
  • 网络Social cohesion;social cohesiveness;social solidarity;social coherence
  1. 这家在线零售商的创始人杰夫贝索斯(JeffBezos)似乎憎恶自己口中的“社会凝聚力”。

    The online retailer 's founder , Jeff Bezos , apparently abhors what he calls " social cohesion . "

  2. 文化多样化和社会凝聚力也是公共商品,因此BBC的使命也理所当然地包括原创戏剧、音乐和喜剧。

    Cultural diversity and social cohesion are also public goods , so the remit reasonably includes original drama , music and comedy .

  3. 正如索尼娅•甘地公正指出的那样,一小群富人(haves)与一大批穷人(have-nots)之间不断扩大的差距,将对印度的社会凝聚力构成严峻威胁。

    As Mrs Gandhi rightly argued , the widening gap between a small group of haves and an army of have-nots poses a serious threat to India 's social cohesion .

  4. 教育体系良好,崇尚个人自由,社会凝聚力强。

    Excellent education , strong personal freedoms , a tight-knit society .

  5. 这是维持社会凝聚力的实际方法。

    It 's a pragmatic approach to maintain social cohesion .

  6. 这些严重的不平等侵蚀了该地区的社会凝聚力。

    These high levels of inequality erode social cohesion in the region .

  7. 它同样加强手足意识,建立社会凝聚力。

    It also strengthens a sense of brotherhood and establishes social cohesion .

  8. 其中首先是社会凝聚力的下降。

    Chief among them is a decline in social cohesion .

  9. 日本公司也重视忠诚和社会凝聚力。

    Japanese companies also prize loyalty and social cohesion .

  10. 一切都源于不同的教堂之间的,社会凝聚力。

    It was just the cohesiveness of the socialization of these different groups .

  11. 在紧缩的大锤下,国家统一和社会凝聚力正在瓦解。

    Under the hammer of austerity , national unity and social cohesion are crumbling .

  12. 我们知道结果,知道这将增强社会凝聚力、安全和稳定性。

    We know the results : greater social cohesion , security , and stability .

  13. 这不是一种健康状况,从社会凝聚力和稳定性角度看也是如此。

    This is not a healthy situation , also in terms of social cohesion and stability .

  14. 然而,这种变化也有可能重塑德国的福利状况,并削弱社会凝聚力。

    Yet this change also threatens to reshape the German welfare state and undermine social cohesion .

  15. 到目前为止,该计划已基本上为长期受苦的选民所接受,社会凝聚力似乎仍然高得惊人。

    This has hitherto been largely accepted by long-suffering voters ; social cohesion still appears surprisingly high .

  16. 不过,经济发展与社会凝聚力,始终是维持国家繁荣与稳定的两大支柱。

    However , economic development and social cohesion will remain our two pillars for prosperity and stability .

  17. 因此,嫉妒实际上与经济进步和社会凝聚力的瓦解均有不可分割的关系。

    Envy is , therefore , indeed both inseparable from economic progress and destructive of social cohesion .

  18. 奥运会与社会凝聚力&从社会学看奥运会的社会效益

    Olympic Games and Social Cohesion

  19. 以德治国是增强我国社会凝聚力的重要途径林议员不仅强调强化经济,也同时呼吁加强社会凝聚力。

    Mr Lim is not only suggesting that we strengthen our economy . He also advocates social cohesion .

  20. 普遍存在的绝对贫困会削弱一个国家维护秩序的能力,而严重的不平等会降低社会凝聚力。

    Widespread absolute poverty can undermine a state 's capacity to maintain order , while acute inequality weakens social cohesion .

  21. 越南应该为它在社会凝聚力方面取得的成就感到自豪,并应该继续沿着这条道路前进。

    Vietnam should be proud of what it has achieved in terms of social cohesion and should continue on that path .

  22. 他呼吁政治领导人加强社会凝聚力,并呼吁媒体采取更多措施甄别种族主义等有害言论。

    He is calling on political leaders to reinforce social cohesion and the media to do more to flag harmful content .

  23. 英国社会凝聚力研究中心的报告中说,三分之一的英国穆斯林学生希望全球同化。

    The British Centre for Social Cohesion reported that one-third of British Muslim students are in favor of a worldwide caliphate .

  24. 与此同时,三度陷入衰退的经济状况沉重地打击了意大利的社会凝聚力,反移民言论正在升温。

    Meanwhile , anti-immigration rhetoric is rising in Italy , where a triple-dip recession has taken a toll on social cohesion .

  25. 应对这种挑战,也需要重视快速城市化、服务提供、社会凝聚力和反腐败等问题。

    Addressing this challenge will also require attention to the problems of rapid urbanization , service delivery , social cohesion and corruption .

  26. 纵观人类艺术史所反复强化的一个现象是,艺术是人类文明的社会凝聚力与升华力。

    A phenomenon strengthened repeatedly in the history of art is that art is the cohesive and sublime force of human civilization .

  27. 关于政府介入公民个人生活领域,李光耀的理由是,这是形成社会凝聚力的必要之举。

    Mr Lee justified his government 's intrusiveness on its citizen 's private lives by saying it was necessary for social cohesion .

  28. 这让他们互相之间保持亲密,这个动作会释放安多芬,产生一种社会凝聚力的美好感觉。

    This puts them in such close proximity to each other that it releases endorphins , creating a feel-good sense of social cohesion .

  29. 同时,通过对历届奥运会综合效应的检验,对北京奥运会促进社会凝聚力的途径提出进一步思考。

    Furthermore , this article considers the approaches of enhancing the social cohesion by checking the comprehensive effect of the former Olympic Games .

  30. 难怪这么多日本领导人如此高度重视社会凝聚力和政策稳定性,即便这种怯懦造成了长达十年的停滞。

    Little wonder that so many Japanese leaders prize social cohesion and policy stability so highly , even though this timidity has produced a decade of stagnation .