
jīnɡ shén lì yì
  • spiritual interests
  1. 精神利益、政治利益都为经济利益服务。

    Spiritual interests , political interest for economic benefit .

  2. 相比精神利益而言更与物质利益有关的。

    Concerned with worldly rather than spiritual interests .

  3. 论物的瑕疵担保及精神利益保护

    Discourse Upon Warranty of Defect and Protection in Moral Rights

  4. 论建立我国法人精神利益损害赔偿制度

    On the system of the compensation for person 's mental interests damage

  5. 试论体育教师的精神利益

    The Discussion Of The Spirit Benefit Of P.E Teacher

  6. 即医疗行为给患者造成了财产权益和精神利益的损害。

    That medical treatment results the damage of property rights and moral interests .

  7. 法人没有精神利益,更谈不上精神损害赔偿。

    Legal persons without mental interests , not to mention the spirit damage compensation .

  8. 四是维护职工的物质、精神利益,保障职工的生活福利;

    Fourth , protected workers ' material and spiritual interests and guaranteed their welfare ;

  9. 许多合同内容体现精神利益,合同目的追求精神享受。

    Many contract contents manifest the energetic benefit , the contract goal pursue spirit enjoy .

  10. 旅游合同具有不同于其他合同的特征,其突出特征表现为对精神利益的期待。

    Travel contract is different from other contracts whose outstanding characteristic is expecting moral interests .

  11. 这里的利益不仅是物质利益,也包括政治利益和精神利益。

    Here the interests of not only material benefits , including political and spiritual interests .

  12. 三个方面的分力根源于各自的物质利益和精神利益。

    The forces of the three parties come from their respective material and spiritual benefits .

  13. 人格权就是以这些精神利益为基础而依法产生的权利,它体现了法律强制力对自然人人格利益的保护。

    The right of personality shows the protection for the interests of personality from legal coercion .

  14. 经济人利益具有双因素,即物质利益和精神利益;

    The benefits of economic person include two factors : the material benefits and the spirit benefits ;

  15. 此种不利益事实为民事主体精神利益的减损或丧失,主要表现为精神痛苦。

    It 's the derogation or lose of mental interest , which behaves of mental suffering mainly .

  16. 整和精神利益格局促进人的全面发展。

    Forth , modulating the structure of the spirit benefits and promoting the complete development of human beings .

  17. 随着经济福利、物质文明的增进,人们对精神利益也日益重视。

    With the improvement of economic benefits and material civilization , spiritual interests have been paid much attention to .

  18. 市场经济条件下精神利益格局的变化。

    Three , the altering of the structure of the spirit benefits under the condition of the market economy .

  19. 三是精神利益和精神需求是对立统一的两对范畴。

    Three are that spirit benefit and the spirit need the two pair of category being unity of opposites .

  20. 但是,本文认为伴随着经济的飞速发展涌现出了很多体现精神利益目的的合同。

    This article believe emerged in economy rapid development , take the energetic benefit as the contract goal contract .

  21. 全文分为四个部分,即:一,精神利益的概念解读。

    The full text is divided into four parts namely : first , the concept reading of the spirit benefits .

  22. 买方不但关心产品的物理质量是否符合合同目的,而且对精神利益也开始予以关注。

    The buyer not only cares about the physical quality of the goods , but also cares about moral right gradually .

  23. 肖像权法律保护的内容是肖像权所体现的精神利益和物质利益。

    Portrait of the right to legal protection is the right of the portrait of the spirit of interest and material interests .

  24. 依照传统理论,人格权是以保护精神利益为内容的权利。

    According to the traditional theory , the right personality for the content of interest is the protection of the right spirit .

  25. 本文从精神利益的满足这一维度,试进一步解读人的全面发展问题。

    This text try to further read the problem of the complete development of human beings from the degree of the spirit benefits .

  26. 以期通过此论述达到抛砖引玉之功并为精神利益与人的全面发展问题的进一步探讨提供些许的理论借鉴。

    Expecting that I can do some good for the discussing problem of the spirit benefits and the complete development of human beings .

  27. 例如利益关联原则中的利益是否包含财产利益以外的其他利益,如娱乐权所派生的精神利益等。

    For example , whether " interest " includes any interest other than the property interests , the spiritual interests originated from entertainment rights .

  28. 后者则声称因为公众人物获得了常人难以企及的物质利益与精神利益,故应对其隐私权予以限制保护。

    The latter declares that because the public persons have got magnitude material and spiritual benefits , so their rights to privacy must be restricted .

  29. 按照马克思主义经典理论,具体有四方面的追求,物质利益、生殖利益、精神利益、政治利益。

    According to the classic marxist theory , specific have four sorts of pursuit , material benefits , reproductive interests , spiritual interests , political interest .

  30. 人格权不仅具有精神利益的内容,亦会产生财产利益的现象,其存续与发展已经超过半个多世纪。

    It has been lasting and developing for approximately one century that the personality right would include not only the spirit interests but also property interests .