
niú dùn yùn dònɡ dìnɡ lǜ
  • Newton's law of motion
  1. 这门学科最初是在17世纪根据通常称为牛顿运动定律的原理完整地建立起来的。

    This subject was first soundly established in the 17th century on the basis of the axiom usually known as Newton 's law of motion .

  2. 根据模拟的CHAMP卫星星历,分别采用基于牛顿运动定律的数值微分法和基于能量守恒定律的能量守恒法建立观测方程,恢复出50阶次的重力位系数。

    In this paper , observation equations are constructed according to the numerical differentiation based on Newton 's law of motion and the energy conservation respectively . The gravitational potential coefficients are recovered until degree 50 based on simulated CHAMP ephemerides .

  3. 分别运用牛顿运动定律和广义Hamilton原理详细推导得到了运动微分方程,并将利用这两种方式得到的运动微分方程结果与已发表文献的结果进行比较。

    We derive and obtain the equation of motion for a span of belts by using Newton principle and the generalized Hamilton 's principle .

  4. 在机理分析基础上,基于牛顿运动定律和Lagrange方程两种方法建立了二级倒立摆的非线性模型,并对非线性模型进行线性化及性能分析;

    The nonlinear mechanism model of the double inverted pendulum is built respectively by means of Newton law of motion and Lagrange equations , and its linearization and performance analysis are carried out .

  5. 牛顿运动定律与太阳系起源

    Newton 's laws and the origin of the solar system

  6. 力是牛顿运动定律中不可或缺的一个概念。

    Force was an integral concept to Newton 's laws of motion .

  7. 基于牛顿运动定律的力学分支。

    The branch of mechanics based on Newton 's laws of motion .

  8. 牛顿运动定律不能确定时间的方向。

    Newton 's laws of motion do not single out a direction of time .

  9. 颗粒的受力通过积分颗粒表面压力和黏性力获得,颗粒运动用牛顿运动定律表示。

    Forces acting on particles were calculated by integrating the pressure and shear forces over particle surfaces .

  10. 事情可以用在几百年前建立的牛顿运动定律解释。

    Things are described by newton 's laws of motion set down hundreds and hundreds of years ago .

  11. 牛顿运动定律在接下来发生的混乱中依然存在,违背定律的是摄像机。

    Newtonian laws of motion still apply in the maelstrom that ensues ; the lawbreaker is the camera .

  12. 在前一章里,功和能的概念是由牛顿运动定律发展来的。

    In the preceding chapter , the concepts of work and energy were developed from Newton 's laws of motion .

  13. 他们之间遵循作圆周运动物体都必须遵循的牛顿运动定律的有关规律。

    Between them follows makes the Newton 's law of motion related rule which the circular motion object must follow .

  14. 天文学中有关对天体运动应用牛顿运动定律的分支。

    The branch of astronomy concerned with the application of Newton 's laws of motion to the motions of heavenly bodies .

  15. 从运动学和力学的角度讨论牛顿运动定律各自的含义、研究对象和范围以及在物理学中所起的作用和它们之间的联系。

    From the angle of mechanics , this article discusses the meaning , object , range and the physical function of Newton 's laws respectively .

  16. 例如,我们知道如果物体已接近光速运行的话,牛顿运动定律必须得修改。

    For example , we now know that Newton 's laws must be modified if objects are moving at velocities near the speed of light .

  17. 在教学中许多学生对变质量问题的物理图象概念非常模糊,变质量系统的动力学方程是质量可变系统的牛顿运动定律的一种瞬时表达式呢?还是质点系动量定理的具体应用。

    The dynamic equations of variable bodies are the applications of the Newton law or the theorem of momentum , which is ambiguous to the students .

  18. 本文提出一种研究人体头颈系统在急刹车时的动态运动的动力学模型,用牛顿运动定律并借助于微分位移矩阵导出了该包含8个刚体的铰链约束开链系统的运动微分方程。

    The whiplash problem of the human cervical spine is formulated by an eight-body , revolute-joint open chain model . The differential equations of motion are derived from Newton 's law of motion and by using Suh 's differential displacement matrices .

  19. 传统的运动员建模方法以牛顿运动定律为基础,通过简化人体结构,列写运动方程,设定初始条件,对方程求解最终得出仿真结果。

    Newton motion law is cited as the foundation of the traditional solution of human body modeling . By simplifying the configuration of human body , listing the motion equations , setting the initializing condition etc , the simulating results can be approximately obtained .

  20. 本文纵观历史的演变与发展进程,论述了动量守恒定律建立的三个阶段:以此为依据,理顺了牛顿运动定律与动量守恒定律之间的关系;

    In this paper , three stages of the establishment of conservation law of momentum are expounded on the basis of history evolution and development , according to which the relationship between Newton 's law of motion and conservation law of momentum is clearly related .

  21. 牛顿的运动定律构成传统力学的基础。

    Newton 's law of motion forms the foundation of classical mechanics .

  22. 本质上,模型的基础是牛顿的运动定律。

    Essentially , a model is based on Newton 's Laws of Motion .

  23. 牛顿第一运动定律成立的参照系统。

    A coordinate system in which Newton 's first law of motion is valid .

  24. 牛顿第一运动定律并不是一看就能明白的。

    Newton 's first law of motion is not as self-evident as it may seem .

  25. 例如,当物体在近光速移动时,牛顿的运动定律是不正确的。

    For example , Newton 's Law of motion is incorrect when object is moving at near speed of light .

  26. 但是它已经被众人知晓,水星的轨道偏离了牛顿的运动定律。

    But it was known for quite a while that the orbit of Mercury deviates from Newton 's laws of motion .

  27. 牛顿的运动定律显示物质(物体)的质量与其运动速度无关。

    Newton 's law of motion shows , the mass of matter ( body ) have nothing to do with velocity in this situation .

  28. 他是微积分的发明者和万有引力定律理论奠基人,他还发现了光的性质理论以及牛顿运动三定律。

    He invented differential calculus and formulated the theory of universal gravitation , a theory about the nature of light , and three laws of motion .

  29. 牛顿第一运动定律是这样描述的,“一切物体总保持匀速直线运动状态或静止状态,直到外力迫使它改变这种状态为止。”

    This law states ," Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless a net external force is applied to it . "

  30. 自然法则,物理定律,宾夕法尼亚州的法律,还有在70年代末一个难忘的夜晚我所违反的法则,我想应该是牛顿的运动定律吧,我生病了,真糟糕!

    Laws of nature , laws of physics , laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , and on a memorable night in the late seventies , I think it was Newton 's law of motion ... sickness .