
  1. 关于职高生数学学习动机的研究

    The Research about Vocational High School Students ' Mathematics Learning Motivation

  2. 中学数学学习动机激发策略

    The Mathematics Learning Motive of the Middle School Stimulation Strategy

  3. 并且数学学习动机和数学自我效能感都直接影响数学成绩。

    Mathematics self-efficacy had direct effect on the mathematics achievement .

  4. 国有民办中学学生数学学习动机的实证研究

    The Practical Research on Private State-owned Middle School Students ' Study Motivation

  5. 不同数学学习动机、观念和态度水平的被试的数学焦虑存在显著差异。

    A comparative study on language learning beliefs between Chinese and Australian university students ;

  6. 教育界对数学学习动机的研究有着较早的历史,并且在各方面的研究均取得较大的成果。

    There is an early history to show that education circle has carried the research into Mathematics learning motive and the better achievement has been made in every field of research .

  7. 学习动机的研究对于学生的学与教师的教具有十分重要的意义,而数学学习动机的研究对于当前职高生的数学学习则更显意义重大。

    The research about the learning motivation has great effect on student 's learning and teacher 's teaching . And the research about mathematics learning motivation is of great importance to vocational high school students .

  8. 得到主要结论有:澳门职业技术中学学生数学学习动机强弱不太明显,依次为理想动机、压迫动机、认知动机、附属动机。

    The main conclusions include : Students ' learning Mathematics strength motive in Macao Vocational & Technical Middle School is not obvious , they are the ideal motive , the oppression motive , the cognition motive and the attached motive in turn .

  9. 本文先通过问卷调查法分析中学生的数学学习动机现状,再根据学习动机理论,结合教学实际,提出激发中学生数学学习动机的六种策略方法。

    This article analyzes middle-school student 's mathematics study motive present situation first through questionnaire the survey procedure , again acts according to studies the motive theory , union teaching reality , proposed stimulates the middle-school student mathematics study motive six strategies method .

  10. 数学学习动机在社会支持与数学学习倦怠之间起着部分中介效应。(6)在理论分析和实证研究的基础上,提出了一些缓解初中生数学学习倦怠的教学策略和建议。

    Mathematics learning motivation played a role of partial mediating effect between the social support and mathematics learning burnout . ( 6 ) On the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical research , some teaching strategies and suggestions to reliving mathematics learning burnout were putted forward .

  11. 本人认为主要应做好以下几点:加强小学、初中及初中、高中的衔接教学,激发学生数学学习动机,优化数学教学形式,教给学生问题解决的策略。

    The writer considers it must be done as follows : The join between the elementary school and the junior high school and senior high school should be strengthened , the mathematical learning motivation should be optimized and the method of the solving problem should be taught .

  12. 数学学习的动机、策略意识、困难应对感与数学成绩呈极其显著的正相关关系。

    In mathematical learning , there are significant positive relations between the level of the learning motivation , strategies consciousness of mathematics and positive answer to difficulty .

  13. 职业技术学院数学教学中学生学习动机的培养

    How to Cultivate the Students ' Learning Motivation in Maths Teaching in Vocational and Technical Colleges

  14. 高中生数学焦虑和数学学习动机均存在年级差异,高三学生的焦虑分数最高,高三学生的内源动机下降。

    Students in high school of grade 3 had high scores in mathematics anxiety . They had lower inner learning motivation .

  15. 学生对数学应用问题的学习动机和学习态度方面存在重大缺陷:如接触数学应用问题少,能力弱;

    Students have considerably defect in terms of study motivation and study attitude towards the mathematics application , e.g. students have not lots of contact with real mathematics problem ;

  16. 高中文理科学生在数学焦虑、数学自我效能和数学学习动机上均有显著差异,文科学生的焦虑分数高于理科学生,文科学生的效能感低于理科学生,文科学生的内源动机低于理科学生。

    III. There were significant differences in mathematics anxiety , mathematics self-efficacy and mathematics learning motivation between the liberal and the science participants . The scores of liberal student 's anxiety were higher than the science student ' s.

  17. 初中生的数学学习倦怠、社会支持、数学学习动机之间显著相关。

    That is , the higher the level of mathematics learning motivation had , the less mathematics learning burnout the subjects had . ( 5 ) There was a significant relationship among mathematics learning burnout , social support and mathematics learning motivation of junior high school students .

  18. 二中学生数学学习的自我效能与数学学业成绩、学习动机、学习态度以及学习策略的应用有着密切的联系。

    Second , self-efficacy of high school students and mathematical achievements , learning motivation , learning attitude are positively relevant .

  19. 可控心理因素对初中生数学学习策略的影响机制主要体现为数学学习动机、策略意识、积极归因和困难应对感对数学学习策略有显著的直接效应。

    Secondly , the mechanism concerning the controllable psychological factors ′ influence on the high school students ′ mathematical learning straggles are that the mathematical learning strategies were significantly and directly affected by motivation , positive attribution , positive tendency to difficulty and strategy consciousness of mathematical learning strategy .

  20. 这表明,在对中职机电专业数学学困生的数学教学中,要重视学困生的学习方法、学习习惯、数学基础、学习动机等对数学学习的影响。

    This suggests that in mathematics teaching , we should pay attention to the method of learning , the habit of learning , the foundation of mathematics and the motivation of learning of the vocational students with learning difficulties majoring in electromechanical .

  21. 数学教师的数学观与数学教育观是指导其进行数学教育教学改革的先导,影响和决定着教师的教学行为和学生的数学观与数学学习表现和动机,是高师数学教育的重要教学目标。

    The mathematical ideas and mathematical educational ideas of a math teacher are his world outlook and methodology about " mathematics , learning mathematics , teaching mathematics and innovating mathematics ", the precursor of mathematical educational reform .