
  • 网络code of ethics;Ethics Code
  1. 图书馆职业伦理守则体现了图书馆的基本职业理念、职业精神和职业规范。

    Professional codes of ethics reflect basic professional philosophy , professional spirit and professional guidelines .

  2. 首先是通过内部途径:强化NGO主体的角色认同;制订NGO的道德伦理守则;建立有效的NGO内部治理结构。

    The first , can through internal channels : Strengthening the role of the main NGO identity ; the formulation of NGO and moral and ethical codes ; NGO set up effective internal governance structure .

  3. 关于伦理守则对企业道德行为影响的探讨

    Discussion on the Influence of Ethical Codes on Enterprise 's Morals Behavior

  4. 计算机网络信息专业伦理守则制定问题初论

    Studies on the Enactment Issues of the Computer and Internet Ethic Code for the Information Professional

  5. 这就要求,我们一方面需要探求境外社会工作者伦理守则在中国的可行性,另一方面,还要根据自己的情况尽快制订出符合民族文化和社会发展的社会工作专业化的伦理守则。

    So on the one hand we need to explore the feasibility of overseas social work ethics in China , the other hand we should formulate a professional social work ethics in line with the national culture and social development as soon as possible .

  6. 伦理建设的支撑体系应包括制定完善的伦理守则,有效的组织保障,切实的伦理道德意识的培植和强化措施以及可行的科学的伦理评价制度等内容。

    The ethical construction 's system of sustaining should contain the ethical rules ' making , effective organization 's guarantee , the measure of cultivation and aggrandizement of the ethical morals ' consciousness , and the advisable appraisal 's system of scientific ethics and so on .

  7. 本文通过探讨制约企业讲究伦理道德的因素,试图从企业伦理领导、伦理守则、伦理决策、伦理教育及伦理控制等方面论述如何进行企业伦理道德建设。

    This paper , through probing into the factors of restraining enterprises from stressing the ethics , attempt from enterprises ' ethical leading , ethical rules , ethical decision , ethical education and ethical controlment to study how to build enterprise 's morals .