
  • 网络mature stage;maturity stage;The Drive to Maturity;maturity;stage of maturity
  1. 房地产投资信托(RealEstateInvestmentTrust,REITs,下同)是房地产证券化的一种典型形式,是房地产行业和金融市场发展到成熟阶段时现代金融创新的产物。

    Real Estate Investment Trust ( REITs ) is a typical form of securitization of real estate asset , which mostly occurred at the mature stage of real estate market and finance market .

  2. 随着网络技术的进步,下一代网络(NGN,NextGenerationNetwork)已经逐渐进入成熟阶段,国内通信运营商在其技术优点的驱动下大量发展NGN网络,每年都以较大规模的数量在增加。

    With the great development of network technology , Next Generation Network ( NGN ) has entered a mature stage , for its technical merits , the application of NGN is increasing each year by communications operators .

  3. 经过前期的市场拓展,BToC模式服装品牌虽然获得了较高的市场收益,服装交易额已达24亿元。但在品牌层面的建设仍然处于不成熟阶段。

    After pre-market expansion , the costume brands based on B to C mode acquire the higher market returns , but from the level of brand building , which are still in their infancy .

  4. 目的:体外诱导、培养人外周血单核细胞获得不同成熟阶段的树突状细胞(DCs)。

    Objective To induce and culture purity dendritic cells ( DCs ) of different maturation phase from human ( peripheral ) blood monocytes in vitro .

  5. 但是目前,OCDMA还处于不成熟阶段,有待更深入的研究。

    But at present , the researches for OCDMA need to go more deep into .

  6. GGG技术是刚兴起的一门信息技术,是Internet技术发展到今天成熟阶段的必然结果。

    GGG technology is an information technology that has recently sprung up , which is the inevitable result of the Internet technology in its mature phase .

  7. 在小鼠中,根据NK细胞的组织分布特点或不同发育成熟阶段,NK细胞被划分成表型和功能迥异的各种亚群。

    In mice , according to the tissue-distribution features and maturational stages , NK cells can be classified into distinct NK-cell subsets with different phenotype and function .

  8. 这表明ABA和钙在番茄果实不同成熟阶段和不同成熟模式的乙烯生物合成过程中有着不同的相互作用关系。

    All these data suggested that there were different relationship between calcium and ABA in ethylene synthesis system in different patterns and stages of tomato fruit ripening .

  9. XR公司水性糊盒胶产品正处于其生命周期的成熟阶段。

    The product of XR company is at the maturity stage of its lifecycle .

  10. WSN与IPv6网络互联的研究尚处于不成熟阶段,相信随着相关研究的不断深入与发展,WSN的应用前景定将提上一个新的台阶。

    However , do believe that with the continuous deepening and development of relevant researches , the application prospects of WSN will surely be raised to a new stage .

  11. 本研究还用RT-PCR的方法对香蕉凝集素(Lectin)基因和香蕉果胶裂解酶(PectateLyase)基因在香蕉不同组织和果实采后不同成熟阶段的表达情况进行了研究。

    The expression of banana Lectin gene and Pectate Lyase gene in different tissues and on different ripening stages of fruit was studied .

  12. 以好氧消化污泥接种启动UASB反应器过程大致分为三个阶段:适应驯化阶段、颗粒污泥的形成阶段和成熟阶段。

    The granulation process during start-up of UASB reactor inoculated with aerobic digested sludge was characterized by three phases : acclimation , granulation and maturation .

  13. EPC项目高层管理团队运作效能管理研究,属于高层管理团队(Topmanagementteam,TMT)研究的前沿问题,目前,不论在理论上和实践上都处于不成熟阶段。

    The research about the operation potency of top management team in EPC project belongs to the front question of the top management team ( Top management team , TMT ) studies , which is at the mature stage in theory or practice .

