影响。

    The number range of materials , the properties of materials and the present condition of materials all had an influence on different gender subjects ' judgment value of much and few concept .

  4. 结果表明:3岁和4岁幼儿在说谎和说真话概念的判断上年龄差异显著,在对说谎的道德评价上,年龄差异不显著;

    The following are the results : ( 1 ) four-year-olds did much better than 3-year-olds in lying concept judgment , while there is no significant difference between the two age groups in moral judgment of lying ;

  5. 他这是在证明,“土著巢”虽不是精确计算和严密设计的产物,却是按人对力学概念的直觉判断完成的。

    This shows that though the'Earth Nest'was built without accurate calculations or rigid design , there is a definite intuitive insight into the laws of mechanics built into it .

  6. 人格概念的伦理价值判断功能应该让位于它的法律技术功能。

    The ethical judgments of personality should be submitted to its legal function .

  7. 社论是说理论证的文章,和其他论文一样,要求有明确的概念、恰当的判断、合乎逻辑的推理。

    Editorial have the same demand with other papers that clear concept , proper judgment , logic reasoning .

  8. 传统的裁量理论认为行政裁量行为是不受法院完全审查的行为,然而在法律适用过程中,事实要件的确认以及法律概念的解释和判断,是否存在裁量呢?

    Traditionally , the theory of judgment believes the behaviors of administrative judgment should not be full reviewed by courts .

  9. 即以全面审查为原则,依据实际情况而赋予行政机关在不确定法律概念适用上的判断余地。

    That is , the principle of a comprehensive review , based on the actual situation and to give the executive authorities in the application of the legal concept of undefined to determine the room .

  10. 关于沙漠化的概念及其发展程度的判断

    The Concept of Desertification and the Differentiation of Its Development

  11. 这种建立起来的概念的特殊性就是判断。

    This realized particularity of the notion is the judgment .

  12. 这些概念对于近似商标的判断起着十分重要的作用。

    These concepts are similar to the mark for the judge plays a very important role .

  13. 该文利用描述逻辑有效的推理功能,特别是它对概念包含关系的有效判断,把它与多主体系统的服务推理结合起来。

    Using effective reasoning capability of description logic , especially its effective judgment to concept subsumption , the combination of description logic and service reasoning in multi-agent systems is studied .

  14. 在评述疏浚挖槽效果指标的基础上,提出了挖槽效率减淤指标等概念,为科学的判断挖槽效果奠定了基础。

    Based on the appraisal of three kinds of means that reflect the effect of dredging , proposed several judging indexes ( such as dredging efficiency ) to estimate excavating results .