
  • 网络Imperial College London;Imperial College of London;London Imperial College
  1. 伦敦帝国学院的马吉德·伊扎提(MajidEzzati)领导了这个研究小组。

    Majid Ezzati at Imperial College London led the research team .

  2. 如果伦敦帝国学院的研究人员有门路的话,这种场景可能某天就会上演。

    That scene could someday happen , if researchers at Imperial College London have their way .

  3. 双方将用一年时间制定出联合研究与开发中心的框架,该中心将设在伦敦帝国学院位于伦敦西区白城(WhiteCity)的新校区。

    The two parties will spend a year working on the outline for a joint research and development hub , based at Imperial 's new campus in White City , west London .

  4. 伦敦帝国学院商学院处于数字时代MBA教学的前沿,该校把数据科学列为一个科目。

    Imperial College is at the forefront of MBA teaching for a digital era and teaches data science as a discipline .

  5. 伦敦帝国学院商学院的战略和创新副教授安娜贝勒•加韦(AnnabelleGawer)表示,MBA课程必须让学员们准备好经营数字企业,因为现在几乎所有企业都是数字化的。

    MBA programmes must prepare students to run digital businesses because today almost every business is digital , says Annabelle Gawer , associate professor in strategy and innovation at Imperial College Business School .

  6. 伦敦帝国学院商学院(ImperialCollegeBusinessSchool)的安娜贝勒•加韦(AnnabelleGawer)教授表示:“15-20年前在比较传统的商学院教授的MBA课程可能讲一些战略、一些财务和一些会计学,这在一个不同的时代是合适的。”

    Prof Annabelle Gawer of London 's Imperial College Business School , says : " The MBA that used to be taught maybe 15-20 years ago in more traditional schools - a bit of strategy , a bit of finance , a bit of accounting - that was appropriate in a different time .

  7. 一项来自伦敦帝国学院的新研究表明,机器人智能化的膝部手术明显比传统手术精确。

    A new study from Imperial College London shows that robot assisted knee surgery is significantly more accurate than conventional surgery .

  8. 这些来自伦敦帝国学院的研究人员渴望找到以上的“开关”,然后看看能不能对它们加以掌控。

    The researchers from Imperial College London are now keen to identify these switches and explore whether it might be feasible to manipulate them .

  9. 这项复杂的实验由杰森科尔,来自伦敦帝国学院约翰亚当斯研究所的物理博士进行。

    The ' complex ' research was carried out by Jason Cole , a PhD physics student at the John Adams Institute at Imperial College London .

  10. 上月英国议会某委员会对华为在英国电信基础设施建设方面的深度参与表示担忧,但这并未对华为与伦敦帝国学院的合作造成影响。

    News of the collaboration comes in spite of concerns raised by a parliamentary committee last month about Huawei 's close integration in the UK 's telecommunications infrastructure .

  11. 来自密苏里大学和英国伦敦帝国学院研究者已找到证据显示为什么针对造成艾滋病和多种癌症病毒的疫苗是无效的。

    Researchers from the University of Missouri and Imperial College London have found evidence suggesting why vaccines directed against the virus that causes AIDS and many cancers do not work .

  12. 本文概述了伦敦帝国学院岩石力学小组,将岩石力学原理应用于采矿坑道设计方面的最近工作。

    This paper outlines some of the recent work of the rock mechanics group at Imperial College , London , in the application of rock mechanics principles to under - ground mining excavation design .

  13. 华为的徐文伟在合作计划宣布以后表示,与伦敦帝国学院的合作使他“感到非常激动”,他希望此举能够“进一步强化”公司开拓英国市场的决心。

    Announcing the plans , Huawei 's Mr Xu said he was " very excited " about the partnership , which he hoped would " reinforce " the company 's commitment to the UK .

  14. 的确,在伦敦帝国学院的拉法特-阿顿及其同事进行的一项系统性评价中,就汇集了150个手机短信在提供医护服务中发挥作用的实例。

    Indeed , a systematic review carried out by Rifat Atun and his colleagues at Imperial College , London , rounds up150 examples of the use of text-messaging in the delivery of health care .

  15. “这使得攻击性驾驶的后果非常明显,而且自然而然、毫不费力就灌输了这一意识,这是至关重要的”,英国伦敦帝国学院的实验心理学家伊沃说道。

    This makes the impact of aggressive driving very obvious , and creates awareness in an automatic , effortless way - which is crucial , says Ivo Vlaev , an experimental psychologist at Imperial College London in the UK .

