
jīnɡ shén lǐnɡ xiù
  • spiritual leader;Maharishi
  1. 预计他将于明年年初登位,成为英国国教的精神领袖。

    He is expected to be enthroned early next year as the spiritual leader of the Church of England .

  2. 瑜珈、默想以及印度教精神领袖辨喜(swamivivekananda)的教义,通常不在商业教育课程的范畴。

    Yoga , meditation and the teachings of the Hindu spiritual leader , Swami Vivekananda , are not usually among the components of a business education programme .

  3. 如果他不再是精神领袖,不再是CEO,他对于雅虎还会有什么影响力呢?

    If he is mental cacique no longer , it is CEO no longer , what force can he still have to Yahoo ?

  4. DrewEndy是合成生物学中最激进的精神领袖之一。

    One of synthetic biology 's most radical spirits is Drew Endy .

  5. 坎特伯雷新任大主教就任仪式在英国举行,坎特伯雷大主教是圣公会的精神领袖,据NPR新闻的菲利普·里夫斯报道,大主教在坎特伯雷大教堂举行了正式的宣誓就职仪式。

    The enthronement has taken place in Britain of the new archbishop of Canterbury , spiritual head of the Anglicans , NPR 's Philip Reeves says the archbishop was formally sworn in at a ceremony at Canterbury Cathedral .

  6. 英格兰国教会和全球圣公宗(AnglicanCommunion)的精神领袖韦尔比大主教从一开始就支持该提议。他今年告诫教会的其他领袖,民众会认为将女性排除在外几乎无法理解。

    But Archbishop Welby , the spiritual leader of the church and the global Anglican Communion , who supported the vote from the start , had warned fellow church leaders this year that the public would find the exclusion of women almost incomprehensible .

  7. 英格兰国教会和全球圣公宗(AnglicanCommunion)的精神领袖韦尔比大主教从一开始就支持该提议。他今年告诫教会的其他领袖,民众会认为将女性排除在外“几乎无法理解”。

    But Archbishop Welby , the spiritual leader of the church and the global Anglican Communion , who supported the vote from the start , had warned fellow church leaders this year that the public would find the exclusion of women " almost incomprehensible . "

  8. 人们普遍认为金是一位激情演讲家,精神领袖。

    King is widely remembered as an inspirational speaker and moral leader .

  9. 我毫不怀疑地认定他是一位伟大的精神领袖。

    I have no doubt that he was a great spiritual leader .

  10. 而我们却在淡忘他转而纪念西方的精神领袖。

    But we are in the west to commemorate his malice spiritual leader .

  11. 北静王&宝玉的精神领袖

    Bao Yu 's Spiritual Leader - Bei Jing Wang

  12. 情感是绘画的精神领袖,是绘画表达的源泉。

    Emotion is the spiritual leader of painting is painting a source of expression .

  13. 姚明是精神领袖,靠的是内线存在和能力。

    PS Yao Ming is a spiritual leader because of his presence and abilities !

  14. 房兴耀说:“爱国会支持那些没有主教的教区选出他们的精神领袖”。

    He said that the association encourages dioceses without bishops to elect their spiritual leaders .

  15. 教宗虽然是亿万人的精神领袖,但没有丝毫的世俗权力。

    Although spiritual leader of millions of people , the Pope has no temporal power .

  16. 我的教友需要的是一个精神领袖。

    My congregation needs spiritual leadership .

  17. 许多中国人一直认为他是一个伟大的精神领袖和文化象征。

    He is still considered by many to be a great spiritual leader and cultural symbol .

  18. 精神领袖也在年轻化

    our faith leaders are younger

  19. 作为国家的精神领袖,国王也会接待来瑞典进行正式访问的外国政要。

    As the head of state , the king also receives foreign dignitaries on formal visits to Sweden .

  20. 韦德是一个传奇,一段时间里,他是板凳席的精神领袖。

    Wade is a legend , and for a while there , he propped up a frisky bench .

  21. 基于精神领袖的教诲的一套信仰,价值观和行为。

    A set of beliefs , values , and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader .

  22. 从长远来看,即使有了自律,你还需要和亲近的精神领袖和导师进行交流。

    Even with self-discipline , in the long run , you 'll need contact with kindred spirits and mentors .

  23. 宗教经文;具有宗教等级的僧侣;世俗和宗教的领主;精神领袖;宗教歌曲。

    Religious texts ; monks of a religious order ; lords temporal and spiritual ; spiritual leaders ; spiritual songs .

  24. 2001年,这位极端正统犹太教派别的精神领袖在一次演讲中呼吁对阿拉伯人实施灭绝措施。

    In2001 , the spiritual leader of the ultra-Orthodox faction gave a speech in which he also called for Arabs'annihilation .

  25. 他们履行了精神领袖的职责,从而替这些人赢来人望和后世的永远的敬仰。

    It was the exercise of moral leadership that won these men their popularity and the lasting regard of later generations .

  26. 听到以色列杀害哈马斯创始人和精神领袖亚辛的消息,全世界都为之震惊。

    The whole world were shocked at the news of Israel 's killing Yassin , the founder and spiritual leader of Hamas .

  27. 伍尔夫是公认的女权主义先驱者和女权运动的精神领袖,但她却拒绝承认自己的女权主义立场。

    As a generally acknowledged pioneer and spiritual leader of the feminist movement , Virginia Woolf refuses to claim herself a feminist .

  28. 荣华现在把这些秘密的智慧带到中国,寄希望于中国有朝一日成为世界精神领袖!

    Jienfa now brings these secret wisdom to China in the hope that China will become the Spiritual Leader of the World .

  29. 我敢肯定站在这个讲台任何杰出的精神领袖都反复认真思考过十诫的教诲

    I am sure that , from this lectern any number of distinguished spiritual leaders have ruminated on the lessons of the Ten Commandments

  30. 这一努力的背后已经得到广大美国人民的团结支持,从企业负责人到精神领袖到执法人员。

    There 's already a broad coalition across America that 's behind this effort , from business leaders to faith leaders to law enforcement .