  14. 伴随经济全球化和贸易一体化进程的不断加快,以及中国加人WTO之后,我国咨询企业的发展速度加快,但总体上尚处于不成熟阶段,同国外咨询业还存在一定的距离。

    With the economical globalization and the trade integration speeding up unceasingly , and after China joining WTO , consulting enterprise speeds up in China , but which in the overall still is at the mature stage , also has a certain distance with the overseas consulting enterprise .

  15. 3G网络建设已经进入成熟阶段且正向LTE网络演进。3G用户规模越来越大,用户对网络QoS要求越来越高,各运营商均积极实施网络优化,提高网络运营效益。

    3G network construction has entered a mature stage and positive LTE network evolution.3G subscriber base is growing , users on the network QoS requirements are highly , the operators are actively implementing network optimization , network operations to improve efficiency .

  16. 加拿大的ICT产业在不同地区其发展并不同步,组建集群的起因不同,各个节点在ICT创新网络中的各个成熟阶段扮演者不尽相同的角色,网络具有不同程度的融合性和凝聚力。

    The cause of the formation of different clusters , each node in the network of ICT innovation in different stages of maturity of the role varies , the network with different levels of integration and cohesion .

  17. 当PHP5的发布,他决定将现有的工具已达到了成熟阶段,成为一个全功能的框架中。

    When PHP5 was released , he decided that the available tools had reached a mature enough stage to be integrated into a full-featured framework .

  18. 但是APF在国内的应用还远没达到成熟阶段,与无源滤波器相比,在实际应用中仍然居于次要地位,有很多问题有待于进一步研究和完善。

    But APF has not reached the mature stage in the domestic applications , and has many problems to more study and improve . Compared with passive filter , APF still stays in less important position in actual application .

  19. RT-PCR显示β-TCP陶瓷增强了成骨细胞OCN的表达,使成骨细胞进入一个新的成熟阶段,提高成骨细胞的活性,促进其向骨细胞分化。

    RT-PCR showed the β - TCP ceramics could increase osteocalcin ( OCN ) gene expression , this made the osteoblast into a new mature stage , improved the activity and promoted the differentiation of osteoblast .

  20. 研究提出,在系统晶化曲线上,晶体生长阶段与Ostwald成熟阶段的交叉转折点所对应的时间应为制备晶种胶的最佳晶化时间。

    It was found that , the crystallization time at the turning point of the crystal growth stage and the Ostwald ripening stage on the crystallization curve was optimum .

  21. 在雹云成熟阶段,闪电频数每10min平均值>60次,负闪电频数大于正闪电。

    The average value per ten minutes is bigger than 60 , and the negative lightning frequency is bigger than the positive one in the mature stage .

  22. 北京地区气候条件下,旱稻全生育期的需水量在650~690mm之间,需水量最大时期出现在出苗~拔节阶段和抽穗~成熟阶段。

    Following results were obtained : In Beijing area , the crop water requirement of aerobic rice was 650 ~ 690mm mainly in two periods , Emergence ~ Jointing stage and Heading ~ Maturity stage .

  23. 成熟阶段的重点是社会主义先进文化理论,说明了三阶段的继承发展关系。

    The third one is the theory on socialism excellent culture .

  24. 为腐泥型有机质,热演化已经处于过成熟阶段。

    They are sapropelic and over - mature in thermal evolution .

  25. 种子培育出来的空气凤梨长到成熟阶段要历经多年。

    Tillandsias grown from seeds will take many years to mature .

  26. 专家资源的引进对于成熟阶段幼儿园教师的专业发展非常必要。

    Introduction of expert resource is necessary for professional development of maturing teachers .

  27. 成熟阶段最重要的特征是持续存在的中气旋。

    At maturity stage , the sustaining mesocyclone is the most important characteristic .

  28. 20世纪80年代以后至今,中国钢琴作品的成熟阶段。

    From 1980s until now , the mature period .

  29. 果实近成熟阶段,糖分积累明显加快;

    Sugar accumulation was higher in the near-mature period .

  30. 为划分有机质成熟阶段提供了一种方法。

    A new method is available for distinguishing the mature stages of organic matter .