
hónɡ ɡuān tiáo kònɡ
  • macro-control;macroeconomic regulation
  1. 原因存在于渐进性改革、经济体制和经济增长方式的转变、宏观调控、剩余劳动力的转移和加入WTO的积极影响等各个方面。

    The reason is that the gradual reform , the transformation of the economic system and the way of the economical growth , the macroeconomic regulation and control , the shift of surplus labor force and the positive affection of joining in WTO and so on .

  2. 宏观调控是现代市场经济中决定经济能否平稳增长的重要因素。

    Macroeconomic regulation plays an important role in economic stable growth .

  3. 会议指出,实施财政资金直达机制是创新宏观调控的重大举措。

    The system of direct fiscal fund allocation is a major macro-control innovation , according to the meeting .

  4. 中央政府宏观调控仍然需要GDP指标。

    Central government macro control still needs GDP indicators .

  5. L上的关系(?)理顺宏观调控和微观规制关系

    Draw Distinct Relation Between Macro Adjustment-control and Micro Regulation

  6. 论文详细研究了政府全面宏观调控的模式,通过借鉴X、Y理论指出政府全面实施宏观调控要通过体制建设和意识层面建设两个方面实现,两者相辅相成。

    To research government macroeconomic complete control , through the X , Y theory research , this paper finds that the government macroeconomic complete control can be realized by two aspects of the system construction and the makings construction .

  7. 人们转而投身于先合理化,再自动化的BPR运动中。加强宏观调控,强化政策导向,构建有利于产业结构调整的环境,促进产业结构的合理化。

    People then threw themselves into Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) which was charactered with " rationalize first , automatize second " . Formulating rational policies of industrial structure and providing a good environment to rationalize the industrial structure .

  8. 绿色GDP下的企业核算可以使国民经济核算指标更准确地反映社会的发展水平,宏观调控时尽可能地减少偏差,引导企业真正走向可持续发展之路。

    The business enterprise checks under " green GDP " that can make the index of national economy check to reflect the social development level more accurately , reduce the deviation possibly for the macro adjusting , really lead the business enterprise into the road of sustainable development .

  9. 国土资源配置宏观调控的对策研究

    Countermeasure on macro-adjustment and control of distribution of land and resources

  10. 加强宏观调控完善厦门港总体布局规划

    Strengthening Macroscopic Adjustment and Perfecting Overall Layout Planning of Xiamen Port

  11. 建立宏观调控法律监督与救济机制的现实意义与理论基础

    The Study of Supervision and Redress to Macroscopic Regulation in China

  12. 宏观调控下的中国挖掘机市场

    The Chinese hydraulic excavator market in face to the macro-economic control

  13. 今年宏观调控政策取向

    The Orientation of the Policy in Macro-Economic Control of this year

  14. 货币政策是国民经济宏观调控体系的重要组成部分。

    Monetary policy is an important component of macroeconomic control system .

  15. 宏观调控及政策简述有效的风险管理

    Macro adjustments and controls and the policy The Effective Risk Management

  16. 强化税收宏观调控职能的构想

    The Imagination on Strengthening the Function of Macro-regulation for Tax

  17. 我国商业银行的宏观调控法律研究

    The Macro-control to Commercial Bank in China from the Angle of Law

  18. 宏观调控下建筑施工企业经营模式改革实证研究

    Empirical Research on Reform of Construction Enterprises Management Model under Macro Control

  19. 战后以来出现了发达资本主义国家国民经济的宏观调控。

    Centralized guidance appeared in capitalistic countries in postwar period .

  20. 中央财政宏观调控能力不断增强;

    Continuous strengthening the macro-regulating capacity of central fiscal policies ;

  21. 宏观调控非理性预期效应分析

    Analysis on the Irrational Expectancy Effect Resulted by Macro Adjustments and Controls

  22. 构建了土地政策参与宏观调控的理论模型。

    Construct a theoretical model of land policy affecting macro-control .

  23. 从北京建设机械市场看宏观调控

    Analyzing Macro-control Measures in light of the Construction Machinery Market of Beijing

  24. 宏观调控的有效性与货币政策作用

    The Efficiency of Macroeconomic Adjustment and Effects of Monetary Policy

  25. 用自组织理论看我国通货膨胀与宏观调控问题

    A study on Inflation of China by self-organization Theory

  26. 县域经济宏观调控体系研究

    Study on the Macro Control System of County Economy

  27. 投资宏观调控的决策模型:从区域乘数效应角度

    Study on the macro-adjustment decision-making models of investment from the area multiplier effect

  28. 土地参与宏观调控政策研究

    Study on the Policy of Integrating Land in Macro-Regulation

  29. 依法宏观调控的法和经济学思考

    Legal and Economic Considerations on Macroeconomics Control by Law

  30. 经济运行的宏观调控模式探讨

    A Research on the Controlling Model for Macro Economy