
  • 网络Macroscopic Body
  1. 纳米材料是上世纪80年代诞生并蓬勃发展起来的一种新兴功能材料,纳米粒子的粒径在1-100nm之间,属于原子簇与宏观物体交界的过渡状态。

    Nanometer-sized material as a novel function material , which has come into the world in 1980 's , has made a great progress in recent years . The regime of nanoparticle is from 1 to 100 nm which falls between the classic fields of chemistry and solid state physics .

  2. 古典力学是以牛顿定律为基础,研究运动速度远小于光速的宏观物体的运动;

    Newton law is the basis of classical mechanics , the study of movement speed far less than the speed of light macro object ;

  3. 人眼的特定结构是在地球条件下长期进化的结果,因此,观察一般是指对宏观物体的观察。

    The eye structure is a result of long evolution on the earth , and so " observation " means to observe the macroscopic object .

  4. 引力迫使分散事项凝聚,因此,它占的生存地球,太阳,和大多数的宏观物体在宇宙中。

    Gravitation compels dispersed matter to coalesce , thus it accounts for the very existence of the Earth , the Sun , and most of the macroscopic objects in the universe .

  5. 根据物体形貌的分辨率和尺寸不同,恢复技术分为微观物体三维形貌恢复和宏观物体三维形貌恢复。

    Depending on the different sizes of object morphology recovery and resolution , recovery technology can be divided into the recovery of microscopic 3-D object and microscopic recovery of 3-D object .

  6. 由于晶粒的细微化,其表面电子结构和晶体结构发生变化,产生了宏观物体所不具有的表面效应、体积效应以及高分散性等特点。

    Because of the fineness of particles , the structure of electronic and crystal of surface changes , resulting in surface effect , volume effect and high dispersivity which macro object does not have .

  7. 当物质的尺寸进入纳米级的尺度时,将出现量子效应、小尺寸效应和表面及界面效应而呈现出既不同于宏观物体、也不同于单个原子的奇异现象。

    When the size of a substance is reduced to nanometer scale , several phenomena such as quantum confinement effect , small size effect , surface and interface effect may appear , which make the substance significantly different from its bulk or single atoms in physical and chemical properties .

  8. m,这一大小对宏观旋转物体等效原理检验扭秤方案的预期精度给出了严格限制。

    A restrict limitation for expected precision of equivalence principle test of extended rotating bodies with a torsion balance was set .

  9. 在宏观旋转物体等效原理实验中,分别讨论了低通滤波和时域平滑处理对抑制高频噪声的影响。

    The effect of the time-domain smoothing-processing method for the equivalence principle test using free-falling , compared to the low-pass-filter method , is discussed .

  10. 宏观旋转物体等效原理检验中陀螺旋转的影响[目的]对微生物法测定抗生素效价中的实验数据进行可靠性检验、可信限计算和效价计算。

    Effects of Rotating Gyroscopes of Equivalence Principle Test for Extended Rotating Bodies ; To process the data in determination of antibiotics ? potency .

  11. 牛顿力学是宏观世界物体运动规律的反映,从自然演进中发展出来的社会事物,具有自然界赋与的力的属性。

    The Newtonian mechanics is the macrocosm object law of motion reflection , the things of society , which developed from the nature , have the attribute of power which endowed by the nature .

  12. 同时,运用基于位相移法的四个干涉图法,从宏观上得到了物体的三维形变图。

    Simultaneously , based on four interferogram method of phase shifting , the three-dimensional deformation pattern has been acquired on the macro .