  16. 该研究的首席作者、伦敦帝国学院的沃尔吉特?迪洛教授说:“初期研究结果显示,kisspeptin能激起导致性行为和生育的一些情感和反应,这一发现新奇又令人振奋。

    Professor Waljit Dhillo , the lead author of the research from Imperial College London , said : ' Our initial findings are novel and exciting as they indicate that kisspeptin plays a role in stimulating some of the emotions and responses that lead to sex and reproduction .

  17. 伦敦帝国理工学院的科研人员认为他们可能已经找到了解决办法。

    The boffins of Imperial College in London think they may have found a solution .

  18. 这项硏究的合著者之一,伦敦帝国理工学院的詹姆斯·边沁认为全球身高增长趋势可能主要是由于营养和医疗保健的改善。

    James Bentham , a co-author of the research from Imperial College , London , says the global trend is likely to be due primarily to improvements in nutrition and healthcare .

  19. 该研究的主要作者、伦敦帝国理工学院的利亚姆·考奇博士称,心碎综合征患者的心脏底部停止跳动,顶部跳动更多。

    In patients with takotsubo , the bottom of the heart stops beating , and the top of the heart beats more , said the lead study author , Dr Liam Couch from Imperial College London .

  20. 英国伦敦帝国理工学院(imperialcollegelondon)开发的这种药物,以一种控制饥饱感觉的胃肠激素为基础。

    The drug , developed at Imperial College London , is based on a gut hormone that controls sensations of hunger and satiety .

  21. 但真正吸引伦敦帝国理工商学院(imperialcollegebusinessschool)创新和创业团队两位学者的,还是奥运会作为一个项目的挑战。

    But what fascinates two academics at the innovation and entrepreneurship group at Imperial College Business School in London is the challenge of the Olympic Games as a project .

  22. 另外有四所来自英国,包括排名第二的剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge),和排名第三的伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollege,London)。

    The other four were from Britain , including the University of Cambridge , in second , and Imperial College , London , in third .

  23. 我们最近联手伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon),教授西伦敦的孩子最基本的编码技术,重点是培训8-14岁的女孩。

    We also recently teamed up with Imperial College London to teach children in west London the basics of coding , with particular emphasis on training girls aged eight to 14 .

  24. 伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)与中国电信设备供应商华为(Huawei)计划结成研究伙伴关系,来自学术与商业领域的专家将携起手来,共同寻求发展大数据技术。

    Imperial College London and Chinese telecoms provider Huawei are planning a research partnership in which academics and business experts join forces to pursue developments in big data technology .

  25. 伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)与中国电信设备供应商华为(Huawei)计划结成研究伙伴关系,来自学术与商业领域的专家将携起手来,共同寻求发展“大数据”技术。

    Imperial College London and Chinese telecoms provider Huawei are planning a research partnership in which academics and business experts join forces to pursue developments in " big data " technology .

  26. 但当她进入伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollege)学习计算机科学时,她遭遇了她所称的潜在沙文主义,因为这个专业的120名学生中,只有7名女性。

    But when she went to study computer science at Imperial College , London , she encountered what she describes as latent chauvinism on a course where only seven of 120 students were women .

  27. 有一类一直以来都自称为大学,包括由顶尖研究型院校组成的罗素大学集团(RussellGroup),其中有牛津(Oxford)、剑桥(Cambridge)和伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)等明星院校。

    There are those that have always called themselves universities , including the Russell Group of top research institutions that boasts star performers such as Oxford , Cambridge and Imperial College .

  28. 伦敦帝国理工学院的生物医学伦理学讲师RichardAshcroft表示了类似的担忧。

    Richard Ashcroft , reader in biomedical ethics at Imperial College London , is similarly concerned .

  29. 这个药物是由一位世界领先的肥胖症专家,伦敦帝国理工学院哈默史密斯医学院的SteveBloom教授研发的。

    The drug is being developed by one of the world 's leading obesity experts , Professor Steve Bloom at Imperial College London 's Hammersmith Hospital campus .

  30. 来自伦敦帝国理工学院的科学家发现了甲型H1N1流感病毒感染肺部深处细胞的能力的更多证据。

    Researchers from Imperial College London have found more evidence for the ability of A ( H1N1 ) to infect cells deep in the lung .