
  • 网络family business culture
  1. 第二章对相关的核心概念&家族企业、企业文化以及家族企业文化进行了界定,并对家族企业文化研究的已有成果进行了梳理。

    The second chapter defines the related core concepts : family enterprises , corporate culture and the family corporate culture , and introduces the achievements made before about the family business culture .

  2. 然后从家族企业生命周期的角度,分析了家族企业文化在企业成长过程中的变迁。

    Then from the perspective of family business life cycle , analysis of the family business culture in the business growth process changes .

  3. 家族企业文化建设认知的误区与超越

    Pitfalls and Transcendence in the Cognition of Cultural Construction of Family Enterprise

  4. 新兴家族企业文化变迁的人类学研究

    Anthropology Research on the Change of Emerging Family Corporate Culture

  5. 家族企业文化的变革与提升

    The Change and Improvement of Cultures of Family Business

  6. 并研究分析了家族企业文化建设所存在的问题;

    Then summarizes the family firms ' culture and pointes out the problems on it .

  7. 家族企业文化构建的思考

    A consideration of establishing family enterprise culture

  8. 家族企业文化的研究;

    The culture of the household enterprises ;

  9. 打造家族企业文化;

    Make family 's corporate culture ;

  10. 家族企业文化对于企业的生存和发展起着重要的作用。

    The main view of family firms ' culture are focus on individual mass and reason .

  11. 只有充分发挥家族企业文化这些功能,才能保障家族企业的可持续发展。

    Only by giving full functions of the family enterprise culture , it can guarantee the sustainable development of the family business .

  12. 第四章从生命周期理论出发,提出了中国家族企业文化建设的四阶段模型。

    The fourth chapter puts forward the four stages model of the Chinese family corporate culture cultivation which is inspired from the life cycle theory .

  13. 家族企业文化具有良好的导向功能,强大的凝聚功能,严格的约束功能,有效的激励功能,创新的驱动功能。

    Family enterprise culture has good guidance function , strong cohesion function , strict constraint functions , effective incentive functions , and the innovation of the drive function .

  14. 从企业内部来说,要从推动企业产权制度改革、改革家族企业文化以及建立企业内部监督机制来解决。

    From the factors inside the enterprise , enterprise can resolve it from pushing forward the property system reform , reforming culture of family business and establishing internal supervisory system .

  15. 首先在分析日本、韩国、港台地区家族企业文化转型的经验基础上,进行深入思考,归纳出我国当代家族企业在进行家文化转型过程中可以借鉴的启示。

    The author firstly introduces the successful experiences of transition of the enterprise culture of Japan , Korean , Hong Kong and Taiwan and concludes the enlightenments used for reference for family firms of our country .

  16. 家族企业文化能够降低家族企业运行成本,提高家族企业绩效,并有利于家族企业核心竞争力的培育,是家族企业可持续发展的内在动力。

    Family enterprise culture can reduce operating costs , improve the family enterprises , and the family business performance for family enterprises , the cultivation of the core competence of sustainable development of family businesses is intrinsic motivation .

  17. 第三章重点研究了中国家族企业文化建设的现状,主要包括中国家族企业文化的本源与特征、中国家族企业文化建设的不足之处及原因分析。

    The third chapter focuses on the study of the current situation of the cultivation of Chinese family enterprises , including the origin and characteristics of Chinese family corporate culture , as well as the predicament and the causing reasons .

  18. 家族企业的文化解析及发展思路

    A Cultural Analysis of the Family Enterprise and its Development

  19. 论文首先分析了泉州家族企业的文化背景。

    First it analyses the culture background of the household business enterprise .

  20. 在中国建立优秀的家族制企业文化,可以选择三个突破口。

    Chinese family enterprises can select three breakthroughs in building excellent enterprise culture .

  21. 家族企业的文化建设初探

    An Inquiry into Culture Construction of Family Firm

  22. 论我国家族企业伦理文化的儒学意蕴及当代扬弃

    The research of Confucianism meaning in the household enterprise ethics culture in our country and its contemporary development

  23. 中国的家族制企业文化的建立必须与中国优秀文化接轨,才能发挥其积极作用。

    Chinese family enterprise culture can 't produce good effect until Chinese enterprise culture amalgamate with excellent culture of china .

  24. 我国家族企业的文化缺失已经严重制约了家族企业的可持续发展。

    However , the lack of corporate culture in the family business of China has seriously restricted their sustainable development .

  25. 家族企业实施文化管理有助于解决管理中存在的一些问题,有助于调动员工的积极性,有助于家族企业做强做大。

    Culture management can help family firms solve some management problem , help staffs improve the enthusiasm , help family firms grow bigger .

  26. 另外,本文从宏观和微观两大方面分析了我国家族企业实施文化管理的影响因素。

    In this part , I also analyzed the practical significance of the culture management . I also analyzed the macro factors and microscopic factors of the culture management .

  27. 如果你想留住雇员,就需要让雇员了解总部的文化,一个德国家族企业的文化,桑德曼表示。

    If you want to keep hold of employee then that person needs to have an understanding of the culture of its headquarters , the culture of a German family company , Mr Sondermann said .

  28. 试论家族企业及其企业文化建设

    A Research on Family Firms & the Building Family Firms ' Culture

  29. 我国家族企业的企业文化建设探讨

    On establishing enterprise culture of family enterprises in China

  30. 中国家族企业成长中的文化约束与文化创新

    The Cultural Restraint and Cultural Innovation in the Growth of Chinese Family Business