
  1. 中国国内主要科技公司都有根深蒂固的加班文化,不太可能与推崇工作/生活平衡的价值观融合。

    The leading Chinese tech companies have a well-established , long-hours culture , which is unlikely to gel with an ethos that promotes work-life balance .

  2. 导致科技领域不能反映更广泛人口结构特征的原因有很多,从同质性(掌权者任命和提拔与自己背景相似的人)到男性主导的极客(geek)文化的流行,以及许多公司奉行长时间加班的文化

    There are many reasons why the tech world does not reflect the wider population , from homophily - where those in power appoint and promote people with similar backgrounds - to the prevalence of a peculiar type of male-dominated geek culture or the fact that many companies lionise long hours .