
  • 网络Generalization ability;abstract ability
  1. 不同数据集的实验测试结果表明,与Kowalczyk的RDM方法相比,文中方法具有更好的数据概括能力、更强的噪声数据处理能力和更高的搜索效率。

    Finally , different experimental databases are calculated and the results demonstrate that above approach has better generalization ability , more powerful ability to handle data contaminated by noise and higher searching efficiency compared with the Kowalczyk 's RDM .

  2. 三个年龄段的儿童间存在非常显著的年级差异,这表明儿童的概括能力、演绎能力都在迅速发展,但演绎能力始终比概括能力更高。

    Although children 's generalization ability and description ability develop with age at the same time , children 's description ability is usually at the higher level .

  3. (Allen注:在这个阶段应该有一定的概括能力和融会贯通的能力)。他们会训练来核实他们的行动,但是通过这种阶段他们正学着相信他们自己的判断(直觉)。

    They will still refer back to their rule-based training to verify their actions , but by this stage they are learning to trust their own judgement .

  4. 能力目标:培养学生归纳概括能力和演绎推理能力;

    Ability aims : Develop students'the ability of summary and deduction .

  5. 概括能力有比较大的进步。

    Progress is made in the ability of generalization . 4 .

  6. 语文教学中培养学生的思维概括能力

    Fostering Students ' Summarizing Ability of Thought in Chinese Teaching

  7. 创造思维是建立在良好的认知能力与分析概括能力的基础上的。

    Creative thinking is based on are 's cognitive ability and analytic ability .

  8. 培养学生观察能力和抽象概括能力。

    Train their espial ability and abstract epitome ability .

  9. 受教育年限主要影响语言的抽象、概括能力。

    Education primarily influenced the capacity of abstract and generalization in the language .

  10. 数学概括能力及应用

    Summarizing Ability and Its Application in Math Learning

  11. 研究了数学概括能力的形成过程。数学概括能力应贯穿在数学学习的全过程之中。

    Summarizing ability in math learning formed in the whole process of teaching and learning .

  12. 其中推理能力和归纳概括能力是影响阅读水平的主要因素。

    Reasoning ability , inducing and summarizing ability are the main factors affecting reading level .

  13. 因此,概括能力的高低,很大程度上决定着思维水平的高低。

    Therefore , the whole level of thinking is mostly decided by the summarizing ability .

  14. 需要较强的抽象概括能力;

    Need stronger abstract ability briefly ;

  15. 认识水平与概括能力制约着不同民族大学生推理能力的发展。

    Cognitive level and generalizability are major factors that restricts Reasoning abilities of undergraduates of different nationalities .

  16. 3-6岁幼儿在分类实验中概括能力的发展

    A study on the development of generalizing ability in classification between the ages of 3 and 6

  17. 在大学里,他们解决问题的技能得到提高,但概括能力却被忽视了。

    At universities , their skills in problem-solving are enhanced at the expense of their abilities to conceptualize .

  18. 实验目的是试图比较它们对不同空间构型的辨别和概括能力。

    The purpose is to make a comparative study of the discrimination and generalization abilities of the animals in spatial configurations .

  19. 除了让学生们再次回顾本节课所学的内容外,还使学生们的概括能力得到了锻炼。

    In this part , the teacher will ask the students to sum up the things they 've learnt in this class .

  20. 思维因素是从学生的年龄、经验和智力方面,感知方面,抽象概括能力和语言表达能力四个方面进行了论述。

    Thinking Factor is explained from the ages of the students , experience and intelligence , sensitivity , abstract generalization and language ability .

  21. 初中生对关键句与目标旬间有一致性的寓言故事的组织连贯能力和寓言意义概括能力得分明显优于不一致的寓言故事;

    The students , whose ability to coherence and meanings summarize of consistence for key sentence and purpose sentence is better than the un-consistence one ;

  22. 其中数学思维能力包括抽象概括能力、选择判断能力、数学探索能力和逻辑思维能力;

    In mathematics , capacity for mathematics consists of abstract generalization selection capacity and judgement capacity , mathematics exploration capacity , as well as logic thought capacity .

  23. 小学生阅读能力结构由四种因素构成,分别是:认读能力、理解能力、推理能力和归纳概括能力。

    The reading ability structure is composed of four factors . They are : recognition ability , comprehension ability , reasoning ability , inducing and summarizing ability .

  24. 理解性阅读能力包含4个要素,即:相应的知识储备,语感的强弱,阅读过程中的本位处理和概括能力。

    Comprehensive reading ability includes 4 factors , namely , relevant knowledge store , the instinctive feel for language , deposing of key parts and generalizing ability in reading .

  25. 抽象层次的提高使系统涉及的具体信息与限制条件就减少,系统的适应性与概括能力就提高。

    Thus , enhanced abstractness has reduced specific information the system involves and has eliminated limitations of the system , which improves the adjustability and generalization of the system .

  26. 学生的学习方法、教师的教学方法以及教材的编排,是发展高中生数学概括能力有效路径。

    Learning methods of students , teaching methods of teachers and the layout of materials are both effective way to develop the mathematical generalization ability of senior high students .

  27. 但智力水平与学生概念形成无显著相关。提出了有针对性的对学生概念学习的兴趣、动机、意志力、日常生活知识经验、认知能力、抽象概括能力进行培养的具体方法;

    Conceptual formation is not significantly related to the ability of thinking reasoning among students ; It put forward some specific ways to develop the students ' cognition abilities and non-cognition abilities .

  28. 为了提高入侵检测系统对入侵特征知识的归纳和概括能力,提出了将一种基于模糊等价关系的动态聚类方法应用于对入侵特征集进行层次聚类。

    In order to improve IDS 's ability of generalization for knowledge of intrusion , a method is put forward that applies fuzzy clustering to obtain hierarchy generation for intrusion feature set .

  29. 影响高中生数学概括能力发展的内部因素包括学生的智力因素和非智力因素,外部因素包括教师、学校、家庭和社会四个因素。

    The internal factors that influence the development of the ability include intelligence factors and non-intelligence factors , and the external factors include the teacher , the school , the family and the society .

  30. 不同程度智力缺陷学生其智力各方面能力的发展趋势基本相似,以解决数学问题的能力、抽象概括能力及对外界知识摄取的能力相对更差;

    The development trends of various fields of intelligence of the intellectual disabled students was similar basically , relatively weaker in the abilities to solve mathematics problems , to abstract and to incept external knowledge .