
  • 网络macroscopic system;macro system;macro-system;macrosystem
  1. 复杂宏观系统的临界变换性质的研究

    Research on critical transformation property of complexity macro system

  2. 宏观系统的决策

    On decision of macro system s

  3. 基于Agent的仿真建模技术作为一种由下而上的仿真建模方法,在微观层次上构建代理人,进而推延至宏观系统,从新的角度对经济系统做出了模拟与解释。

    Agent based modeling , as a bottom up simulation method , builds agents in micro level and aggregates the agents behavior to macro level . It has been heavily used in the computational agent economics ( CAE ) and contributes in a brand new aspect to economics .

  4. 宏观系统技术经济指数测度评价&湖北省发展方案的选择

    Measurement and Evaluation of Macro-Technological Economy Index

  5. 同样,从宏观系统到微观系统考虑也许会容易接近这些线索。

    In pallarel , form macro-to micro-systems or considerations may provide an easy access to the clue .

  6. 介观系统不同于宏观系统,也不同于微观系统。

    Mesoscopic system is not only different from macroscopic system , but also different from microscopic system .

  7. 多种外生经济冲击借助国际经济交往在世界经济的超宏观系统中相互作用,共同衍生世界经济周期。

    Many kinds of exogenous shocks interact through international economic association and together generate the international business cycle .

  8. 影响商业银行信贷风险的因素主要有借款人自身的非系统性因素和宏观系统因素。

    The factors contributing to the credit risk of commercial banks are mainly non-systemic factors of the borrowers and macro-system factors .

  9. 随着金融全球化和金融创新的发展,宏观系统性冲击造成了一系列银行危机。

    With the development of financial globalization and innovation , systemic macroeconomic shock has led to a series of banking crises .

  10. 我们讨论自平均效应,它在介观与宏观系统之不同,对杂质作系统平均后热力学量在介观与宏观系之不同。

    For example we discuss the self average processes in mesoscopic and macroscopic system , the ensemble dependent results of averaging over impurities .

  11. 介观系统是指介于宏观系统和微观系统之间的系统,它的标志特征在于其物理现象中明确地呈现出量子相位相干效应。

    Mesoscopic system is the one whose scale is between the macro-and micro-scale . Its physical phenomena can be observed explicitly showing the effects of quantum phase coherence .

  12. 现代医学地理学研究中大量与宏观系统有关的数据都具有空间分布特点,使地理信息系统成为医学地理学研究中有力的辅助工具。

    Data related to the macroscopically system in modern medical geography have the property of spatial distribution which serve as the potent assistant in the research of medical geography .

  13. 此课程主要讨论宏观系统的平衡态性质、础热力学、相与溶液中的化学反应平衡和化学反应速率。

    This subject deals primarily with equilibrium properties of macroscopic systems , basic thermodynamics , chemical equilibrium of reactions in gas and solution phase , and rates of chemical reactions .

  14. 同时,监管机构正在想方设法,试图降低起诉评级机构的难度,并降低评级机构在全球金融宏观系统中的重要性。

    And regulators are trying to find ways to make it easier to sue ratings agencies , as well as make them less important in the grand scheme of financial markets .

  15. 因此,热力学研究的是平衡态的宏观系统,以及如何从,一个平衡态过渡到另一个平衡态,它完全是建立在经验的基础上的。

    So it applies to macroscopic systems that are in equilibrium , and how to go from one equilibrium state to another equilibrium state , and it 's entirely empirical in its foundation .

  16. 公共管理中的社区参与旅游发展不仅是旅游可持续发展宏观系统中不可缺少的机制也是旅游景区中的社区实现经济、文化、环境可持续发展的重要途径。

    Public administration in community participation in tourism development is not only sustainable development of tourism in the macro-system is an indispensable mechanism for tourist attractions in the community to achieve economic , cultural , environmental sustainable development an important way .

  17. 要想取得良好的并购绩效,根据耗散结构理论和系统理论就必须在实施并购的过程当中,详细地分析交通运输企业的微观系统、中观系统和宏观系统。

    To achieve good performance of mergers and acquisitions , according to the theory of dissipative structure theory and the system theory must be in the implementation of MA process , a detailed analysis of micro-enterprises and transportation systems , the concept of systems and macroscopic systems .

  18. 具有冲击影响的宏观经济系统H∞控制

    H_ ∞ Control of Macroeconomic Systems with Shocks

  19. 为使一个宏观经济系统有较好的稳定性,运用Z变换对乘数加速权模型进行了分析。

    In order to enable macroeconomic system to have a better stability , Z transformation is employed to analyse the multiplier weighting number model .

  20. 结论是:(1)室温下,常规NMR样品如水,不是一个宏观量子系统;

    Our conclusions are : ( 1 ) There are no macroscopic quantum systems in conventional NMR samples such as water at room temperature .

  21. 本文首次给出了宏观经济系统预期不确定性的定义,并提出了利用一类ARCH模型对宏观经济系统预期不确定性进行定量分析的方法。

    In this paper we first give the definition of forecasting uncertainty of macro-economic system . And we proposed a quantitative analysis method based on the ARCH class models .

  22. BEC作为宏观量子系统,具有宏观波函数,整个体系是相位相干的,能够表现特有的宏观量子现象。

    As a macroscopic quantum system , BEC has macroscopic wave-function . Its phase is coherent and it can exhibit special macroscopic quantum phenomena .

  23. 基于宏观经济系统仿真实例,根据LMI的可行解,给出满足特定经济指标的最优国家预算内投资策略值。

    Based on the macroeconomic system simulation example , according to the feasible solution of LMI , give the specific value of the optimal state budget investment strategy which meet specific economic indicators .

  24. 研究国内外卫生筹资模式,分析我国宏观HFS系统现况,归纳HFS各子系统存在的焦点问题,构建HFS目标测量体系,对宏观HFS进行初步诊断。(3)我国宏观卫生筹资系统逻辑分析。

    Study domestic and foreign health financing model , analyze present situation of China macro HFS , conclude the focus problem of HFS , construct the object measurement system of HFS and make elementary diagnosis of macro HFS ; ( 3 ) Logic analysis of macro HFS .

  25. 本文以扩展的WassilyLeontief投入产出表为统计基础,结合最优化理论,建立动态反污染控制目标约束下的宏观经济系统均衡增长轨道计算模型,以及宏观经济系统最优增长轨道计算模型。

    This article puts the expanding Wassily Leontief 's input-output form as a statistical basis , and combines the optimization theory to establish a macro-economic balanced increase model under binded by dynamic anti-contaminating control target , and a macro-economic optimum increase model .

  26. 对汉代的诉讼证据制度进行了宏观、系统的研究。

    Macro system of the Han Dynasty of the Evidence system .

  27. 一类宏观经济系统及其线性二次型最优控制

    A Class of Macroeconomic System and Its Linear Quadratic Optimal Control

  28. 建立我国木材流通宏观调控系统的总体构思

    General design for establishing the nation timber circulation macro-control system

  29. 为有效地对宏观经济系统的景气规律实现有效的监测和预警,需要研究经济指标关于宏观经济周期高峰低谷的超前、同步与滞后关系。

    A index system for economic cycle monitor and early warning is built .

  30. 宏替换在宏观决策系统数据分析中的应用

    The Application of Macro Replacement in the Data Analysis of Macroscopical Decision System