
jìnɡ zhǐ zhuànɡ tài
  • Stationary state;static condition;motionless;condition of rest;quiescent condition
  1. 讨论了改进剂使IPP相对分子质量分布变窄的机理,分析了熔体在相对静止状态及受力流动时分子运动的影响因素。

    The influential factors that bear a direct relation to the melt molecular movement in relative static condition or flowing condition at pressure were analyzed .

  2. 结果HUVECs在静止状态下表达少量mAP-2mRNA及蛋白,在20dyne/cm2的剪切应力2~6h刺激下可诱导HUVECs产生HIAP-2mRNA,且量明显增加。

    Results : HUVECs expressed a small amount of HIAP-2 mRNA and protein at static condition , the laminar shear stress at 20 dyne / cm 2 for 2 to 6 hours stimulated HUVECs to express much more HIAP-2 mRNA .

  3. 这个生态系统的惟一约束是BigData喜欢处于静止状态这个事实。

    A constraint unique to this ecosystem is the fact that Big Data likes to be at rest .

  4. 在30°N以南几乎呈静止状态,而30°N以北的几率波在欧亚大陆多数情况下是缓慢东进的。

    But the waves are stationary in south of 30 ° N.

  5. 然后进入静止状态,并以HOLD应答信号作为响应。

    It then goes to sleep , and responds with the " HOLD-acknowledge " signal .

  6. 基于FLUENT的静压轴承椭圆腔和扇形腔静止状态流场仿真

    Static Flow Simulation of Hydrostatic Bearing Ellipse and Sector Curve Based on FLUENT

  7. 针对阈值比较方法适应性较差的问题,用SVM分类器代替阈值比较方法进行运动与静止状态识别。

    Aiming at the poor adaptability of threshold-based methods , SVM is utilized to discriminate motion and non-motion states .

  8. 正常状态下,HSC处于静止状态;

    HSC is non - active under common condition ;

  9. CT设备利用X线穿透原理成像,其图像数据能够完整记录体内结构的三维信息,但却只是某静止状态下,无法体现实时情况。

    While CT volume data can completely record all structural three-dimension information in vivo , but it is some kind of static situation , unable to display motion state .

  10. 通过实际的测试获取了GPS机的时空数据,选择不同的时间间隔,应用标签算法识别GPS机的移动、静止状态,得到了不同的识别结果。

    Labeling algorithm is used to implement the move-or-stay identification of GPS equipment according to the GPS data obtained by factual test , and different results are obtained under different time intervals of sampling .

  11. 在静止状态时,尾指针指向的链接节点的next字段总为null,而在中间状态时,这个字段为非null。

    In the quiescent state , the next field of the link node pointed to by the tail is always null ; in the intermediate state , it is always non-null .

  12. 文中还以载体处于静止状态及摇摆状态为例,用所述方法对SINS的导航性能进行了具体分析。

    As examples the new method is used to analyze the navigation performance of SINS being in the static state and the swing state in the paper .

  13. 在正常肝组织HSCs处于静止状态,并分泌少量基质蛋白。

    In normal liver , HSCs undergo the quiescent state , and synthesize low levels of matrix proteins .

  14. 这里的张力T2等于-,假设这里没有加速度,它处于静止状态。

    Mg So the tension here , T2 , would be Mg & assuming that it is not accelerating , that it is at rest .

  15. 上述结果表明,当PHA使淋巴细胞从静止状态转化为增殖状态时,有多种酶被诱导。

    The above-mentioned results show that when lymphocytes are transformed from quiescent state to growth state by PHA , many species of enzymes are induced .

  16. 比较流行的算法,如ECA算法和Strobe算法在解决并发更新问题时需要数据仓处于静止状态。

    Popular solutions such as ECA and Strobe have achieved concurrent maintenance with the requirement of quiescence of the information sources .

  17. 在插入操作之前和第二个CAS(D)成功之后,队列处在静止状态;在第一个CAS(C)成功之后,队列处在中间状态。

    The queue is in the quiescent state before an insertion operation and after the second CAS ( D ) succeeds ; it is in the intermediate state after the first CAS ( C ) succeeds .

  18. 系统利用高亮度LED和LD作为脉冲光源,有效冻结MEMS器件的面内和离面运动,能在从静止状态到1MHz很宽的频率范围内对MEMS器件进行表征,达到了纳米级分辨力。

    High power LED and LD are applied in the system as pulsed light sources to freeze the in-plane and out-of-plane motions of MEMS devices . It can be characterized from their static state up to frequencies of one megahertz with nanometer scale resolution .

  19. 模拟人体静止状态单足中立位站立时踝关节承受全身体重的受力,在胫腓骨上截面加载大小为600N、重力方向的压力,完全约束跟骨和足舟骨。

    To simulate the static weight-bearing state of human body in neutral position with one foot standing , 600N were applied on the upper section of the lower tibia and fibula with the direction of gravity . The calcaneus and navicular was entirely constrained .

  20. 这些天平极其灵敏,所以要保持完全静止状态。

    These scales are extremely sensitive , so keep completely still .

  21. 处在这种状态的黑洞事实上处于静止状态。

    A black hole in such a state is essentially stationary .

  22. 测水深时,船必须处于静止状态。

    The boat must be rested in surveying depth of water .

  23. 目前国内对运动平台的标定方法大多是在平台处于静止状态下完成的。

    Present calibration of motion stage is used to calibrate static stage .

  24. 谁不渴望能有佛一般的永恒静止状态。

    Who doesn 't long for the eternal stillness of the Buddha !

  25. 处于静止状态时,它是一种凝胶体。

    When it is at rest it is a gel .

  26. 子宫里的受精卵仍处于静止状态。

    The fertilised egg in the uterus still remains dormant .

  27. 但是,当观测站处于静止状态的时候,这些方法就不能使用了。

    But when the observer was stationary , these methods could not work .

  28. 敏感度部分缺失而造成的发动机或智力活动静止状态。

    A state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility .

  29. 埋入土壤的试验种子一直处于静止状态,到6月雨季后有80%种子萌发,20%的腐烂。

    In June 80 % of seeds in soil germinated , 20 % decayed .

  30. 实现了次郎甜柿静止状态下的分级。

    Under the static condition , gradation for ' Jiro ' persimmons was realized .