
  • 网络socialist political economy
  1. 创建社会主义政治经济学理论体系的几点思考

    Reflections on Theoretical System of Establishment of Socialist Political Economy

  2. 社会主义政治经济学要研究扩大中等收入者比重,形成较合理的收入分配结构问题;

    Socialist political economy must stress the study as how to " increase the portion of average wage earners " to form a more reasonable distribution structure ;

  3. 整体论的方法是社会主义政治经济学的基本研究方法;

    The basic researching method for socialistic political economics is entirety-method .

  4. 共同富裕:社会主义政治经济学的研究对象

    The Object of Study in the Socialist Political Economics-to Achieve Prosperity in Common

  5. 理论创新是当代社会主义政治经济学发展的根本途径

    Theoretical Innovation , the Fundamental Route of the Development of the Political Economics of the Contemporary Socialism

  6. 文章强调,如何选择社会主义政治经济学的发展走向是一个值得慎重考虑的问题,我们的探讨不仅要摆出观点,最好也要摆出支撑自己观点的思想体系或者著作;

    The problem of how to select the development trend of socialist political economics deserves careful consideration .

  7. 社会主义政治经济学

    Political economics of socialism

  8. 社会主义政治经济学与西方经济学&改革开放三十年的再思考

    Socialism Political Economics and Modern Economics & Rethinking in the 30th Anniversaries of China 's Reform and Opening up

  9. 传统的社会主义政治经济学以集体主义为理论逻辑前提,实践证明它是不能成立的。

    Traditional socialist political economics takes collectivism as its theoretical logic presupposition and it is proved in practices that it can not hold water .

  10. 传统社会主义政治经济学一方面照抄照搬了马克思经典社会主义经济理论的一些具体结论,另一方面却在许多方面违背了马克思经典社会主义经济理论的基本原理。

    The political economics of the traditional socialism , on the one hand , has copied some specific conclusions of Marx 's classical socialist economic theories , and on the other hand , violates in many aspects its fundamental principles .

  11. 虽然其政治经济学基础与中国古代官营工商业法律制度完全不同,是建立在马克思科学社会主义的政治经济学理论基础之上,但借古鉴今,仍然具有特别重要的现实意义。

    Although the basis of its political economy is completely different with the government-run industry and commerce legal system in ancient China , it still has a special practical significance to study today by the ancient .

  12. 追寻马克思伦理批判的时代背景和思想渊源,当时他受到了德国古典哲学、空想社会主义和古典政治经济学的影响。

    Search for the historical background and ideological origins in the critique of Marxist ethics , he was influenced by German classical philosophy , Utopian socialism and classical political economy .

  13. 目前,社会主义经济学直以社会主义政治经济学、市场经济学、发展经济学三个分支独立发展。

    And nowadays , socialist economics should be better to develop in three branches : socialist political economics , market economics and developing economics .

  14. 总过程是马克思政治经济学理论的重要组成部分,社会主义生产总过程仍然是社会主义政治经济学的重要组成部分。

    Whole process is the important part of Marx 's theory of political economics . The whole process of socialism production is still the important part of socialism political economics .

  15. 党的十五大在确定社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度的基础上,对社会主义初级阶段经济的一系列认识,是社会主义初级阶段政治经济学的比叙完善的“修改稿”。

    In President Jiang Zemin s report at the15th NCCPC , the basic economic system at the primary stage of socialism was established , and a series of understanding of economy at this stage was also done .