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  • Oxford University;University of Oxford;Colleges at Oxford;Cambridge
  1. 牛津大学于2001年授予他荣誉学位。

    An honorary degree was conferred on him by Oxford University in 2001 .

  2. 牛津大学授予他博士头衔。

    Oxford University conferred the title of doctor on him .

  3. 她是一位牛津大学教授的女儿。

    She 's the daughter of an Oxford professor .

  4. 他是牛津大学一位教授的儿子。

    He 's the son of an Oxford professor .

  5. 他先在地方综合学校然后在牛津大学接受教育。

    He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford .

  6. 他是牛津大学的法语讲师。

    He 's a lecturer in French at Oxford .

  7. 他儿子在上牛津大学。

    His son 's up at Oxford .

  8. 伊丽莎白结识了其他一些牛津大学的学者,其中有几位娜奥米也认识。

    Elizabeth met other Oxford intellectuals some of whom overlapped Naomi 's world

  9. 他上的是牛津大学的贝利奥尔学院。

    He was educated at Balliol College , Oxford .

  10. 女校长毕业于牛津大学。

    The headmistress was an Oxford woman .

  11. 新财政部长曾就读于牛津大学,是个极为传统的人。

    The new finance minister was educated at Oxford and is as traditional as they come .

  12. 他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了。

    At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford .

  13. 牛津大学实验心理学系的马修·拉什·沃思每天都在他的实验室里看到这种现象。

    Matthew Rush worth , of the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford , sees this in his lab every day .

  14. 在牛津大学研究烟草与健康的林德逊-郝雷说,“我发现这个主题非常有趣的原因之一是,在我很小的时候,我母亲曾经是一名吸烟者。”

    " One of the reasons I find this topic very interesting is because my mom was a smoker when I was younger , " says Lindson-Hawley , who studies tobacco and health at the University of Oxford .

  15. 这次划船比赛是英国最著名也是最古老的两所大学——牛津大学(Oxford)和剑桥大学(Cambridge)之间的比赛。

    This boat race is an event between the two most famous and also the oldest universities in Britain – the Oxford and the Cambridge .

  16. 过去,大多数时候牛津大学都是优胜者。

    In the past , the Oxford was mostly the winners .

  17. 牛津大学显然是赢家。

    And the Oxford was clear winners .

  18. 在大学间进行划船比赛的想法来自两个朋友——剑桥大学的学生查尔斯·梅里维尔和他在牛津大学的朋友查尔斯·华兹华斯。

    The idea for the boat race between the universities came from two friends – Charles Merivale , a student at Cambridge , and his friend Charles Wordsworth who was at Oxford .

  19. 牛津大学的一个研究小组分析了40万人的DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)。

    A team at the University of Oxford1 analysed 400000 people 's DNA2 .

  20. 但对此,牛津大学和剑桥大学均表示没有此类的扩张计划。

    But Oxford and Cambridge have both said there were no plans for any such expansion .

  21. 在一项未经同行评议的观察性研究中,牛津大学的研究人员研究了英国约2.5万人报告的饮酒量和他们的大脑扫描图像之间的关系。

    In an observational study , which has not yet been peer-reviewed , researchers from the University of Oxford1 studied the relationship between the self-reported alcohol intake2 of some 25000 people in the UK , and their brain scans .

  22. 该研究的首席作者、牛津大学高级临床研究员安雅·托皮瓦拉指出,喝酒会影响大脑灰质,这是“信息加工处理的重要区域”。

    The researchers noted3 that drinking had an effect on the brain 's gray matter -- regions in the brain that make up " important bits where information is processed , " according to lead author Anya Topiwala , a senior clinical researcher at Oxford .

  23. 但近来,克里斯普换了个职业,到牛津大学赛德商学院(saidbusinessschool)教授商业、法律和管理技能课程。

    But these days , crisp has moved into a new career , teaching business , law and management skills at the said business school in Oxford .

  24. 牛津大学(Oxforduniversity)几名教授最近的一项研究显示,被取代的风险最高的一些职业中就包括电话推销员。

    Telemarketers are among those most at risk , according to a recent study by Oxford University professors .

  25. 大四之后,作为交换生,她在牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)呆了一个夏天。

    After her senior year , she spent a summer at Oxford University as part of a student-exchange program .

  26. 牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)出版的佩里茨教授的著作《美国的竞争政策》(CompetitionPolicyinAmerica),被视为该领域的经典读物。

    Professor Peritz 's book Competition Policy in America , published by Oxford University Press , is considered a classic in the field .

  27. 如果不正确,你能替我向牛津大学(Oxford)美言几句吗?

    If not , could you put in a word for me at Oxford ?

  28. 在来牛津大学以前,他曾在哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)担任负责规划和大学事务的高级副院长,而且当时他也在执行这样一项计划。

    Before moving to Oxford , he was senior associate dean for planning and university affairs at Harvard Business School and worked on just such a plan .

  29. 他先在雅典大学(UniversityofAthens)学习经济学,后来在牛津大学(Oxforduniversity)取得经济理论与政策方向的博士学位。

    He studied economics at the University of Athens before obtaining a doctorate from Oxford University , specializing in Economic Theory and Policy .

  30. 多维贫穷指数(MultidimensionalPovertyIndex,MPI)由牛津大学贫困与人类发展中心(OPHI)开发,联合国支持。

    The Multidimensional Poverty Index was developed by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative with support from the United Nations .